My bed.

Sleeping Figure


Sehun POV

What is Xiumin trying to do my Lulu? He's all over him. I hate Xiumin, always trying to steal my Lulu away. Get away from him and stay away! He's mine! 

I sat and watched as the two stare at each other lovingly, I rolled my eyes, typical Luhan and 'Baozi', forgetting about my always, I don't even exsit. 

Out of nowhere Suho came over to me with an angel's smile making me blink a few times, that bright light he emits... he needs to stop. What now? I thought as Suho came over, he only ever talks to me for specific reasons or favors. I sighed as leader-nim took the spot next to me. 

"Hey mankae" Suho smiled, in which, I automatically closed my eyes knowing that If I didn't close them I'd be blind by now, he really needs to learn how to control it. 

When I only glanced over at him, then back to my Lulu, he playfully bumped his shoulder into mines. I sent glaring daggers at hyung to only have him ruffle my hair. 

I growl when Suho messes up my hair that I had styled just to look good for Luhan. 

"What do you want?" I huffed as I tried piecing my hair back in place and watched as Luhan took his precious hands placing them on a rather chubby face bring his head to rest on lulu's lap. 

Suho helped smoothing my hair, back into place as he was the one who had messed it up just now, and spoke, "We have no more rooms. Let Xiumin sleep with you."

I looked over at Luhan who was playing with Xiumin's hair giving all his attention to Xiumin. Luhan eyes haven’t left Xiumin's since they got here. I felt a little pinch at my heart and looked over to Suho, "I'll only share if its Luhan. NEVER. Xiumin" I replied disgusted at the thought and exaggerating the word 'never'. 

Suho only chuckled, "Xiumin's stuff is already in your room. Just let him stay and be a good boy." And with that Suho left leaving me with no other choice. It being the mankae. 

I watched as 'Baozi' puffed his cheeks to do his infamous 'Baozi' face. In response Luhan laughed taking a hold of Xiumin's hands kissing them both. This . 

I get up and go because, it's sickening to watch them, it's time to shower anyway.



By the time I'm done showering I walk into my room to find a sleeping Xiumin on my bed. Great, I didn't even get a chance to tell him that he gets to sleep on the floor.

I sigh and ruffle my hair that is damp and walk out into the living room and find my beloved watching TV. Finally we're alone

"Luhan hyung" I spoke lightly with hope hugging him only to get shrugged off. 

"What?" Luhan says a little irritated. Hurt and taken back I frown it up, for my Lulu, sustaining my poker face. 

"What's wrong hyung?" I say a little worried.

"Don't you dare lay a hand on my Baozi!" Luhan say pouting his cute face at me. 

I looked at my Lulu and gave a horrid look at him, what has that 'baozi' done to my deer?

"Are you jetlagged hyung? Shall I go and touch you're precious Baozi that's sleeping in my bed?" I said mischievly with a smirk. This ought to move my Lulu. 

Wide eyed Luhan spoke fiercely, "You wouldn't dare!" I smirked and shrugged at the reaction I got, that's it fall into it. 

Luhan threw himself onto me to stop me and I chuckled in success. Luhan quickly got the trick and pushed himself off of me.

"I'm going to bed! Don't you dare touch my Baozi! I won't let you off Sehun" Luhan glared then left while I chuckled alone watching his small back retreat into Chan Yeol's room.

Now there's no one to bother... I walked back to my room leaning on the frame of the door stopping to admire a puffy peaceful face and sighed, I guess he was sent from heaven along with Suho and Lulu. 

I heard a little groan escape from Xiumin’s lips and watched his lips curl up cutely. I walked in and shut the door then walked over to my bed kneeling to examine the small sleeping figure.


What’s so good about him? He doesn’t have a handsome face like me. Lulu open your eyes and see that I am the better looking one obviously, why was I even competition to this man? 


After staring for a while I all of a sudden had an urge to touch those cheeks. He looks soft...


They look…s-so puffy! I got onto my bed and on top of Xiumin who was unconscious.


I slid my hands over his cheeks gently not wanting to wake him. I poked them too; they were both so soft…like a . I smiled laughing to myself; he’s got a on his face. Suddenly feeling crazed I wanted to, needed to pinch those cheeks.


I didn’t hesitate and pinched them lightly at first then a little harder than needed, that’s for taking Lulu from me! But then again I can see why my Lulu's so into you and your cheeks. Feels like mochi so fluffffy, this is probably what Lulu thinks then…I guess I can understand.


Aish, Xiumin is too cute to be sleeping on the floor…


I head to the lights and turned them out then got into, my now warm, bed next Xiumin. I lie next to him tossing and turning uncomfortably sharing my small bed with him.


After tossing and turning for a while, a long time I found a comfortable sleeping position lying on my back and… with my face squished against Xiumin's.


“Ahhh, even if I don’t like you your face still feels nice” I sighed to myself contently.



