
WANTED: A Warrior for Her

Himchan tried to calm Sara down by laying a calm hand on her shoulder, but in return it was only swat away; he earned himself a glare. "We need to do something --"
"No, we need to do something. You need to stay put so you're not in danger," Himchan replied strictly. "It's our job to keep your safe --"
"And I will be safe if I'm with you guys," Sara argued. "Yongguk is in some strange place, without any knowledge of what's going on or why. I got him into this mess. I'm going to be the one to get him out --"
"They're just going to take you and tear you into pieces," Jongup scolded. "Is that what you want?"
"If that's what it takes to get Infinite to leave you guys alone," Sara breathed. "You guys weren't even supposed to have come this far with me."
"But we did," Zelo protested. "And now all we can do is stick together!"

Sara shook her head. "Guys --"
"It's not up for arguments," Himchan interjected. "If you wanna come with us so bad, fine. But we're sticking together."

"We don't even know where they are," Young Jae huffed.

Zelo picked up the envelope from the floor, picking out a small notecard from the inside of the packet. "Actually," he demurred, "we do. They're at a warehouse at this address," he told the group, handing Sara the small piece of paper.
She scanned the neat print quickly, chewing her bottom lip worriedly. Daehyun rose to his feet, slipping the notecard from her fingers into his. Himchan and Young Jae sent Sara pitiful glances as Jongup pulled her into a soft hug. "We'll be okay," Zelo told Sara.

She only sighed in response, "We can only hope so."



The collective members of B.A.P. showed up at the designated rendezvous spot, pulling up in front of the warehouse. Sara shuddered at the ominous feeling that seeped into the scene. Jongup signalled to the cars that followed them; earlier, they had recruited B2ST and EXO into coming to provide them with backup and man power.
Individuals filed out of the car as they silently strolled to the door of the large compartment building. "Eerie," Kai whispered, leaning on Sehun lightly.
Junhyung nodded. "And Yongguk's being held captive here?" he inquired.
Sara nodded. "Infinite has him."
"If it's just Infinite," Dongwoon piped up, "then we should be able to take them."

"Unless they have artillery," Chanyeol disagreed. "And they most likely will."

"The boys and I will go in first," Sara whispered. "If we're not out here in twenty minutes, then take all entrances and exits and file in, ready to ambush." She gulped down the imaginary phlegm in , rubbing her sweaty palms together. She nodded to her blonde companions, shooting them a reassuring smile as she set her hand on the door handle. "Let's go."


"So you showed after all," Myungsoo beamed, his pistol. "Oh, the joy." His eyes averted the blondes that lined up horizontally behind Sara, who had stepped up bravely, eyeing Myungsoo with hard eyes. "I see you brought the boys, too. But it's pointless if you're empty-handed."

In the distance, Sara's doleful eyes caught Yongguk's limp form tied to the chair. His head was slowly lifting as new voices sounded through his ears. As he did, Sara was slowly revealed the monstrosity inflicted to his face -- scratches, scabs, and bruises. He moaned, choking on the saliva that was building up onto his clothed gag.

"Let him go," Sara whispered softly to Myungsoo as he approached her. She made sure to keep her voice low, in attempt to keep her presence unknown to Yongguk.
"Why are we whispering, hun?" Myungsoo cackled, purposefully increasing the volume of his voice. He strolled behind Sara, tracing his gun along her the curves of her waist, leaning his head close to her ear. "Speak loudly and make yourself known to him." His chill breath trickled at the bare skin of her neck, sending cold shivers up Sara's spine. "Speak!"
"Let him go," she murmured.
"I can't hear you!" Myungsoo roared into her ear.

"Let him go!" Sara cried, turning around and taking Myungsoo into a tight choke hold. 

She could hear the sudden outbursts coming from behind her as Yongguk struggled to get out of his chair. She held her gaze on Myungsoo, holding her hand back to the B.A.P. members, gesturing for them to stay put. Several guns cocked at her back as Myungsoo sniggered breathlessly, eyeing her as she continued to grasp his neck. "Let me go."
"Like hell I will," Sara growled.

"Let go or your boy gets one straight to the brain."

Immediately, Woohyun pointed his gun to Yongguk's temple. And Sara dropped her grip, watching Myungsoo smirk victoriously. "I should just kill him just to get on your nerves," he jeered.
Sara gritted her teeth, clenching her jaw tightly to refrain herself from saying anything rash. One accidental slip of her tongue could take Yongguk's life away, and that wasn't on her agenda. "What do you want?" she whispered desperately.

Yongguk panted, tired from the squirming. He whimpered into his gag, desperately trying to see through the red blindfold -- just to see her, just to confirm it was her. Her voice was so loud and clear; he knew that voice anywhere, but he needed to see. He needed to see her face, just once. His voice drowned into the gag, muffled and inaudible. 
Sungjong stood beside him, secretively catching glimpses at the pitiful Yongguk. The young mobster sighed mentally to himself, deciding to ignore Yongguk's futile attempts to get out of the chair.
Yongguk's wrists were cut and bleeding from the metal of the handcuffs as he continued to wriggle in his seat.

