
WANTED: A Warrior for Her

Myungsoo scoffed, rolling his eyes melodramatically. "You dare me? You're really... daring me to shoot you?"

And just before Myungsoo could pull the trigger, Yongguk reacted violently, taking hold of the gun, dropping Myungsoo's grip on it as he yanked the weapon away from the younger's weak grasp. Now, Yongguk stood, panting slightly from the ordeal, gun in his hand, with it aimed straight in between Myungsoo's eyes for the second time that week.

"Yeah, I dare you," Yongguk breathed, laughing hoarsely. The taunting tone in his voice mocked Myungsoo's previous skeptical tone. Myungsoo chewed the inside of his cheek, glaring at Yongguk intently, clenching his jaw. "I have men surrounding the area," Myungsoo warned the elder male, smirking confidently.
"Bring 'em out, then," Yongguk coaxed coyly.
"I'll have them shoot you down."
"Then I'll shoot you down, too, and let myself die happily," Yongguk growled.

"Give me Han Sara --"
"My girlfriend isn't some object I can just hand over to you willingly, Kim Myungsoo," Yongguk snarled, pressing the gun to his forehead. "You let me go home alone, peacefully, and I will spare your pitiful life."
"Girlfriend?" Myungsoo scoffed snarkly. "Then that would just make it all the more fun for me to take her away, now."

Yongguk scowled, aiming his gun lower, pulling the trigger to Myungsoo's thigh. Mercilessly, Yongguk watched the younger drop to the floor, plummeting against the concrete, holding his leg in antagonizing pain. "You want Sara? Get through me first," Yongguk snarled. "So much for having your men with you, huh? Don't need to bluff around me, I'm not scared of anything," Yongguk scoffed. He threw down Myungsoo's gun onto the his stomach, walking off briskly. "You're lucky I know how to shoot. You'll live, so get yourself some gauze and take that bullet out before it gets infected," Yongguk snorted, dismissively waving off the cries eminating from Myungsoo's battered lips. "And next time I see you, Kim Myungsoo; it won't be a bullet to your leg but one to your brain. So don't send me stupid messages through Taemin anymore; man up and come find me yourself."

Yongguk smirked, hearing footsteps rush toward the scene. He turned around the corner just in time, hearing the rest of Infinite shout and cry loudly, as they hovered over their beloved visual.

I dare you, Kim Myungsoo, to come seek me and Sara out again.



"Oh, thank god you're home," Sara breathed, pulling Yongguk into a tight hug. "Everyone came home around ten; what are you doing coming home near mdinight?" she whispered, searching frantically for any wounds.
Yongguk smiled, laying a soft kiss to her cheek. "It just took Kim Hyun Joong-sunbae some time to convince, but he's definitely going to try to get SS501 to join. You guys?" His gaze averted to his gang, who all held a thumbs up.
"Teen Top is in."
"So is EXO."
"We already have B2ST, Cross Gene, SHINee, and Nu'Est, too."

Yongguk nodded, slipping his hand around Sara's waist. "Let's go to bed," he whispered almost inaudibly. He then nodded to Zelo, who was focused on playing his game console. "Yah, Zelo, you've got class tomorrow. Hit the hay!"
Zelo flashed Sara a handsome smile, stalking into his old bedroom, now that Sara was rooming with Yongguk; he flashed her a thumbs up before disappearing completely into his lair. The others, as well, yawned, trudging into their own rooms, before they got lashed out by Yongguk's reprimanding. Sara smiled softly, fixing Yongguk's hair. "You're not hurt are you?" she whispered carefully.
Yongguk shook his head, shrugging off the prior incident and kissed her cheek. "Let's just go to bed; I'm tired."

And that night, the particular leader held onto Sara just a bit tighter, as if it would help prevent Infinite from taking her away; and that night, he was sure to show just a bit more affection, as if there would come a day he wouldn't ever be able to hold her like this again. For some reason, the feeling in his gut told him that Myungsoo just might take up on his dare, and come after Sara himself.

Yongguk could just feel it.. something was definitely off. 

He sighed, the umpteenth time that night, unable to sleep even at three in the morning. He glanced around the dark room, subconsciously rubbing Sara's back as she slumbered peacefully on his chest, lightly in her sleep. Yongguk gazed at her longingly and affectionately, and soon felt a smile creep onto his lips as she let out a soft snore, snuggling deeper into the contents of his bare torso. 
Han Sara, I truly, dearly so... love you. Did you know that?



