Plan B.

Everything Happens For A Reason

Eli's POV

I went down to the practice room, where Jaeseop and Kevin were...happily sitting at the piano. I looked over at Kevin, who was, for once, smiling around Jaeseop. I knocked on the door before entering, the two of them quickly looking up at me. What was I even doing here?

"Ah, Eli hyung." Kevin said, smiling. His smile wasn't the same for me...he gave me his everyday smile. Not the, Eli Hyung - I - Love - You smile. It hurt inside that I was slowly becoming nothing but just a band mate to him. 

"Do you need something, hyung?" Jaeseop asked.

"Aniyo, I was just stopping by...just to see what you two were up to." I said, forcing a smile. "Sounds like you guys are having fun."

There was another knock at the door, and Kiseop had walked in with a plate of what looked like Mame Daifuku. ( Mame Daifuku is rice cake with sweet bean paste from Japan... I learned it from an anime. ._.b) Kiseop smiled, bringing the plate to the piano. "Kevin, a fan from Japan mailed these to you." He said, holding one out to Kevin. 

"Ah, really?" Kevin said, happily taking the sweet pastry and taking a bite out of it. "Wah... it's good. Jaeseop hyung, do you want some?"

"A-Ah... The fan wrote a letter saying she wanted you to eat all of it.." Kiseop said. "So, you might as well eat all of it."

I eyed Kiseop curiously...he was definitely up to something. "Ah, really?" Kevin said, taking another bite out of it. "Then I'll eat it all." Kiseop ruffled the younger's hair and walked out of the practice room. I felt a strange vibe from his as he walked by. Was he trying to drive the two apart? I followed the ulzzang out and went into his room. "Kiseop?" I said, pushing his door open.

"What?" The ulzzang asked, changing into more comfortable clothes for the dance rehearsal we were about to go to. 

"...What're you planning to do?" I questioned, closing the door. 

"What're you talking about?" He said, throwing his shirt on. "I'm not doing anything." 

"You're such a lying bastard." I said. "Why don't you just leave them alone?" 

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Kiseop said. "You better get ready before Soohyun hyung starts yelling again."

With that, the ulzzang walked out, leaving me with all my unanswered questions. He was really going to do anything to drive the two apart. I heard Soohyun hyung yelling, and in mere seconds, everyone was at the front door ready to go. I watched as Kevin went to Jaeseop's car without hesitation, making the Ulzzang ride with me. What was going on in that mind of his..? 

The car ride was silent the whole way. Knowing Kiseop wouldn't answer any of my questions, I didn't even bother asking anything. If he continued to do what he was doing, he was going to get himself in deep . With Soohyun and Jaeseop. ...mostly Jaeseop. 
Upon arriving at the dance practice room, I looked over at Kevin, who didn't look too good. I pushed it aside, thinking he was reading in the car and got car sick. 
We all began to stretch a little, preparing ourselves for the dance. Before we even did anything, Kevin was already sitting down, looking sick to his stomach. "Okay guys, let's go." Soohyun said. "We make our comback stage next week, so let's get this right."

As everyone went into place, I went over to Kevin, helping him up. "You okay, Kevin? You don't look to good..." I said, placing my hand on his forehead. No fever.

"I'm fine..." Kevin said, weakly as he went to his position for Neverland. I looked at him, worried as the music began. Not even a minute into the song and Kevin had already messed up. He had tripped over Kiseop's foot and  stumbled forward. Jaeseop had caught him just in time, asking the fish if he was okay. Nodding his head, Kevin went back into place, and we started over. 
Kevin was definitely not okay... constantly he would mess up, and everyone was getting frustrated with it. Soohyun hyung had told us to take a break, and Kevin had went to sit down, clutching his stomach. 

"Kevin, what's wrong?" I asked, going over to the fish. "Do you feel sick?" 

Kevin nodded his head a little, not able to utter a single word. I picked the younger up, throwing his arm over my shoulder. "I'll take you back to the dorm, neh?" 

"What's wrong? Is Kevin okay?" Hoon asked, followed by Jaeseop and Soohyun. 

"I think he ate something bad.." Jaeseop said, taking Kevin from my arms. "I'll take him home." 

I glanced in Kiseop's direction. The ulzzang had a dark look on his if what he planned had completely backfired. Jaeseop had taken Kevin out, and we all continued with rehearsals. Again, doing what we can without Kevin and Jaeseop this time. 

Jaeseop's POV

I carried the sick dongsaeng to my car, laying him down in the backseat before rushing over to driver's seat. "Kevin, how're you feeling?" I asked as I pulled out of the parking lot. "Where does it hurt?"

The younger simply moaned in pain, clutching his stomach. Well, that didn't sound too good. I tried to think about what Kevin ate all day. Soohyun's breakfast...but that was always good, so that couldn't have been the problem. Hoon's smoothie, which was nothing but fresh fruits. Maybe Dongho...? Pfftt... Dongho never shares. Kiseop...there was definitely something strange with Kiseop and his mame daifuku... he didn't even let Kevin share with anyone. I bit my lip a little, as I arrived at the dorm, quickly carrying Kevin inside. I laid him on the bed and said, "Just wait, I'll go make some tea, okay?" 

The younger nodded a little in response, curling up into a ball as he clutched his tummy tightly. I rushed out into the kitchen, going through the cabinets for tea that Hoon always made when someone wasn't feeling to well. I found the box and took out the little tea bag. Lucky me. Last one. I threw the box out as I threw the tea bag in a little mug. Something in the trash can had caught my eye. I took out an empty package out. The mame daifuku that Kiseop had given Kevin? I examined the package, finding the expiration date. 

"August 1st, 2011..." I mumbled to myself. I went over to the calender looking at today's date. "September 4th, 2011."

Kiseop, you little bastard.

Dongho's POV

We had been practicing for hours. I stared at my phone at the many different foods I had saved onto it. "Ah..I'm so hungry.."


Mame Daifuku that expired a month ago. Sounds delicious. Mame Daifuku is really good though..........even though I never ate it; it just looked good in the anime I saw it in. 
Anyway, I don't know what the hell I'm doing with Eli. Should he help Kiseop? Or support Jaevin? OnO Or just be a complete Dongho? 
Blah~ My apologies for the mistakes.
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Chapter 18: I want a whole chapter of just Dongho POV. Hopefully it'd be a nice reprieve from all this drama. But this is good. Update soon.
Chapter 4: So today I watched ukiss on weekly idol so I can learn about the others besides Kevin and Eli. One of the members was asked to knit something.

Then I find your story on random. I literally laughed out loud. "I sat in my room all day. Knitting."
Akeykeu #3
Chapter 18: nice , i think we all had loved this!
ahahah Dongho xD
Update soon ^^
Dongho hahaha xD
UnmeiFate #5
Chapter 18: HOMG UPDATE!!!!!

This was hot! And the usual Dongho lol moment at the end xD poor baby
i-love-seoppie #6
Chapter 18: Love that !! :3
Sgug478 #7
Chapter 18: You can always count on Dongho for some comic relief ;) Great job!
Chapter 18: I have no words, just this: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Agniecha1991 #9