"You and I, we changed—"


"Umma, this is my new friend!" Myungsoo introduced Suhwan to his mother when she came to pick his son up.

Myungsoo's umma smiled at Suhwan and patted her head.

"Annyeong! I'm Myungsoo's umma. You can call me Kim umma, if you want."

"My name is Song Suhwan!" Suhwan said cheerfully and offered the older woman a handshake. "Myungsoo's umma is pretty~"

She giggled at Suhwan's cuteness.

"You're pretty too." She said. "Don't you agree, Myungsoo?"

Myungsoo blushed and nodded.

"Where is your umma, dear?"

"Up there!" Suhwan innocently said as she pointed at the pastel sky. "Ji-unnie said umma is up there."

Suhwan can only give Myungsoo a confused look when Kim umma hugged her warmly.


"Myungie help me..."

Myungsoo heard her sad voice. He looked at her, confused.

"What can I...?"

Suhwan was looking at him with this cute pout she had. She held a book on her hand.

"Help me..." she said as if she was embarassed. "My Math homework..."

Myungsoo laughed at his cute best friend.

"Why are you like this huh Hwannie, you have such strong memory but you can't even memorize formulas!" Myungsoo ruffled her hair.

"Well I don't know! Help me, jebal!" Suhwan begged desperately. "What is the result of this—"

Myungsoo chuckled again.

This girl is a babo.

"Two hundred and forty." He smiled.

"Aaah gomawo~!"

She wrote it down, 240, and looked at Myungsoo as if he was an angel who saved her life.

"Repay me!" Myungsoo smirked cutely. "If you don't repay me I won't help you anymore!"

"Okay! Anything!"


"Ne, anything!" Suhwan looked at Myungsoo enthusiastically. "Really, any—"

Myungsoo planted a playful kiss on her blushing cheeks. The ten years old girl punched his friend's stomach after he pulled himself, and the satisfied grin turned into a frown.


The same big tree was still there even after ten years.

"Hwan-ah, it's been ten years already." Myungsoo poked her left cheek. "It's... like a dream."

Suhwan laughed.

"Yeah. Do you remember what we did back then?"

"Of course! I helped you climb this tree and I end up laughing because you fell over and over and over again, oh my—" he bursted out laughing.

"Shut up." Suhwan glared at him, who laughed even harder. They didn't say anything for minutes, until Myungsoo broke the silence.

"What school are you going to, Suhwan?" he asked softly.

"Mmm... I don't know. Unnie said she's going to apply me to Jeonju, though," she said. "how about you?"

"Woollim." Myungsoo stopped. "Are we going to part ways—"

Suhwan flicked his forehead.

"What was that for!" Myungsoo groaned.

"No, we aren't." She simply cut him off. "I won't let it."

Myungsoo looked at her in the eye softly as he touched her face.

"Yes... I won't too."


"Let's hang out this saturday." Suhwan called Myungsoo. She wanted to meet him on their fifteenth anniversary. "I missed you!"

"I can't, sorry." Myungsoo said slowly.


"I—" Myungsoo coughed. "—'m going to do a group project at my friend's house."

"Oh." Suhwan said with a disappointed tone. "When can we meet?"

Myungsoo didn't answer for a few seconds before saying,

"I don't know... I'm really busy lately."

"Okay, then. But if you can make it, please tell me..." 

"Alright. Mianhae..." Myungsoo said softly.

"Gwaenchana." Suhwan said. "Bye, bestie."

Myungsoo didn't even reply her 'bye'—he was now smiling at the beautiful girl in front of him.

"Who was it." She said in an annoyed tone.

"It's just an old friend, wanting to meet me." Myungsoo threw his phone to the other side of the room.

"Your friend disturbed us, Myungsoo." She interrogated. "And I saw a guilty look on your face. Who was it?"

Myungsoo pinned her to the wall and kissed her neck.

"It's someone who's not as precious as my Park Jiyeon."


Suhwan frowned on her chair. She can't contact Myungsoo at all—none of her calls or messages got a response. It's been a year since the last time she called him. She missed Myungsoo so much it hurts—she can feel a nonexisting hands clenching her lungs and it made her want to scream as loud as she can.

"Myungsoo you bastard." She mumbled and buried her head in her arms. "Can't you see I'm here missing you."

After a few minutes she felt someone rubbing her back softly. She looked up to see a man looking at her with such cute eyes, and dammit, his smile—!

