My Thoughts


J.O.Y. is a K-pop girl band made up of four members, the leader: Zoe, the mother: Minah, the innocent one: Chola, and the evil one: Nata. Every day is a challenge for this group of friends, from working on the latest music video, learning the new song, getting along with each other, and their on and off prank war with Super Junior.

Kurobara Nata is only part Korean, and never paid much attention to the music industry, let alone K-pop, while she lived in Japan. Now even though she has lived in Korea for a few years now with her group, she still has trouble. Like, for instance, pronouncing the names of the individuals in Super Junior. Like Unyuck, or Reeteuk, of Heechiel or Kyuhyoung. Or her other problems, like how she still isn't fluent in Korean, or that she thought Super Junior only had seven members, or her partner in crime, Kyuu-baka (or Kyuhyoung, as she sometimes butchers his name). Or even how she can't dance to save her life.

These are Kurobara Nata's thoughts when she first wakes up for the day, and maybe a few hours afterwords too. Based off of silverwolfx2's "Who Will Win?" and PCbuhBAM's "J.O.Y." 


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Chapter 6: I missed some mistakes. Oops. I might fix them but for now.... Honestly i surprised the suju guys havent avoided hs cause of you. Haha
Chapter 6: I don't mind that I can't hold him! I don't really like holding hamsters after I held Charity's old hamster... *shivers* the memories!!!
Chapter 6: I don't mind that I can't hold him! I don't really like holding hamsters after I held Charity's old hamster... *shivers* the memories!!!
Chapter 6: Midnight... that's all I'm gonna say lol XD
*thumbs up*
Chapter 5: But besides that... a million and one spelling errors. But besides that... i liked it a lot. X3
Chapter 5: Hey Nata... remember that we are in Korea. Not Japan... the instructor would have said "Nata-ssi" thats how you address someone you dont know unless they are a lot older or younger.
PCbuhBAM #7
Chapter 5: XDDD Aw Nata!! Gambare!! But ur so cute >u< anyways, I hope the dance instructor doesn't go to the hospital ;w; but I LOVE ur update lol
Chapter 5: Oh gosh... New dance instructor-san... Good luck!
Whaaaattt??? A dancing prodigy?! Noooooo that's Lee Taemin!! Zoe is average and somewhat of a slow learner!
Hahaha! Whatre you talking about?? Shishi wakes up last by a land slide!!
You are having fun with this story huh?