Twenty Eight

Complicated By You

''Yong~ Could you help me with something?'', I asked as I cleaned his wounds. He grunted in response and I went on. ''I want you to help me paint Kyungsan's room.'', I said while holding back a smile.


''Aahh. He turned 3, didn't he?'', Yonghwa asked. I nodded.


''Arasso. I'll help.'', he said as he pinched my cheeks. Clapping happily, he had taken me to a paint shop just a few hours later. 


He had inquired that Kyungsan would like rainbow colours more than some dull colours which he was sure I would choose. We had to play Rock, Paper, Scissors 5 times before he won.


So at about 1 o'clock in the afternoon, we arrived home with a bunch of paint cans in our hands. Well, technically I was carrying three and Yonghwa was carrying four. Umma had seen us and understood immediately. She pryed Kyungsan away from his room and had gone outside somewhere to occupy him.


After covering the floor with layers of newspaper and pushing the furniture to the far end of the room, Yonghwa picked up a brush and looked at me. ''Which colour should we start with?'', he asked.


''Let's go with red, first.'', I said as I picked up the red paint can. ''Arasso.'', he replied as dipped the brush into the paint can and withdrawing it. In a single movement, he flicked the paint toward the wall where it stuck.


''That's your plan?'', I said quizzically. He nodded and continued the motion. Dipping my brush into the yellow paint can which was standing a few feet in front of me, I swished my brush to the opposite wall. 


When I was done, I found a pair of arms wrapped lovingly around my waist. ''That looks pretty good.'', I heard Yonghwa say. ''It does, doesn't it?'', I admired my work.


''We better get the rest of it done before Kyungsan arrives'', he said as he pecked my cheek and picked up a clean paintbrush. My face flushed and I rubbed the spot where he had kissed. The tingling feeling had arrived again.




''Ready to see your new room, Kyungsan?'', I asked as I scooped him in my arms. He clapped and tugged on my hair, indicating for me to hurry up. I walked up the stairs and opened the door, to reveal the splattered, multi-coloured walls to his eyes.


He squealed in delight and demanded to be taken to each one of the walls to touch the intricate designs. He pressed his palms to the walls and emitted, ''Uwa~'', to each and every strand of dry paint he touched on the walls.


Yonghwa stood at the doorway looking at how I steered Kyungsan to each and every one of the coloured walls we had painted together. When Kyungsan had fallen asleep in his newly-painted room, Yonghwa and I went outside.


I laid down of the hammock and played with the strands of my hair while Yonghwa read a book while resting against a tree. He closed the book after a while since he noticed that I was staring.






''Do you think there might be a chance for us to start over again?'', he asked hesitantly. ''Like, a relationship?'', I squeaked.


He nodded and my cheek. ''I still love you, Seohyun.'', he confessed. I gaped at him with my mouth open. I took his hand away and placed it on his lap. ''That's impossible, Yong. You could have found someone else.''


''I tried! I tried hard! But no matter how many girls liked me, I only wanted you.'', he protested. ''Yong, I just broke up with Kyuhyun. I'm an emotional wreck right now and I need time to heal.'', I said softly.


''I don't care if it takes two years, or even a decade. I waited for you for 3 years. I can wait some more.'', he said as he climbed into the hammock with me.


''I-I'll have to think about it, Yong.'', I said as I his cheek.




He kept his word. 


I was finally ready to accept Yonghwa into my life after 2 years. Throughout that period of waiting, he didn't even look at one single girl because he knew I'd be there no matter what. 


At my graduation from SM Academy, I had accepted him, much to his joy. 


Kyuhyun, on the otherhand, didn't talk or speak or meet me after our last encounter. He did watch me from afar, looking at me with a new found interest since it was his first time seeing me study like hell.


Leeteuk and Taeyeon were still together and the Kingkas lost their prestigious title since their leader was now a down-to-earth guy. Heechul and Siwon had dropped out and Kyuhyun remained.


Rumors had spread around the Academy saying that Kyuhyun was back together with Victoria. And I had believed it. He didn't have the same happy expression he had with me when he was with Victoria. But nevertheless, she stuck through with him and for some idiotic reason, I adored her for it.


A year after Yonghwa and I were together, he proposed. In the sweetest way, too. Literally. The diamond ring was in an ice-cream cone.


I couldn't have been happier. 


But now I really wonder what my life would have been like if Kyuhyun hadn't cheated. But that's the past. I have to focus on the present now. It's all that matters.


Yes, according to the last part of this chapter... this is the second last chapter of this story.

PLEEEEEEEEEAAASE don't unsubscribe. :c

I just want to say thanks to all the subscribers who had subscribed to this story. :3 

And to have supported SeoKyu throughout it. 


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Sorry, all. Seohyun isn't ending up with Kyuhyun anymore. ;--; She's with Yonghwa. (SERIOUSLY SORRY FOR ALL WHO SUPPORTED SEOKYU INSTEAD OF YONGSEO)


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Chapter 30: Why~~~~
I want seokyu..huhuhu
SuperGeneration28 #2
WHY why please tell me why?!! I don't like yongseo! But I liked the story except from the end..
*sobbing in the corner silently*
Chapter 17: Bummer no seokyu at end and you know what I never realize this many people knew snsd and super junior I am very happy to know know that this much people know super generation
Super generation
PrincessJuine #4
Chapter 29: i don't really like the ending TT i want to be soekyu not yongsoe-i really don't like yongsoe..
but anyways I think u did it great on the story even though i don't like yongsoe
PrincessJuine #5
Chapter 6: im sorry i don't know how to subcribe ...
Chapter 29: I love the ending. :) I like Seokyu but Yongseo won't kill me.
ViAMaRiZz #7
Chapter 29: Annoying ending... =____= I was expecting SeoKyu. =_____= The story was going well, but then poof! YongSeo! >A<
I'll still leave a positive comment tho. The story was great, just... the ending was kind of a bummer. I'm sorry. >A<
shaitto #8
Chapter 29: i hate you.......i'm soo not talking to u ;(