Beautiful Stranger




The spoken words that were said,

 I couldn't understand



Words couldn't describe the emotions I'm feeling for this person. This stranger.

My eyes effortlessly follow his every movement. The way his hands were tucked into his pockets. The way his auburn hair bounces and sways with each step. The way his shoes echo in the emptiness of the hall way. The way he gazes at me with those glistening eyes...
I gasp softly once he made contact with me. I pushed my book up further covering the lower half of my face. I felt my hands begin to tremble as he came more closer. I kept my eyes glued to the book staring at the blank pages endlessly. Until I felt a presence next to me... 


Author's Note :

This is my third one shot. Actually I wasn't sure if this is going to be a one shot.. It might end up being a two or three shot. It just depends on how I'm feeling I guess.... Well anyways if you're intrested in this "one shot" please comment and subscribe! 

I'm planning to update the chapter either today, tomorrow, or sometime this week. If not... Read this again! xD

Just kidding! I'll try to get the chapter or chapters up sometime this week/weekend!

- xStar13x





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it looks good :))
please update^^
kaleya0419 #2
So descriptive! I love it! I hope you update soon!
Waaaahhhh! Update soon!
This is great!
Quite different from the other stories I read here on this site. :)
No regrets from subscribing. :D
Keep up the good work!

Glad you are! hahaa
Yay, it's finally up! Looking forward to it. (: