
Everything Happens For A Reason

Kevin's POV

I woke up in the middle of the night, spotting Eli passed out on his bed. My stomach began to ache a little, causing my to groan in pain a little. Damn it, Kiseop... I slipped out of bed and headed for the kitchen to find some sort of medicine I can take, but upon opening the door, I heard the TV on. Was it Dongho? Aniyo... I can hear that maknae snore from a mile away. I quietly walked out towards the living room until the sitting figure was visible. Kiseop... I gulped a little and took a small step so he wouldn't hear me, but the floor had creaked under my light pressure, and the ulzzang turned around. 

"...You're up?" He questioned, turning his attention back to the TV.

" stomach...started hurting..." I mumbled. "It turns out that daifuku was expired..."

I expected an apology from the ulzzang, but what came out of his mouth threw me completely off guard. "Then why don't you go ask your precious Jaeseop for help?"

"W-What...?" I said, looking at the ulzzang in complete confusion. "I don' Jaeseop like that..." Although I knew myself that that statement was a complete lie. I loved Jaeseop more than anything or anyone. 

"If you don't like Jaeseop that way, then quit staying around him so much. He's not Eli." The ulzzang spat at me, anger loud and clear in his voice. 

Nothing came out of my mouth after that, I just stared at Kiseop in disbelief. Why was he mad at me all of a sudden? I didn't do anything to him.. "W-Wae...?" I choked out. "What did ... " 

The ulzzang got up, making his way towards me. "I'll tell you once... stay away from Jaeseop, or I'll make your life a living hell." 

I looked into his eyes, his eyes that used to always be innocent and light...were know looking at me with hatred. "Arasseo?" He questioned.

I gulped, unable to utter a single word out. With that, the ulzzang had went into his room, leaving me in the dark with unanswered questions and frightening thoughts. It wasn't long until I heard the front door open, and the voice that had called my name caused tears to well up in my eyes. They threatened to fall as the person came up to me, my hair softly. "How're you feeling?" Jaeseop whispered. 

What Kiseop had said minutes earlier raced through my mind. I wanted to wrap my arms around the kitty and just hold him tight, but instead...I smacked his hand away and went back to my room, locking the door behind me. I curled up under my blanket, clutching my pillow tightly as the tears began to roll down my cheeks. I tried to keep my voice down, afraid of the pigeon waking up and asking me questions.

"Kevin...? What's wrong?" Eli questioned softly, making his way over to me. much for that. I pulled the blanket up, covering my face as I continued to silently sob. The pigeon sat on the edge of the bed, my back softly. "Does it hurt somewhere? Do you want me to get you some medicine?" He asked.

This was the first time in years I heard Eli sound concerned. Really concerned. I sat up, and hugged the pigeon tightly. It wasn't as comforting and nice as Jaeseop's, but it was still nice to be in his embrace again. Eli continued to my back, whispering soothing words to me. "Shh...I'll be here for you, okay? I'll be right here... I won't go anywhere..." He whispered. "I love you, Kevin..."

Jaeseop's POV

He smacked my hand away...


For weeks we had been so close... each moment I was so close to having him in my arms. But, what happened? Was Kiseop right? Did he really not love me? Kevin only had feelings for Eli. I bit my lip, finding it difficult to believe that Kevin loved me. I was stupid for even thinking it. I went into my room, where Kiseop was already fast asleep. I plopped on my bed, placing my hand on the cold wall that separated me and my lover. "So...close.." I murmured before closing my eyes.

I woke up that morning, my eyes were red and puffy. "Damn it..." I mumbled, quickly going to the bathroom to wash my face. 

I bumped into Kevin, both of us trying to enter the bathroom. "Ah... mianhe, Kevin." I said stepping aside. 

I waited for his cheerful reply as usual, but he merely went into the bathroom and slammed the door in my face. I blinked a little, standing in front of the bathroom door like an idiot. Did I do something wrong? 

"Did Kevin go into the bathroom?" Dongho asked. "... You might as well go sit down then. He'll be in there for a while."


Days had passed, and Kevin continued to give me a cold hearted attitude. Did everything we do together mean nothing to him? Was he just going to throw me aside like that? He couldn't... Kevin wouldn't do that... 

"Jaeseop, are you ready?" Hoon asked. "We're up..."

"Ah.. neh..." I said, pushing my thoughts of Kevin away as I walked out on stage with the other members. It was hard to focus when most of the time, Kevin would be right in front of me. Just...what did I do wrong? Was I too clingy? ... It didn't seem to bother him much.. I felt a little nudge from Kiseop, and I began singing my part. , I almost screwed up...

We walked off stage, the KissMe's all cheering. Going back to the dressing room, I kept my eye on Kevin who had stayed away from me. Every time I tried talking to him, he'd go off the Eli.. or Hoon.. or anyone. Anyone that wasn't me. He looked up, and we stared at each other for what seemed like a life time. My brows furrowed a little as I looked at his expression. He seemed hurt...and upset. Did I really do something wrong? I stood up as Kevin walked out, quickly following him.

"Kevin..." I said, grabbing his slim wrist gently. 

The younger didn't turn around, nor did he push me away. "What...what's wrong?" I asked, biting my lip as I waited for his response. Seeing how he wasn't answering I threw another question at him. "Did...I do something wrong?" 

No response.

"...Kevin...did you... love me at all the past couple of weeks?" 


Poor Jaeseoppie...
I have no words for this chapter. ♥
Your comments are loved. They keep me motivated to keep writing.. So, keep them coming, neh~ ^^
I apologize for my mistakes. I made this in a rush for someone. >.>you know who you are. ♥
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Chapter 18: I want a whole chapter of just Dongho POV. Hopefully it'd be a nice reprieve from all this drama. But this is good. Update soon.
Chapter 4: So today I watched ukiss on weekly idol so I can learn about the others besides Kevin and Eli. One of the members was asked to knit something.

Then I find your story on random. I literally laughed out loud. "I sat in my room all day. Knitting."
Akeykeu #3
Chapter 18: nice , i think we all had loved this!
ahahah Dongho xD
Update soon ^^
Dongho hahaha xD
UnmeiFate #5
Chapter 18: HOMG UPDATE!!!!!

This was hot! And the usual Dongho lol moment at the end xD poor baby
i-love-seoppie #6
Chapter 18: Love that !! :3
Sgug478 #7
Chapter 18: You can always count on Dongho for some comic relief ;) Great job!
Chapter 18: I have no words, just this: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Agniecha1991 #9