
Attracted by acting

It was the next day and Jonghyun was walking to work when he saw two men with dark glasses "huh is there some sort of gang nearby.....oh well" Jonghyun shrugged it off and carried on walking. The two men with dark glasses looked back and tapped a window of a limo "Boss we located the target" said one of the men "Hmm excellent" said a man with white top hat on. winding his window back up
Jonghyun made it to the store and was soon greeted by Key with his usual hug attack "JJONGIE!!!~" Key fell failing the attack and heard a giggle from Jonghyun "Hmmm somethings changed" said Key running infront of Key "What do you mean" question Jonghyun "Omo omo omo omo omo...." Key's head fell and Jonghyun was confused 'Ke-" "JONGIE YOUR INLOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" cheered Key with roses falling around them "K-key are you crazy I'm not inlove....and how did you get the roses?" question the confused Jonghyun "Well those pink cheeks and your giggly giggles extended and you seemed to be so focused on something and you have swollen lips which is either you were biting really hard, kissed, or they are dry" said Key sobbing. Jonghyun sighed "Umma you truely have a keen eye" said Jonghyung laughing at Key acting like hes a super hero "I will be called UMMADIVAHOTKITTY!!!!!!!" shouted Key for joy "So who is it hmm? hmm?" said Key getting excited "Well....ummm its C-choi Minho" said Jonghyun "Omo I knew it muhahahahahaha....wait but that just the movie I gave havn't even met him in person" said Key tilting his head putting the 'Tell me everything look' on "Well I found him unconcious in an alley way so I took him to my house" said Jonghyun blushing remembering the kiss "Jonghyun keep going" said Key grabbing a notebook and pen. Miuntes passed by and Key knew everything so here is his reaction "OMG MY SON YOU KISSED YOU KISSES!!!~" said Key dancing "Who kissed?" question a man with a smirk on his lips "Omo omo omo" Key was shocked while Jonghyun was confused "Who are you?" asked Jonghyun tilting his head. The man's head was down "U-umm-" "MY SON CHOOSE WELL~!!!!" said the man holding on to Jonghyungs hands sobbing "Umm who are you? Jonghyun asked again. Key tapped his shoulder and whispered 'Its Choi Minho's father" "Yes that is correct" said Mr Choi "Umm Mr Choi pl-" "No no no Mr Choi please call me DADDY!!!" cheered daddy? with stars in his eyes "Umm okay daddy" said Jonghyun giggling at how crazy this man was "WHAAAA I never new he had such good taste.......boys hes coming with us!" ordered Mr Choi well Daddy. Jonghyun saw Key wave and holding a banner saying 'HAVE A GOOD TIME GETTING LAID FIGHTING' "I wonder when he wrote that" muttered Jonghyun "Please come my new son" cheered Daddy "ummmm o-okay" said Jonghyun following the man to the limo "We are going to our mansion and my son has some explaining to do" said Daddy winking to the driver. The driver nodded and so they drove. Jonghyun had alot to go through on his mind like is this a prank, is Minho there, what will he do if he is,
After several minutes they were there and Jonghyun's eyes grew wide as he saw the golden gates, the garden with all sorts of flowers, and a huge house with who know how many rooms. The car stopped infront of a staircase with maids and cooks and bodygaurds were standing there waitng to greet their master and the red puppy. The door was opened and the old man walked out and smiled at me "Come on out son" he said. Jonghyun stepped out of the limo and the men and women bowed their heads and smiled "Welcome back Master Choi and Master Kim" Jonghyun's eyes widen and wondered how they know his last name. Mr I mean Daddy walked up the stairs and guided Jonghyun with him and to Jonghyun's surprise Minho was sitting on a chair inside sipping a cup of tea. Minho almost spilt his tea once he saw the angelic puppy and walked over and glared at his father "Appa why did you bring him here?" asked Minho "Well to come and TEACH SOME SENSE IN YOU AND YOUR DRINKING!!" said Daddy smacking his head "YAH!!!!!! I TOLD YOU TO KEEP AWAY FROM MY LIFE!" shouted Minho "Now now boys calm down your scaring the cute boy" said a beautiful brown haired woman coming from the left hand side of the room. Jonghyun blushed even more once the woman saw Jonghyun and her head was down "Umma are you o-" "YOU FINALLY CHOOSE A CUTEY!!!!!!!!" said Minho's mother hugging Jonghyun well nearly choking him. She finally released him and Mr Choi and Minho was just glaring at her "Okay okay mommy will stop but I want him to stay!" ordered the woman glaring at the two back. The two were defeated and Jonghyun tilted his head in confusement "Why am I staying again?" he asked. Mr and Mrs Choi were soon hugging Jonghyun "My you will be a cute son~" chirped Mrs Choi "Yes and daddy will by you heeps of dresses~" chirped Mr- Daddy "Umma, appa don't do this he has a home and a dog how can he get his stuff here?" asked Minho shaking his head "Already taken care off" said Mr Choi snapping his fingers. A man came in with a pillow and Cactus on top of it "Cactus" called Jonghyun and the pup went jumping to his owner. Jonghyun looked back and bowed "I'm sorry for any misunderstanding but I want to live at my own house so ummm can I go?" asked Jonghyun "Oh my you are too kind but we can not let you go you are a precious flower and MINHO IS A ROTTEN EGG!!!!!" shouted Mrs Choi "UMMA!!!!" shouted Minho in a huff "So you will be staying here until Minho cleans up his act" said Mr Choi "Ummm and if I say no?" questioned Jonghyun "Well then we let you go and then we carry on the punishment for Minho to not have " said Mrs Choi smiling. Jonghyun was about to giggle once he saw Minho's expression and looked at the parents again and questioned them "Will I still go to work? can I still go to university? am I getting paid? " "Omo our sons got heeps of questions welll then we will answer them" said Mrs Choi "Well then you will still go to work by choice, you can still go to university, and you are getting paid" answered Mr  Choi. Jonghyun froze and blinked "wow that was fast" muttered Jonghyun. Jonghyun knew that this could pay his university fee and nodded "Okay its a deal" said Jonghyun. The parents grew happy and Minho...well he had his arms crossed so who knows but one thing is clear Jonghyun's life change

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haha ^^' sorry for my little exageration *bows* I get too extremely with numbers and such
And your right haha but I wonder what happen if it is possible to have 27 rounds
Oh and Gamsahamida for commenting
jonghyunism #2
27 rounds? O.O is that even possible?
jonghyunism #3
Haha aww this is cute and kinda funny and also slightly random xD I love it! Minho, please ravage him soon!
Update soon... Really curious with the next chapter...
That was really cute & funny. All those crazy people~
I liked it. Somehow the, more or less, innocent and childish Jjong was way too cute. (: But Key's words shocked me. The sentence about those girls... ^^'
whaa I like your story update soon~ <3 =D
lol Almighty key met Taemin omo Key has an evil plan