He's Cold as Ice


My name is Park Seul Mi. I was born as an Imperial, a family of wealth and power. I was taught to be capable, elegant, and perhaps even polite at times. But that never changed who I really was, a down-to-earth girl who just wanted to laugh and become normal at times. A girl who wanted to be seen as normal. But I couldn’t be that girl, as the Industry had set guidelines and even though my family held high status, the Industry always came first.




My name is Park Seul Mi. I was born as an Imperial, a family of wealth and power. I was taught to be capable, elegant, and perhaps even polite at times. But that never changed who I really was, a down-to-earth girl who just wanted to laugh and become normal at times. A girl who wanted to be seen as normal. But I couldn’t be that girl, as the Industry had set guidelines and even though my family held high status, the Industry always came first.


Instead of freedom, I got many suitors at my doorstep attempting to woo me. Everyone knew what the suitors wanted, a taste of richness and fame that they could not obtain any other way. In the end, even if I had fell for them for say, we wouldn’t be together unless destiny prevailed. The Industry chose our other half, testing the compatibility between two people with their advanced technology until finding the perfect match. As a child, I had wondered why the Industry chose to control love, and in my later years I had found out why.

Each person is born with a symbol on their wrist representing their future. Their future tells them what they are destined to do, and many people have intricate designs to match up with their future jobs such as finance, building, serving, or even government. The Industry discovered that once you reach a certain age (different for every person), you are capable of the term loving, and once you find the one who you can love, your symbol with allow you to gain your future. It is as simple as that, if a person is marked by government, then after he or she finds their lover, they are able to work for the Industry using their strengths. However, my wrist is marked with a different pattern to show my status in wealth, the Imperial stamp. We were labeled as different, because with the stamp brought strength and magic, which could not even be harnessed by the Industry--and because of that, we were high in status. Instead of strengths, I was told the Imperial stamp brought me magic. Magic that the Industry wanted to use for their own selfish needs, and once an Imperial was old enough, they were brought to be Matched.

To be Matched was certainly an exciting event for the Population as many people crowded around televisions to see who would be chosen that year. If you were chosen, you would receive a metallic silver envelope, inviting you down to the Industry’s Matching Area—an alternative universe. What the contestants did in the universe was a mystery, but the larger events (such as variety shows and dances) were televised.  The contestants had a full year to find their other half in the Area, and once found they were each banded with two silver rings on their ring finger. Many times, I watched the TV in interest, but it was only until last year when I fully paid attention when my close friend Mi Sun, was chosen to become Matched. Within weeks after returning, she had become more beautiful, more loving, and happier after finding her other half. Many times prior, I had longed for my own romantic interest, but only now do I realize the struggle I went through to receive him.


This is where my story unfolds...



Yes, I will be handeling two stories at a time .

I'm quite positive I am capable enough. 

My Ultimate Bias deserves a fanfiction.

AN: If You don't understand it, feel free to PM me and I'll make sure to make it more clear.

It seems a lot of people are curious about the inspiration.

It kinda sparked from a dream, to me thinking about it.

But the following books helped me find a basis

-The Giver

-A Wrinkle In Time

-The City of Ember

-Hunger Games


beautiful poster is made by Ievunnie at glamorous whispers <3

Please anticipate my upcoming update scheduled for tomorrow :) [He's Cold as Ice]


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Luminousdevil #1
Chapter 1: OMG this story is amazing please continued :)
zhenzhen12 #2
Nice story^^
This really needs to come back like wow I still remember this from ages ago D;
Chapter 5: Don't be disappointed with the story! I honestly can't believe that there's no new comments on this. It's bloody amazing, right now, you're leaving us all hanging with questions like: 'what's going to happen with Dasom and Seul Mi?' 'What's the alternate unverse going to be like?' and ' When the heck and Myungsoo and Seul Mi going to get together!?"
And to this very day, I'm still anticipating that day when your story pops up on my 'Recently updated' list
janale6 #5
Chapter 5: agh.. so beautiful.. i cant wait for the update! :)
Chapter 5: This is an amazing story!!
Please update soon!!!
Omfg you HAVE TO keep writing I'll cry if you don't one. This is so original and so creative and I'm dying to know how the story will progress <3
Chapter 5: why are there no recent comments!

I love this fic ><
jpocket #9
updaaaaaaaaateeeeeeeee! i miss reading this story... lol.
Ievunnie #10
I made you a poster. It's on the 20th chapter.
Thanks for visiting I' Glamorous whispers and don't forget to credit me! ^^