Beautiful Stranger

Beautiful Stranger

It's Just Another Story.

Just another story. Pssh, I think not. My story's different. Yeah, some people are just like, "She's one of those love-struck teens that doesn't understad the real meaning of love." Oh, I understand it perfectly fine, but the problem is who I'm in love with,

I Fell In Love With A Foreigner.

Yes, you heard right. I fell in love with a foreigner. Korean. Tall. Gentleman. Everything a girl wants, right? No, there's more. His attitude towards others. The way he doesn't care what others say about him. But, he's foreign, again.

How Can I Make You Understand Me.

The language, the customs, the holidays, the food. I'm open to you, are you open to me? Everything seems to be a road block in what I want. I know I can never have you, and this is another reason for me to believe I really can't.

Beautiful Stranger, I’ve fallen into your big eyes

Or in my case, small eyes. The welcomeness of your heart. The gentleness of your gaze. The softness of you smile. It all makes me want you more, it makes me love you more. Everything you do makes me happy. When you're sad or cry, I feel the same way. I don't know why, I just do. Don't people call this feeling, love?

The mysterious feeling, the language, I open my heart.

I open my heart. To feel what you feel. They say that people have a red string that ties them to their soul mate, and I think you're on the other end of mine.

People say that you're dangerous. They don't see what I see, no.

They assume things to quickly. They hear that you aren't from here. Or that you don't speak their language, they turn their back on you. They don't take the time to see what kind of person you really are, what kind of person you are on the inside, beyond the barriers that life has thrown at us.

You came from a different image, a different world.

There's truth in this statement. You don't understand the same things. You weren't raised in the same enviornment, taught different things. It can never be the same.

Beautiful Stranger, an angel with a clear soul.

The fact is, you just want to live your dream. You know there are plenty of people around to love you. You can get any girl you want. And you know that. You use it to your advantage. But I know, you're just an angel hiding behind the mask.

They're scared of you because they can't understand you. So they just push you away.

They don't understand what you say. They think that they can't love you even though they can't communicate. I know differently though. I know that even though I don't get every word, love is still love, and that's what I'm feeling.
Besides, I always have english subtitles.

Hey there don't be shy, talk to me, look into my eyes.

You understand what I'm saying, but you choose not too. You don't get what you've done to me. You've made me fall in love with you. My burden's are never ending with you. My life belongs to you. I love you.

You know that I'm different than them.

I am different. I think differently. I'm not like the others. They're to quick to judge you. They don'y don't understand you. No one wants to give you a chance. But I would. But I know, there's others. The one's that speak the same language. They're the same age and the same race. Others that appeal to you. I try hard to be the perfect type to you. But I always put myself down. You're too young. You're too fat. You're a different race and you don't speak his mother tongue. He would never go after a girl like you. Just give up already. 

But I won't. I know one day you'll find a girl that loves you, more than me, perhaps. And I'll find someone of my own. But I'll always remember you. The day I first laid eyes on you. The day I fell in love for the very first time.

They say you never forget your first love. I won't, I promise you that. You'll always have a special place in my heart. I love you, more than a lot of people. Even though you've never set eyes on me.

My friend told me once, that one day, I'll be grown. And I might've forgotten you. I'll be moved on, with my own husband, and probably kids. When it will just happen. I'll remember you. Just for a moment you'll flash into my head. All the teenage years I speant blogging about you, and buying your music, and learning this new language just for you. I might shrug it off, saying, "That stage is over now." Or maybe I won't. And I'll go look you up on the internet. Just a simple google of your name. And there it is, "____ passed away."

My heart would stop. I would remember every single memory I had of you. All the late nights looking up pictures. All the money I spent on foreign inports of your albums. All the love, that I though I wasted. 

Maybe I'll live in Korea. Driving down the road, and it comes on the radio, that you passed away. It would affect me. I would probably have to pull of the road. Cry some tears, and get over it. But I never eally would.

Just remember that, I love you. I'll never stop. I may bluff and talk about other celebrities, but in the end. I go to bed thinking about you every night. 

I love you.

My Beautiful Stranger.


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Mi_key4eva #1
Chapter 1: that was sooo good, never really liked oneshots like this but i really like your one ^^
keyblers #2
whaaa this was really good, I never read a one shot like this. It was interesting!
This is so BEAUTIFUL!
I almost cry reading this. hehe.
I'm looking for your update kkkk ^^