Chapter 16

Try To Be Home

After about ten minutes, you realized that Seunghyun wasn’t driving somewhere in particular; he was driving just to drive. “Take me back home,” you said, being stubborn like always. “No, we’re going to talk,” was his immediate reply.

“Then start talking because I need to get back to Sophie,” you said with your arms crossed. “I’m trying to calm down before I start yelling,” he growled but immediately pulled the car over to the side of the road. The two of you were in the middle of nowhere with nary a car in sight.

“Why are you acting like this?” he asked, turning to face you. “Because…”

“Because what?”

“Because I’m tired of being second place to Hyorin!” you exclaimed before realizing exactly what you had just said. You gasped and covered your mouth. Seunghyun stared at you, surprised as well. “W-What? What are you talking about?”

“I hate how you’re using me to make Hyorin think or over her or to make her jealous or whatever. I don’t want to be your fake girlfriend-”

“Fine. Why didn’t you say so from the star?” he demanded, looking angrier than ever. Clearly, he didn’t understand what you were trying to say. “I-”

“You should have just told me. I would make up something to Hyorin about us breaking up.”

“You don’t understand!”

“What? That you don’t like me? I get it.” His entire body was tensed and he was glaring at you as if you had just actually broken up with him. You took a shaky breath and decided that you would have to take Jonghyun’s advice if this dummy was ever going to get it right. “No,” you said in your most no-nonsense tone possible, “You don’t understand at all. It’s not because I don’t like you that I don’t want to be your fake girlfriend. It’s because I like you.”

“That doesn’t make sense.”

“I want to be your real girlfriend.” It took him a couple of seconds to comprehend what you just said. His eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open. He looked so comical that it would have made you laugh if it wasn’t for the fact that this was his expression in regards to your emotions. “Fine,” you looked away from him and out the window instead, “I get it. You don’t feel the same. Now take me home. I want my dog.”

“I didn’t say anything,” he spluttered after regaining the ability to form a sentence. “You didn’t need to,” you bit your lip and stared as hard as you could out the window. You weren’t going to cry. You weren’t going to cry. Damn it! You weren’t going to cry! The prickling behind your eyes was getting to be too much. This was why you didn’t socialize with humans.

“______-ah,” Seunghyun said, but you tried to ignore him. He repeated your name as he pulled on your arm, but you kept your eyes focused on the darkness outside the window. “______-ah, look at me,” his deep voice was soft and gentle. You gulped and blinked your eyes quickly to try before turning to glare at him.

He chuckled before murmuring, “You should give people a chance. You assume things too quickly.” You opened your mouth to argue with him, but his lips silenced you before you could even utter a single syllable.

He pulled back after a moment and the look in his eyes left you breathless. Or maybe it was the kiss that did that? “I want you to be my real girlfriend too,” he whispered before kissing you again.


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

woo a kiss! But don't worry, i'm not done with this story yet :)

expect more drama to come~

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Chapter 21: Love this story!
Chapter 21: omg i done this sequel in one breath!! lol
i love this YOU so much then previous YOU - Hyorin (she got a name lol)
thanks you for making this sequel for Seunghyun so that he found her and they got married! yeah!!
i m going to read it again kkkkk
Chapter 21: Awww. This is so cute. I couldn't help but dreaming about it. Komawo, author-nim~ ^^ I'm going to check out your other stories now. Hehe. No sleep for me.
Chapter 21: Awww it ended ~ this was amazing, i've been.smiling like a fool for minutes :D Thank you so much for making us happy with your stories <3
elvarne #5
Chapter 21: you is okay :)
hope to see your next fanfic!! XD
DoubleGG #6
Chapter 21: "you" is alright only when the story is great, but I enjoy OCs more. Great story though! :D
JeMerald #7
Chapter 21: Yay!!! They got married!!!! >.< That was so cute!!!! ^_^ ... I love your fanfic so much author-nim!!! ^_^
Chapter 21: SEQUEL! :D
dreamsaremadeof #9
Chapter 21: an OC would be great. it gets awkward at times when i see ______ haha
thanks for this sweet story!
nguyeniskpopcrazy #10
Chapter 21: ^^ Awww Oppa!! We all love you!!!!