Chapter 1

Till The Flowers Bloom

A foreigner guy from Korea came in to my cafe.
He'd booked a table that is for VIPs two days ago & I had to be the one to serve for them.
He'd came with two of his other colleagues. They seem to look quite the one hotties around here.

Everyone stares at them & most of the girls started to surround them
like fangirls as if they look kind of popular, I guess they are. They took a seat.

" Wow, aren't they look like K-Pop stars ? They look so hot, oh my god ! " - Ayano, my workmate whispered to me.

" They look fine. " - I answered her back like as if I'm interested in them.

" Seriously, Jyuka ! Are you 'ulzzang*'-blind ?! " - she scolded me.

[*Note='Ulzzang' means 'best-face']

" What the heck is that word ?! Don't talk to me in such language which I don't understand !"
- I tutted, looking a bit frustrated.

" Oh right !! You will be the one to serve the VIPs, ain't ya' ?? "

" Yeah, why ?"

" Awesome ! I'm so jealous !! " - she went blushing.

I turned to get back to work, ignoring her & get the foods from the bakery chef & to serve the VIPs.
The floor were slippery. I walked towards the VIPs & told myself that this is nothing &
I'm treating them as normal customers, of course. I won't slip & fall so easily.

When I come near them to serve, suddenly, I happened to accidentally slip & fall & the tray of foods that I'll be serving,
flew off & landed on one of the guys which is then, his expression totally changed. My landed on the floor,
hard & when I happen to look up. He'd throw a rampage at me. Everyone was on-looking at us.

" What're you doing ?! Do you even know how to serve ?!
I'm seriously gonna complain to your manager about this ! Someone like you shouldn't have work something like this ! "

" I-I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to ! It was just an accident ! I begged of you !
Please don't make a complain because of this ! " - I kneeled down on him, begging for him not to make a complain to my manager.

 " I think you shouldn't complain, Jun. It was just a small accident. " - his friend advised him.

" Oh come on ! Do you think I look like someone who don't usually always complain unlike you ?!
People like her, deserves to be complained ! " - he roared.

He was totally serious about complaining to my manager.
He pulled me from the scene & gone barging in to the manager's office.

" Mr Matsuda ! " - he called out to him while he push me off.
The manager was busy with paper works & I didn't know he knows my manager's name.

" Oh yes, hello there, Mr Kyunghae ! What brings you to bring my favourite waitress in ??"
- I jolted when I heard my manager said that.

" I don't care if she's your favourite waitress or whatever !
I came here to make a complain about her being clumsy.
I had enough of the word 'accidentally' & I want her to be fired ! " - he complained.

" Hey ! You can't do that !! Manager Matsuda, I didn't do it on purpose ! The floor was slippery !"
- I begged him with an answer of innocence.

" Shut up, ! You cost me big time ! "

" Alright,alright. That's it. Please give me a proper explanation, Mr Kyunghae."
- my manager asked him in a respectful manner.

" I'm not here to caused you any trouble, Mr Matsuda. My dad send me here due to his business job.
Since you're his close friend. I came for him to send you a greeting & of course a wedding invitation.
He said that he needed a good waiter & waitresses not someone like her.
Aside from that, I should at least complain to you over what she had done to me & to advised you.
You shouldn't hire someone like her for goodness sake ! "

" Stop it ! You don't understand !! I worked hard for myself to find a job that I can . . . that I . . ."
- I paused, I couldn't spit them out. It feel so shameful.

" That what ?! " - he shouted, asking me with his glares.

" Sigh, let's stop this, shall we? Give me a day to think about this problem. "
- the manager insisted to settle the problem within a day & that naggy-guy pulled me out & outside the cafe.

" Damn ! What took you so long, Jun ?! "
- one of his friend nags.

" Ooh ! You brought along the waitress !! She's cute !! "
- his other friend gave an compliment about me.

" She's ain't cute as my fiancee, hey ! "

" Let go of me ! I don't like guys who has their girls & is touching me, eww !! What do you want from me ?! " - I shoved him away.

" Whew ! That's awesomely said ! Good job, gal ! I like you ! " - his friend jokes about.

" Shut up ! Anyway, why do you want to fire me so badly ?! " - I complained back at the guy who called Jun.

" You just bring shame to your job ! That's why ! So just quit ! I'm advising you ! "

I was quite shocked by what he said & I ran back to my work.
His words were really harsh to me. I couldn't take it. My heart was deeply hurt by those kinds of words.
I wished I'd never meet someone like him.

" Jun, you're kinda. . . rude, y' know? " - his friend complimented.

" You're siding her ? "

" No, it's not that I'm siding her but you're judging her down.
You just hurt an innocent heart of a little lady, y'know. "

" I didn't . . . mean to . . . I'm just doing my job as to what father ordered me to.
Besides, I don't mind hurting them as long as I don't hurt Eun Ae. " - he looks away.

" Sheesh, y'just don't get it, Jun. . ." - his friend sighed.

After all that happen, back at the cafe ;

" Hey, what'd just happened, Jyuka ? Why're you crying ? " - Ayano asked me, worrying about me.

" It's nothing, really. " - I sobbed.

" Come on, tell me. What's wrong ? "

" It's alright, I'm fine. Anyway, who are those guys anyway ? Do you know them ? " - I asked.

" Y'mean those guys from before? Well, I just asked
Mr Matsuda & he said that one of the guys' father is a close friend of his & is under a very popular business,
that's why they're so called VIPs. Those three are quite popular in their country too though.
They're really close to each other as well. One, is good with arts, the other one, is good in his studies & the last one,
he's good in piano & that is that, he's kind of like a professional in music. " - Ayano replied to my answer in details.

" Good with piano . . ."
- I paused & thought of grandma's promise that to find someone who's good with playing the piano.
But I just can't go & ask that one person to be my pianist. I don't dare myself to.
They're guys afterall & it's scary just by going towards them again.



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