"Stay still!" Woohyun barked, smacking Yongguk across the temple with the of his gun.

"Don't touch him!" Sara snarled. She turned to face Myungsoo. "What do you want?"
"What do you want from me?"

"You shamed my entire family; you borrowed our money for your stupid family laundromat and you went out of business. And instead of giving back the loan, your foolish parents, instead, went off and spent it on alcohol, furthering you into even more debt. Do you realize how stupid we felt for trusting such idiotic people with our money? We were looked down upon for months, almost a full year! And all because of your family.
You and your parents deserve to die by my hands; I should've killed you a long time ago," Myungsoo growled. "So what do I want? I want you, Han Sara, dying by my hands!"

Sara took a long, deep breath before taking Myungsoo's hand gently. She took both her hands, lacing her fingers together over the gun he held, guiding it slowly to her chest, right where her heart would be. "Then just kill me now," she muttered.
Zelo's eyes widened. "Noona! --"

Jongup held him back, a solemn, yet serious, gaze held in his eyes. He simply shook his head, hushing the frantic teenager.

Myungsoo's eyebrows knit together in confusion. "Are you joking with me?"
"Kill me and get this over with; these boys should never have gotten involved, and I pulled them in unknowingly. So if you just kill me now, it would be over with, and you can finally leave these boys to live happily. The same would go for you, wouldn't it? If your father finds out I'm not dead yet, you'd be in trouble, so why don't you just rid of me now?" she whispered. She voice fell into a soft whimper as she trailed her sentence off dully.

Her hands were still wrapped tightly around the gun; Myungsoo could feel the gun shake in response to her quivering hands. 

She was crying.

"Shoot me," she whispered repeatedly. Sara meant it; having her boys have to suffer like this wasn't worth it. She'd rather die than see them in so much pain. She was tired of this game of predator and prey. If she didn't do something, if she just kept hiding as they boys instructed her, the pain and torment would continue forever. It would be neverending, and unfortunately, Sara didn't have an ounce of willpower left to endure it.

"Shoot me," she coaxed the black-haired male. "Shoot me!"

Yongguk protested heavily in his chair, screaming into his gag. He shook his head, disregarding the pain that overtook his body as the metal clasp snapped around his neck dug into his skin with every shake of his head. He ed about in his seat, flustering both Sungjong and Woohyun, who were supposed to keep guard of him.
Hoya, Sunggyu, and Dongwoo kept their eyes intently on Sara, guns at their ready, pointed to the back of her head; they waited for Myungsoo to respond, to give a command, but the conflicted visual could only glare at Sara. "Who do you think you are?" he simpered angrily.

"I'm the girl you've been after ever since high school started," Sara whispered harshly. "So why don't you just take this girl down and get it over with?"

Myungsoo cocked his gun; and the silence in the air allowed the sound to echo throughout the warehouse.

The cocking of his gun met Yongguk's ears, causing him to screech into his gag even harder. He felt his tears dribble down his cheeks as his damp and moistened blindfold sagged around his eyes. The salty tears sunk into the wounds scattered across his battered face, stinging immensely, but Yongguk didn't care. He continued to thrash his restrained body, in attempt to catch Sara's attention, to somehow communicate his strong protest to her request for Myungsoo. He couldn't see her, he couldn't even see an inch ahead of him -- and it drove Yongguk crazy.

He didn't want his last image of her to be one of her soaking in her own pool of blood with a gunshot wound to her head.

He sighed into his gag, making unruly groaning and sounds as he choked slightly on the cloth occupying his mouth.

Sara continued to eye Myungsoo, her gaze now dull. She ignored the ruckus Yongguk was causing behind her, feeling her heart wrench lightly. Her stomach rolled around, churning, and tumbling; her mind was fuzzy and her lucidity was draining, along with her patience.

"What are you waiting for?" she inquired in a bored tone.

Myungsoo didn't respond.

Her voice increased drastically into a crescendo. "What are you waiting for?!"

He didn't reply.

And Sara lost it: "Just shoot me! I dare you!"



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Chapter 25: awww;;this was so niceee
Chapter 25: i love the ending ! BYG is so damn fluffy and greasy =D
anyway im a new reader here
Chapter 25: That is the cutest proposal i have ever read :))))
The ending is beautiful, good job :))
Chapter 25: AWH! THATS SO SWEET! Why did it have to end? :'(
Chapter 25: That ending was so beautiful! The proposal was perfect!
Chapter 25: Aweee i love it! Its all in one! GREAT STORY!!!
fadhilah-x #7
Chapter 25: OMG this was one of the best fanfics i have ever read! I loved how you described things, even though you used a lot of hard words OTL
Chapter 17: I adore you Ms.iiBingeul since from your stories "This is how it Goes" until its sequel . I love your stories and hope that you will write more stories in the future :) Especially EXO stories :) Hwaiting !
ashketchum #9
Omg the ending was so cute
OMFG PERFECT. Didn't regret the 3 late hours in the morning reading this. Thank you for a perfect fic that took my breath away.