“B-b-baozi…” I groggily spoke shaking him a bit.


Xiumin didn’t budge, at all; I rolled my eyes at the lack of response and peeled his leg off my hip, tried to.


Xiumin let out a whine and pushed himself up into me more. I let out a low moan as his thigh grazed my member as he tried to fix himself back into the same position.


I pried his leg off my hip and harshly pushed it aside setting Xiumin sleep straight and flat onto his back. In response Xiumin whined and it got really annoying, he didn’t stop making whiny noises. 


I groaned in frustration, I wanted to sleep and dream about Lulu and I but a certain someone wouldn’t let that happen.


Before I knew it Xiumin had clung onto me again, magically, but I had enough and pushed him off the bed…


With a thud I hit the floor also being pulled off the bed too along with Xiumin, but I somehow ended falling first. I groaned as I felt Xiumin lie on top of me. That idiot grabbed onto me too huh? 


I huffed behind gritting teeth and thinking about how I ended up in this stupid situation. SUHO.


I felt Xiumin stir on top of me after a while. Cracking his eyes open for a little second he smiled and tiredly said, “oh hai Sehun,” and fell back asleep with his hands in my hair. I growled feeling him snuggle into me more, Luhan should’ve warned me that Xiumin was going to be touching and laying his hands all over me not the other way around.


I rolled my eyes and gently pried Xiumin’s limbs off me and rolled out from under him picking him up back to lay him nicely back on the bed which he sinks into, so troublesome.



My eyes fluttered open again, for the second time tonight, this time feeling hot breath tingle on my cheek.


“XIUMIN” I whispered harshly between clenched teeth. I felt as if I had a koala stuck on me, leg around my hips and arms around my neck.


If he doesn’t stop moving around I swear I will push him off the bed, again, and let him sleep on the floor.


I ‘pick’ Xiumin off me and make him lay straight again but this time I kicked his leg half off the bed and went back into dream land.


As I drift off to sleep I hear a little moan escape from Xiumin’s lips into my ear making me freeze. Don’t let it get to you, I chanted over and over again.


Don’t do it… don’t do it… don’t d- my mind chanted. I groaned at myself and moved Xiumin’s legs that were hanging off the edge of the bed and tucked them back in. His lips turned upward and it was cute, dear lord it was.


I can’t believe I’m falling for it now… I groaned at myself once more, unsure and annoyed, I pulled the blanket up to Xiumin’s chin and pressed him close to me spooning him in light embrace.


“Don’t move” I whisper into his ear and his cheek with my thumb.



“YAH! SEHUN! I TOLD YOU NOT TO TOUCH MY BAOZI! AND HERE YOU ARE CUDDLING WITH HIM!”  A voice ripped into my dreams making me jump a bit. Why the hell is Lulu yelling in the morning!? The Morning!


I snuggle in with Xiumin and sigh in content for a few more seconds of eye shut. When I sit up and wipe my eyes I see that there is an angry Lulu.


“Oh Lulu” I spoke tired boring my eyes into his which he returned twice as hard.


“I didn’t do anything…” I said with a yawn stretching my arms above my head while Luhan is fuming and sending me lovingly death glares. 


"Oh Luhan" Xiumin yawns rubbing his eyes adjusting to room. Luhan stomped over to Xiumin and dragged him out of my bed. Poor Xiumin. 


Luhan guarding and escorting him out of my room glares and I shrug. Besides, last night it was Xiumin who was making moves on me. 








Lol this is my first one shot of HunMin Lol apart from all my DaeLo. 
I Really Really REALLY had to write something for them because shooot, I was cray for them since I didn't really see thier OTP. I don't know how but yeah~ I think it's cause I like every pairing with Xiumin! haha But I FREAKING LOVE AND SHIP XIUHAN SO HARD IT HURTS. 
I hope you gais like :) 
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I will post the chapter up later today! Please wait! :D


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ucihaaya #1
Chapter 1: Hahaha lucu sekali adakah sekuel nya?
ucihaaya #2
Chapter 1: Hahaha lucu sekali adakah sekuel nya?
Lovexiu16 #3
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: I was dying,of laughter. Soo cute and funny.
Chapter 1: damn cute
ImaiYagami2107 #5
Chapter 1: I love XiuHan and Xiuhun. When I see this. THIS! I'm giggled like an idiot here... >///<
This is just too cute >///<
I'll support XiuHun :9
Chapter 1: I wish there were more xiuhun fanfics *sighs* xiuhun fighting
ps. your story is so cuteeee ^^
gaemgyu245 #7
Chapter 1: semin sounds like . me and my erted brain
Chapter 1: oh good >,< first xiumin-sehun fic i've read, i just wish they interact more.. MORE XIUHUN FICS! \o/
kin3373 #9
Chapter 1: LOVE XUIHUN, the most cutiest couple !! thnaks for nice fiction , <3