
Attracted by acting

In Korea, in Seoul, in a little area of the city was a flower shop, and in that shop was Kim Jonghyun. He was a handsome giggly outgoing hardworking florist earning money for his university tuitions. Jonghyun was single and was the attraction of girls walking by seeing him water and tend the flowers smiling. Jonghyun was glancing at the flowers "They are blooming beautifully" he said smilling his famous smile "Ah yes yes Jonghyun now how bout a hug!" chirped a feline eyed boy. Jonghyun giggled and dodged the boys hug "Not now Key we have to focus on the blooming of the flowers" he said glancing back at it again sighing and dreaming "Jongie you need romance in your life" huffed Key "Forget about the flowers and think about those girls that keep on coming in here" said Key rolling his eyes. Jonghyun let another sigh and shrugged "I ain't that stupid I know those girl aren't here for the flowers" he said giggling at Key scratching his head "Then why can't you take them in your arms and say 'Baby imma make love to ya and fill ya a with me cream' " "Ew Key I am not like that....I like someone who can be defined as a flower" said Jonghyun shaking his head "Ah but women are flowers and as you know flowers need to be tended so do it already" said Key with his arms on his waist in umma stance "You are right Key, but....I just haven't found the right one" he said walking to a hanger talking off his apron "Well then ummm wait here..." said Key running to who knows where. Jonghyun waited and heard crashing noises and dishes? He soon saw Key running almost falling with a dvd case in his hand "Here maybe this will help" said Key huffing and puffing "Oh and say hi to Cactcus for me" said Key waving at Jonghyun walking out of the shop "Ah Jongie Jongie YOU WILL SOON BE AFFECTED BY MY ALMIGHTY CUPID SKILLS HOHOHOHO" laughed Key "U-umm excuse me" said a shy mushroom head boy "Ah yes" answered Key "Can I-I have a bouquet of r-roses please" said the boy 'SCORE!!!!!!!!! KEY YOU ARE A LUCKY MAN HOHOHO CUTIE YOU'LL BE THE PREY OF THE ALMIGHTY UMMA!!!!' thought grinning Key "Right away cutie~" chirped Key

