Chapter 46: Confrontation

The Chaser

Sora... she’s alive? But... why is she acting so strange?! And why did she just say that her name is Hyemin? And... She just called me a ...

"Surprised much, Yena?" She smirked. I can’t move... I just... Can’t...

Sora then looked at Jehyun and her face changed, "The other . You two are friends now? You in’ traitor!" And she swung her fist and hit me so hard, I flew back and fell next to Jehyun.

What is she? Why is she acting like this? What... happened?

"Yena! Are you alright?!" Jehyun kneeled down next to me to check up on me. I couldn’t make a move. I couldn’t say a word. I just lay there, waiting to wake up from this nightmare.

"Hehehe... missed your friend, Yena?" Hyunbin snickered evilly.

Jehyun helped me sit up. I glared at them, "How?" I asked, feeling tears in my eyes.

"He saved me from the accident, five years ago." She said. I looked at Hyunbin in confusion, he smirked, "Honey, all the unfortunate accidents in your life were caused by yours truly, in order not to expose your real identity." He winked.

So... the neighbors... the doctor... and that accident that made me think that Sora was dead... it was all him? From the very beginning? ...I started growing numb and weak...

"At least he took care of me, unlike you. You just crawled away... leaving me there, bleeding to death. You ... I thought we were friends... Sisters..." Sora cried, walking up to me in anger.

"Sora, I-"

"MY NAME IS HYEMIN!" She shouted before hitting me again, along with Jehyun. We cried in pain. We can’t go on like this... we should do something about it.


"STOP CALLING ME THAT! Sora’s dead, and soon you will be too!" She attacked me again. I took the punch and got up again.

"Listen to me, Sora! He’s using yo--"

"YOU !!!" And she attacked me over and over again, as I lay there taking all the hard punches.

Jehyun was healing, and then she got up and ran over to me and pushed Sora away.

Sora gritted her teeth in anger at me and Jehyun, "I hate you... both of you... ALL OF YOU!" She cried.

"Sora, please listen to us! He’s using you!" Jehyun exclaimed. The side of my mouth was bleeding, I sat up and looked at her, crying, "How the do you think that I left you there? You think I ditched you to die?" I cried as I got up, "I got out of the fire and called the police, an ambulance, the fire men, and every ing help section I know! No one listened to me! It happened that someone was playing with them about a car accident and they thought that this was a in’ joke! They only came in late... and I was unconscious... because I went back into the car to check on you but the smoke made me faint... I never knew you weren’t there..." I cried hard.

Her eyes widened as she cried too.

"He’s using you... Don’t listen to him... He wants us all dead... for his sake..." I said. She looked back at him but he wasn’t there.

"Where is--" her eyes widened as she looked down at her stomach. A steel knife cut through her and blood started running down her legs and dropping on the floor. Hyunbin was standing right behind her, smirking evilly.

"NO! SORA!" I ran to her just to get stabbed as well. I fell on the ground crying in pain.


"Now it’s your turn, missy." Hyunbin walked over to Jehyun. No... This can’t happen...

Her eyes watered up and she looked at me, as if she was apologizing. Then she stretched her hand my way and I immediately felt much better. The wound was gone, from both me and Sora. I started feeling awkward as Jehyun fell on the ground unconscious.

I felt powerful. I felt strong. I... wanted more...

"Yena... Your eyes..." Sora looked up at me, crying.

Oh no... Is this what happened when I killed Donghae?

I must control myself. I must save my sister!

I got up and ran to her. I put my hand on her shoulder and started shaking her, but the moment I touched her, I felt stronger and her face turned paler. ... it must be what Hyunjoong told us about... What should I do?!

"Pathetic little girls! You’re all mine!"  Hyunbin’s eyes turned red as he attacked us.

"Oh no you’re not!" Sora, to my surprise, attacked Hyunbin before he reaches us. But he managed to pull her away from him, and she fell next to us.

"Are you ok?!" I exclaimed. She nodded, "Ugh... Yena, you’re eyes are glowing black..."

"I know..." I whispered, looking at the pale Jehyun next to us. Then Sora put her hand on Jehyun’s forehead in worry. But something unexpected happened the moment she touched her.

Jehyun immediately opened her eyes and sat up, "What happened?!" she looked around. Hyunbin backed off, "... She’s white..."

I looked at where he was looking, Jehyun’s eyes. They were glowing white.

"Hyemin! Get your hand off her!" Hyunbin said in terror.

Sora’s a demon now... a normal one... normal demons feed royals without getting hurt... I read that in Sunggyu’s book...

"HYEMIN!" He shouted again.

And I’m a black demon... I get fed by white demons... like Jehyun... but that would kill her...


But she’s safe as long as Sora’s hand is in hers.



I held Jehyun’s hand, and I felt a huge amount of power running through me. I looked at her and she was just fine. This is it. This is how demons work together. Like one.

I smirked at them with my eyes glowing black, and they got the hint. Jehyun smiled with her eyes glowing white. And Sora smiled too and rolled her eyes to Hyunbin.

He’s finished.

"Hye... Hyemin..." He took a step back.

"My name is not Hyemin. My name is So.Ra." She smirked.

We stood up. Hands hooked onto each other’s creating a chain of power.

We took a step forward. He took one back. We took another forward. He took another back.

"C’mon girls. Let’s get this schmuck." I smiled. No more chasing. No more being chased. As long as we’re together, there’s nothing that can get us such as a chaser anymore.

They nodded, "HaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA~" and we ran to our victory.






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Chapter 48: I wonder what will happen next.
Will they get married or something?
Chapter 14: dark kitty... soooo cuteee XD
CrissyLovee #3
I really enjoyed reading this story(:
Chapter 48: *O*!!!.....that's how it ends?!?!T^T
it's a happy ending but..but!!argh!!*stressed out that I didn't see this comeing,and shocked*
but it was a good story~!!!!^_^
mysterygirl1408 #5
Chapter 48: It is a very funny ending! I enjoy reading this fanfic!
Chapter 48: Woah. This is the funniest/most awesome ending ever! I love it.
It - not the ending but the whole 47? chapter :) Hwaiting!
Just4SHINee #7
Chapter 48: It's a great story.... I LOVE IT<3 ... Hwaiting~ ^_^b
Chapter 48: Happy Ending~! xD hahaha !
Hyunbin is funny at the end ! xD
Chapter 48: ROFL!!! So Cute. Li~ke it~.
Good luck in the prequel. <3