Myungsoo scowled, cursing loudly as Woohyun fixed up his thigh. "That !" he swore. "How dare he shoot me like I'm some kind of target?"
"You kind of provoked him," Sungjong whispered weakly. The maknae winced under Myungsoo's icy glare, averting his attention elsewhere to avoid the self-esteem killing glower. 
"We need a plan," Dongwoo stated. "I told you not to encounter him like that."
"It didn't go out exactly as planned, I get it," Myungsoo snapped. "I've learned my lesson, I'm sorry, what else do you want me to say?!"
Hoya only sighed. "We can't just approach them anymore. Yongguk's gotten fearless. He shot Myungsoo like it was nothing."
"He's just got a grudge held against Myungsoo, that's why," Sunggyu scoffed. 

"Well, he's got a grudge against us, too," Hoya demurred. 

Myungsoo bit his lip, blowing his fringe out of his face, exasperated. "We need a plan, fast. If this keeps up, and my dad finds out I never really killed Han Sara yet, he's going to have my for sure."
"Not our fault that you wanted to torture her so badly. If you had just listened like a good boy, this problem wouldn't have risen, and you'd be living freely, without having to worry about getting to Han Sara before news reaches your dad," Sungjong muttered.
"We shoulda just killed her. I'm sure her parents are already dead from alcohol poisoning. We shoulda just gotten rid of the people that made your father so unhappy -- why did you have to go and make it so complicated?" Woohyun barked.

Myungsoo glared at the six men before him, taking the time to individually glower at each person. "Shut. Up."

Myungsoo rose to his feet, pacing thoughtfully as he tapped his chin. "We need a plan that will draw Sara out personally; something that will make her come out on her own."

Sungyeol's eyes lit up. "And I've got just the idea!"



The next morning, Sara smiled softly, as she kissed Yongguk on the cheek just as he was about to leave. She passed a neatly wrapped lunchbox to him grinning, "Don't eat so much cake; have a decent meal for once, okay?"
Yongguk nodded, smiling gratefully as he pulled her close to his chest. "Thank you, Sara."
The two stood outside the front door, exchanging quick see-you-later's to one another as Yongguk left for work. "If there's anything, Daehyun's got the day off, so just let him know if you're hungry and whatnot," Yongguk smiled. He waved sincerely to her before stalking off into the direction of the cafe.

While so, a mysterious pair of eyes watched from the windshield of their car, parked right in the parking lot of the convenience store, facing their apartment building. The jubilant smile plastered across both their faces made him sick to the core, and he felt like ripping off their lips with his bare hands, just to get them to stop smiling so stupidly.

He clicked his tongue, snapping mindless pictures of the exchange, sniggering to himself a bright idea plotted right then and there in his mind.

Han Sara.. you can kiss your Yongguk goodbye.


Myungsoo looked up as a lone figure approached him, walking into his office unannouced.

Myungsoo glanced at Sungyeol questionably, arching a curious brow. And before he knew it, several pictures of Yongguk and Sara were filed onto his desk, immediately drawing a reaction of distaste from Myungsoo.
"You think this is gross; at least you didn't have to personally witness it," Sungyeol muttered.
"What are we going to do with pictures?" Myungsoo sighed defeatedly. "Yeollie.. are you stupid? What are we supposed to do? Ambush their house and use these to give them paper cuts?"
Sungyeol glared at the younger male before him, narrowing his eyes defensively. "Han Sara won't be drawn out if we take her parents," Sungyeol hinted vaguely. "She wouldn't give half a damn about her them at this point."
The elder held his gaze to the pictures, pushing them closer to Myungsoo, hoping he'd catch the hint he was passing.

"So what about these pictures?" Myungsoo inquired dumbly.

Sungyeol slumped his shoulders with disappointment, jaw dropping in an 'are-you-serious' matter. "We don't take her parents then," he replied bluntly.
Myungsoo shrugged, nodding his head slowly, silently probing Sungyeol to continue. "Then.. who?" he questioned, a baffled expression gracing his soft features.

"Then.. we take Bang Yong Guk."


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Chapter 25: awww;;this was so niceee
Chapter 25: i love the ending ! BYG is so damn fluffy and greasy =D
anyway im a new reader here
Chapter 25: That is the cutest proposal i have ever read :))))
The ending is beautiful, good job :))
Chapter 25: AWH! THATS SO SWEET! Why did it have to end? :'(
Chapter 25: That ending was so beautiful! The proposal was perfect!
Chapter 25: Aweee i love it! Its all in one! GREAT STORY!!!
fadhilah-x #7
Chapter 25: OMG this was one of the best fanfics i have ever read! I loved how you described things, even though you used a lot of hard words OTL
Chapter 17: I adore you Ms.iiBingeul since from your stories "This is how it Goes" until its sequel . I love your stories and hope that you will write more stories in the future :) Especially EXO stories :) Hwaiting !
ashketchum #9
Omg the ending was so cute
OMFG PERFECT. Didn't regret the 3 late hours in the morning reading this. Thank you for a perfect fic that took my breath away.