Back to Jonghyun
Jonghyun finnaly made it back to his place and opened the door "I'm home Cactus!" called Jonghyun. As soon as he set foot a cute little puppy ran to Jonghyun barking. "Ah excited to see me Cactus" smiled Jonghyun, the pup barked to answer prouncing around. If you think why in the world a adorable pup was named after a plant that had thrones well lets say the cute pup has a side where you'd be pricked on the ... Ding Dong. The dog fliched and ran to the door barking Jonghyun ran after and opened the door "Annyoung Jjong!!!" shouted a boy "Ah Anyuong Onew" said Jonghyun "And hello Cactus" greeted Onew a growl was heard and the dog bit and tugged on Jonghyun's pants "Ah I see he's still angry at me eating his chicken"sighed Onew "Yes it seems so" giggled Jonghyun "Well then I got dinner!" cheered Onew
Minutes past and they were completely stuffed. Jonghyun soon remembered the dvd "Wanna watch a dvd with me hyung?" he asked "Yes of coarse but ummm please dont leave me alone with Cactus" pleaded Onew "Oh don't worry hes too full to rip you apart" smiled Jonghyun running to grab the dvd. After a few minutes he came back and placed the dvd in the dvd player and off they went watching the movie. "So I'm betting Key gave you this" said Onew focused on the tv screen "Omo how did you know?" said Jonghyun turning his head "Well you don't really watch movies nowadays" answered Onew. Jonghyun nodded and went back to the movie. The movie started out with a woman seeking help and soon Jonghyuns eyes widen as he saw the most gorgeous human being ever he soon gasped as he heard his deep voice . He then turned to Onew "Hyung who is that guy?" he said pointing to the man on the screen "Omo you don't know who he his?" Jonghyun shook his head and a sigh was created by Onew "Well lets see.....that guy is Choi Minho Korea's most handsome well beautiful man" said Onew "I never knew" said Jonghyun. He glanced back and saw the mans face up close with flaming charisma. Jonghyun's heart almost exploded, his heart was beating at an incredible pace that he ever expirianced. Jonghyung finally fell in love. "I should thank Key once I see him tommorow" said Jonghyun "Why?" questioned Onew "Oh nothing" smiled Jonghyun "Okay then" said Onew focusing back at the movie. Cactus soon came barking at Jonghyun's lap "Omo Cactus are you hungry?" asked Jonghyun the dog barked in response "Man if you feed him too much he'll get fat" said Onew earning a grawl from Cacuts "Well he is a cute guard dog he needs his payment" said Jonghyun walking to the door "Jonghyun becareful and don't tallk to strangers" said Onew "Onew I'm not a kid" huffed Jonghyun grabbing his shoes and coat "Well Umma Key will chop me into pieces if his little boy gets " said Onew still focusing on the tv "Okay okay bye~" called Jonghyun walking off. Onew glanced at the dog who was looking at the door whimpering "Hey you wanted him to go......but I'm worried bout him too" he said patting his head. Onew quickly took his hand away as Cactus almost bit it off "Okay okay you do your thing and I do mine" suggested Onew, the dog barked and sat on the couch where Jonghyun was and slept 'Awww so cute" said Onew, another growl was heard "Nevermind~" sighed Onew.
Jonghyun finished bought the dog food at a near by store that was luckily still open. Jonghyun couldn'y stop thinking about the gorgeuos actor, he wondered what he was like and wondered what he would react once he met him well fate heard his call. A groan was heard at a alley way and Jonghyun quickly turned his head. He saw a body and quickly ran to it.....well he couldn't just leave him there. He turned the body over and his eyes almost poped out of his face, it was Choi Minho "Omo Mr Choi wake up" said Jonghyun shaking him. Only a groan was heard "At least I know your not dead" said Jonghyun sighing. Jonghyun smelt alchohol as he tried to lift him up "Wow I'd never think you'd drink plus..." Jonghyun almost fell but caught himself "Your heavier" he sighed and blushed alittle as he remembered again who he was. He glanced back and blushed looking at the sleeping face. It was like seeing an angel sleeping. Jonghyun shook his head and carried the man off to his house.
It was mourning and the actor groaned again and felt warmth, he then sat up quickly and saw Jonghyun. Minho truly couldn't belive his eyes, a man with puppy eyes and beautiful kissable lips and sharp features that cry out dinosaur and a cute hint of blush as he saw him turn around. Jonghyun walked over and greeted him "Annyounghaseyo Mr Choi" "Am I in heaven?" asked Minho rubbing his eyes "Nope" giggled Jonghyun "Then I never new devils were this beautiful" said Minho with a smirk "Ah you've ben mistaken Mr Choi your not dead" blushed Jonghyun "Omo then ummm where am I?" he questioned admiring the blush on the puppy eyed boy "Your in my house" said Jonghyun "Wait how did I ge here?" he asked again "Well I found you unconscious at an alley way and I found you so I carried you here" smiled Jonghyun "Ah Thats right I was drinking with the guys" said Minho getting up "Oh Mr please don't get up yet you need rest" said Jonghyun "Don't worry my lil pup" said Minho cupping jonghyuns face "I'll give you a little reward" he said attacking Jonghyun's lips. Jonghyun was at shock and quickly pished him away "W-why did you do that?" he questioned blushing "Why not your so cute" he said winking at the embarrased puppy "Well then I'll come back again babe~" he chirped. Usually Jonghyun would say 'YAH I AIN'T A CHICK YOU BASTARD!!!' with a broom chasing the fella out well if its someone he doesn't know....however, with Minho all he could do is blush and shutter in his words or stay silent to hear his heartbeat "U-ummm M-Mr Choi-" "Cut the Mr just call me Minho.....oh and I just wanted to it again" he said walking back to Jonghyun "Wha-" Jonghyuns word was cut with a kiss. Minho broke the kiss and grinned walking to the door yet again "You kisses are too sweet I can't leave it but I have to go, see you honey~" chirped Minho loving the red blush from Jonghyun. Minho was gone and Jonghyun fell with his hand to his heart panting "I don't know if this stupid heart will ever stop". 

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haha ^^' sorry for my little exageration *bows* I get too extremely with numbers and such
And your right haha but I wonder what happen if it is possible to have 27 rounds
Oh and Gamsahamida for commenting
jonghyunism #2
27 rounds? O.O is that even possible?
jonghyunism #3
Haha aww this is cute and kinda funny and also slightly random xD I love it! Minho, please ravage him soon!
Update soon... Really curious with the next chapter...
That was really cute & funny. All those crazy people~
I liked it. Somehow the, more or less, innocent and childish Jjong was way too cute. (: But Key's words shocked me. The sentence about those girls... ^^'
whaa I like your story update soon~ <3 =D
lol Almighty key met Taemin omo Key has an evil plan