His hair looked soft and it was brownish. His eyes, oh, you wouldn't want to ask because she can probably write a novel about it. His cheeks aren't that chubby but still, it's very pokeable. His lips—looked very kissable cute, and it's smiling at her, making her feel light.

"I—I—" she stuttered, feeling that the situation is awkward.

"My name is Kim Sunggyu, and what is your name?"

, he's an angel.


Their seventeenth anniversary.

Suhwan frowned at the big tree—there's no one there. 

And it hit her.

He forgot...?


She turned, hoping it was Myungsoo. Suhwan didn't know what to feel when she saw Sunggyu running after her.

"You—" he panted. "—how dare you!"

"What did I do?" Suhwan pouted and gave him a bottle of water from your bag.

"You ran off! You left me alone!" He yelled. "Psh, girls are mean."

"No I'm not! I told you I'm going for a couple of minutes, it's your fault you didn't hear it!" She puffed her cheeks and poked his stomach.

"Okay, okay!" Sunggyu sighed in defeat. "Now let's go to a nearby cafe!"

Suhwan chuckled at his sudden change of mood. It's cute.


There he is. Myungsoo, in the cafe you and Sunggyu decided to visit.

Kissing the girl who bullied you during your junior high years—Park Jiyeon.

you, Park Jiyeon.

She noticed Suhwan and pulled out of the kiss, stood up and walking towards Suhwan as she smirked victoriously.

"Annyeong, Song Suhwan!" She said in such a disgusting tone. Suhwan ignored her and looked at Myungsoo—our eyes locked.

"Oh, you know him?" Jiyeon said, ignoring the fact that Suhwan was ignoring her. "Silly me, of course you do."

Suhwan still didn't say a word, therefore Jiyeon laughed and said,

"Meet Kim Myungsoo, my husband in three years."


Twentieth year.

Myungsoo shutted his eyes close that morning. The fact that Jiyeon dumped him for another man last night, the fact that the woman he thought was his destiny and life partner and other ing stuffs

That day, at the moment he stepped into their house, he met her satisfied eyes.

"Our engagement is over, Myungsoo. I'm done with you and I'm moving out!" she said with a giggle.

"But—I thought you love me, I thought you—?" Myungsoo stuttered, dropping his bag and a box he was holding.

Inside it was a wedding hanbok, folded very neatly.

"Oh! That is for me? Thank you, Myungsoo, but too bad I won't be marrying you." Jiyeon frowned. "Psh, I wish Sungyeol would give me something like that for our wedding!"

Myungsoo didn't say anything.

"Bye bye Myungsoo-ah!" His ex-lover walked out of the house, leaving Myungsoo alone. He was breaking down.


Myungsoo heard a servant called him. He opened his eyes and eyed his servant who was putting a rather big envelope in the table.

"Give it to me and leave." Myungsoo growled and once he grabbed the envelope, the servant left.

As soon as he opened the envelope, he found a card with words written on it.

Kim Myungsoo-ssi is invited to

Kim Sunggyu & Song Suhwan's

wedding ceremony

Omg this is so effing crappy kaskhcs;ajsbcvb

This is actually recycled, I made this plot for an anime/manga fandom in 2010 and I decided to turn the plot into this so, well... ;;

Thanks for reading, and I hope you don't mind giving me a comment? ;v ;)/

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LaLaDaDiDa #1
Chapter 1: Thissss<3 My feels~~~
nabi_devi #2
ahhh this made me so frustrated! LOVED IT!
cacacarmelalala #3
Oh my god. This is just njdvfjknfevkjneffhinnindcesfckjncdfjnkcfd
I absolutely love stories such as this one and all the feels Huhu ;___;
Thank you for sharing this! I hope to read more stories from you in the future!
Aww poor myungsoo T.T
You did a nice job hoobae~^^ hehe
I love it♥
너무 너무 너무 좋아!!^^
AyraLovesKibun@ he probably regrets leaving suhwan and all the things he did to her(u noe like in the story when he didnt call her)and he like finally relizes that he needs suhwan.
And please dont get mad cuse i replyed to u i do that sometimes
AyraLovesKibum #6
That's sad. But where are Myungsoo's regrets?
I love your story :')
VmyungL #8
Sequel pls :"
sooo sad if myungsoo didnt forget her