The Meeting

The Last Page



Following the same path that I had been passing for the last two weeks or so from school, I carefully smoothened out my messy hair and fixed my uniform. After making sure that my uniform was safe from the fight a while ago, I hurried up my pace as I walked down the road filled with fallen dried leaves. The leaves on the ground crumbled with every step I took. I like the sound of dried leaves on the ground when I walk on it. Like a kid, I kicked up some of the leaves laying helplessly on the road as I walked down the road.

After the turn at the corner, I began to slow down and once again, combed down my long, still-waiting-for-a-trim hair with my fingers. This time, with a much calmer manner, I walked down the road. Reached the familiar green gate that I had been waiting to pass by all day, I took a peek from the yard to check for the presence of Nape, an evil Maltese that never seemed to agree to me looking at his owner. There was no sign of him; I guessed it was my lucky day, after all.

For the last two weeks, I had made friend with this road. I had been walking through this same road so many times just to get a sight of her, the owner of Nape. I didn’t know her name but there was one thing I knew for sure, and that was that she would always be sitting out on the porch every time I passed by her house. She usually just sat there and stare that the road as if she was waiting for someone or something to come. I never had a good look at her face since I would always walk straight ahead without turning my head so that it wouldn’t be so obvious that I was looking at her. From all that I could collect after the two weeks I had been passing through there was that she has really long silky hair, a fairly slim body and she always seemed somewhat sad. But today, I had made up my mind to finally talk to her.

Hiding slightly behind to rose bushes next to the gate, I cautiously took another peek, this time, on the porch. And there she was, sitting there, graciously petting her Maltese. Unconsciously, a smile slowly crept up onto my face. I finally got a good look at her. She was beautiful. Suddenly, as if he had scented me, Nape looked up and hopped right out of his owner’s arms, running toward the gate, toward me. I quickly moved back and hid myself behind the rose bushes. Nape began to bark. He started to scratch on the wooden gate. My heart rushed as I heard her voice calling for Nape.

A second later, there was a sound of footsteps on the grass, slowly and somewhat weak. I knew that I had to move before she got to the gate so I stepped out of my hiding place and fully exposed myself. “Hi there. Sorry to disturb.” I said with a halfhearted wave. I wanted to appear to be cool in front of her.

Surprised, she smiled and waved back. “Oh, no. I should be the one apologizing. My dog has been acting up lately. Sorry about that.” She picked up Nape and petted him so he would stop barking.

“It’s ok. What’s his name?” I smiled and asked just to get the conversation going.

“Nape. He’s 1 year old. A really naughty boy.” She smiled.

I laughed, wanted to say something interesting but I couldn’t come up with any. So, I just looked at her and smiled like an idiot.

“So, back from school? Do you live around here?” She asked after a minute of absolute silence.

“Yeah,” I said, “Just two block down that way.” I pointed at the street ahead. I actually lived quiet some distance from here, at least four blocks. From school to my house was only two blocks of distance but I took the long way, I went around a few blocks so I could pass through here.

“That’s cool.” She smiled and nodded.

“Kristine. Are you out there?” Someone yelled out from inside the house. So her name was Kristine.

“Yes, mom. I’m out on the front yard.” Kristine turned around and called out to her mom.

A while later, a tall, middle-aged Asian woman walked out from the front door, holding a light sweater. “Who can this be?” She asked warmly as she saw me standing behind Kristine.

“Hello.” I waved at her and smiled.

“He lives around here, mom. He just passed by when Nape decided to jump out and be rude.” Kristine came between us and explained.

“You must be new to the neighborhood. I don’t recall seeing you before.” Her mom said while putting the light sweater on Kristine.

“I moved in about three weeks ago.” I explained.

“Oh,” She exclaimed excitedly, “Welcome to the neighborhood, then.” She smiled and opened the gate. “How rude of you, keeping our neighbor outside without inviting him in.” She gestured me to come in as she scowled Kristine.

Kristine opened , intended to say something but then she stopped and looked down.

“It’s ok, really. I was about to leave right now.” I smiled, trying not to make Kristine feel bad. I really wanted to stay a bit longer.

“Aw. I was really looking forward to know our new neighbor.” Her mom’s face dropped a little.

“I will stop by tomorrow.” I said.

“Will that be alright?” Her mom asked brightly, but was a little taken back. Maybe she felt like she was pressuring me.

“I pass by here to get home anyways.” I smiled to ensure her that it was fine. “I will take my leave now then.” I waved and stepped back away from the gate.

“See you tomorrow then.” Her mom said.

“I guess I will see you tomorrow.” Kristine smiled and waved as well.

I turned and walked away. Today didn’t turn out to be so bad. I finally got to talk to her.

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Chapter 2: Looks good so far authornim. I wish i had found you earlier. Your stories are just amazing!
xxkpopxx #2
ohh, ok :)
@xxkpopxx: the press.
xxkpopxx #4
i have a question, who is kris revealing this to?
Gonna wait for this story :) ehe.ehe.