Just The Two Of Us

Just The Two Of Us


Standing in the doorway Yunho was looking at Changmin's tensed back. The leader knew that the younger is watching their old Wrong Number performance, the one with guns. He’s looking at the screen, but still remembers this feeling, when you stand on a scene, see only four friends and receive a wild high from the goose bumps running on your skin. Yunho hears how Min cleared his throat, trying to get rid of a lump, slammed laptop's cover and wearily rubbed neck. Leader silently returns to his room, not wanting to confuse always accurate and reserved Changmin.




At dawn younger one made his way to Yunho's bedroom and silently climbed under the blanket, burying his cold nose in leader’s neck. Older boy instantly woke up from the touch and said with hoarse voice:

-  “After years of living with Yoochun you have adopted from him bad habit to hang out on the balcony at nights? If you'll start to smoke, I will kill you;” - Min slightly nodded, on what Yunho found his cold feet under the blanket and placed between his legs in attempt to warm them.




Waking up from loud singing in the kitchen, leader tried to wrap more in the blanket and hide his head under the pillow, but the voice already chased away his dream. Yunho shouted automatically:


-  “Junsuah, shut up, will you? Why do you have to bawl early in the morning?” – Yunho froze. Junsu? They don’t live here anymore. He jumped from the bed and rushed deep into apartments; in kitchen, near the sink was standing frozen Changmin.


– “ Yah, dongsaeng! Why are you howling? We have a day off, but you don’t let me sleep.”


-  “ Have you said Junsu? “


-  “ What? No. You just misheard it;” - Yunho lied. Changmin blinked and relaxed a little.


- “Oh so, I misheard... So, if you woke up already, then, do you want a coffee?”




Winter nights in Seoul are so dark that the apartment plunges into a viscous and all-consuming gloom. During winter Changmin can't sleep alone in the room and so every time he sneaks into Yunho's bedroom. He likes to cuddle with hyung because he gives his warm to him.


Min embraces the sleeping man, warming cold fingers under his shirt. Touching and soft skin, Changmin can't stop and slides higher on the back, feeling corners of shoulder blades and leading round them as if remembering. Yunho sighs and pins younger boy underneath himself; kisses him on the chin not opening the eyes. Blindly kisses him on the corner of lips; instant later finds his lips and kisses them sleepily, sweetly, with tenderness, as if still in the dream. Changmin groaned in the kiss and can't tear himself from the birthmark over the leader's lip, which is so often hided under the layers of make-up. Changmin’s fingers couldn’t get warmed, though his skin already burns from kisses. Min touches leader's stomach; Yunho tenses his press from cold touches and moans:


- “ Jaeee…”


Changmin abruptly stops, pulls out hands from Yunho's shirt, touches his temples with fingers and kisses them tenderly, lulling him to sleep. When he convinces that leader sleeps, Min gets up and leaves on the balcony, regretting that along with Yoochun from the apartment disappeared also cigarettes.




Changmin and Yunho are riding to Inkigayo to record the performance. Min listens to the music, covering eyes. Yunho studies the schedule for today in the smartphone, occasionally glancing towards the younger. Recently, Changmin behaves strangely and doesn't come to sleep with him though he does not like to be alone at nights in the winter. Through radio and earphones leader hears the silent melody playing at donsaeng's player, but can't remember it, though he's sure that knows the melody.


Standing, while waiting for the elevator Yunho glances over Changmin's shoulder. Younger boy unblocks iPod, slides the arrow with finger, rewinds to the previous song. Yunho sees the name, hears again the hardly audible melody and already knows what happened to the younger boy.


Now, we just wish that you're happy and

We’ll climb our stairs one at a time

While imagining about our future,

We’re still waiting for you



We can meet you someday

We think of you every time we close our eyes

Even now, it's still natural for you to be with us


Until we can meet again, we'll keep your place

We love you both

We believe that we can smile with you again


You’re my only love

Please hold on

Even if time passes by,

Even if we're facing any kind of pain

You’re our "pride" forever.*


While Changmin is steeped in music, leader let the others know that both of them will be alone in the elevator. Chengmin walked in the elevator and when doors are closed, he understood that there are just the two of them in the lift.


Yunho pressed on the younger boy, pushing him to the corner and pulling out the earphones:  

- “Stop. Stop! You have to move on; to protect the name of TVXQ and overcome all difficulties with pride. Please, think about 800000 Cassies who believe in us; who support us. Just imagine, how difficult was these two years for fans. They didn't know, whether we'll return or not. What would be with us…”


- “Yunho-hyung,” - Changmin lifts cold eyes on the leader and utters through clenched teeth. – “only for the sake of the variety imagine how difficult it was for US. How we sat, without knowing what to do further. How you were stuck in the dorm, and at nights got drunk from soju. How we were glad for any roles in cheap dramas, so that we won't be forgotten.”


Now it was the younger who pulled Yunho into the corner, his face so close to the other's that he began to inhale the air that exhaled leader. Their lips almost touching with each other, but Changmin continued:


- “Don't you think about how it's difficult for them not to have the possibilities to perform peacefully? You say that you will not forgive them; that you don’t miss them. But I surely know that you – lie. You remember Yoochun's habits with tenderness, seeing them in me. You call Junsu when I sing too loudly…” – Changmin couldn’t control himself anymore and kissed Yunho, biting his lips, but then holds back the aggression and kisses him gently.


Breaking the kiss with great difficulty, Changmin passes to the other wall and finishes speaking:


- “Kissing me, you think about Jaejoong…”


* Lyrics from  JYJ – W


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HominYC #1
Chapter 1:
poure Minne ,I think that video is fits this story http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8JFAO1DSIc ; Why you can not complete the story ^^,I do not really like open-ended T_T
Chapter 1: omg , this made me cry ! great story :)
This was sad. The part where they were in bed and Yunho began to kiss him.. *sigh* This makes me sad because I feel it could be true.. Well written, the only thing I have to note is that you have to use "the" in some cases. For example, "the" older boy, "the" leader etc. Besides that it was a very nice fic :)
karinuuzuvip #4
I really love this. Just reading this does make my heart cracking, and tears pooling. I'm not even call my self a Cassiopeia, I just like TVXQ. But, this is beautiful, really. Beyond pairing, beyond characters, this fiction really touching, not to mention the cliffy ending which is making me kinda shock. Lol. Anyway, thanks for translating! Really appreciate it :)
@imasein don't worry dear, this lame comment never will make me feel down...it's just not worth of it...thanks for your support..i love you dear and i'm beside you too ^v^V
@changdeer you know if you hate this than you should close the window and not spit your venom to the others...keep your hatred with you and you should respect author's and translator's hard work..it is so low of you to say that...if you are disappointed than go and read somewhere else where your criteries are satisfied...