
Sibling Rivalry


“I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but we have things to decide.” Yoona whispered, interrupting Seohyun’s window gazing. The maknae sighed and turned around in Yoona’s embrace. “First of all, when and how are we going to tell him?”

“Maybe tomorrow? That way we can enjoy our last day of tranquility.” Seohyun answered, grimacing. Yoona’s expression then turned solemn as she averted her eyes.

“What about your parents?”

“What about them?” Came Seohyun’s quick and defensive reply, even though she knew exactly what Yoona meant.

“I just don’t think it’s a good idea to tell Chansung without telling them first. You know how he is…” Yoona trailed off, but Seohyun remained hesitant, averting her eyes as well. “If you want to take the risk…”

“Aniya. You’re right, Yoongie, they should know as well.” The maknae interrupted her quietly. Yoona sighed and took Seohyun’s face in her hands, making their eyes meet.

“Are you, by any chance, having second thoughts?” She asked softly, running her thumbs over Seohyun’s cheeks. The younger girl shook her head.

“I just hadn’t thought of that. It took me by surprise.”

“I can be there with you if you want…” Yoona offered, seeing the maknae’s troubled face. Seohyun quickly shook her head and placed her hands over Yoona’s.

“I’d rather do it myself, Yoongie, if you wouldn’t mind.” She answered quietly.

“Of course I don’t. I really admire your courage, Hyunnie.” Yoona voiced her thoughts, not taking her eyes off Seohyun’s. The maknae blushed and smiled lightly. “Now how about we enjoy our last day of peace, so to speak?” Yoona asked, feeling lightheaded when Seohyun dedicated her one of the biggest smiles she had ever seen before.

“Were you serious about that?” The older girl nodded.

“What do you feel like doing? Because I have the whole afternoon and looks like you do too” Yoona answered with a grin. Before Seohyun had the time to elaborate on that, her smile slowly faded.

“My parents are supposed to take long, but what if Chansung calls?” Yoona shrugged and made a vague gesture, shrugging it off. “We can’t just dismiss him, he’ll insist on coming.”

“Easy, just tell him you’re with Jessica-unnie, he won’t show up unless it’s just the two of you, or will he?” Yoona answered confidently, raising her brows.

“B-but what if your dad wakes up and you have to go and…” Yoona easily cut Seohyun’s rambling off with a kiss.

“If appa wakes up, I’ll go, but he hasn’t, and due to the anesthesia they got him, he’ll most probably wake up within a few days. Relax, Hyunnie.” Yoona smiled contentedly as she saw the maknae had believed her. “What do you feel like doing?” Seohyun’s face brightened.

“Baking chocolate chips cookies and then watching Keroro!” She said excitedly, clapping her hands. Yoona grimaced, but it quickly faded when she realized everything was better with Seohyun, even if it meant cooking and watching cartoons for hours.

“Then baking and watching Keroro it is!” Yoona’s heart lightened when she saw Seohyun jumping up and down slightly and clapping her hands. In her excitement, the maknae stumbled upon a few items in the kitchen as she looked for everything they’d need. Yoona just watched amusedly and put on the apron Seohyun had given her. When Seohyun was back, clad in her own apron, she showed Yoona the recipe, giggling at how lost the older girl looked.

“Alright, before we do this, I just want to tell you I’m terrible at cooking, so if I burn down your kitchen, don’t get mad at me.” Seohyun’s giggle turned into a full laughter at Yoona’s words.

“I’ll make sure you don’t burn down the kitchen, arasso?” The maknae asked as she took Yoona’s face into her hands for a moment. The spontaneous gesture made Yoona blush. “Start by mixing the soda, flour and salt altogether in that bowl.” By not getting a response, Seohyun turned to see Yoona, scratching her head cutely and staring at the bunch of ingredients on top of the kitchen table.

“Um… Could you tell me which is which?” The maknae once again laughed and went to her beloved’s side.

As they waited for the baking sheets to heat inside the oven, Yoona started playing with the leftover flour. By doing so, she came up with one of her greatest ideas. She picked up some flour in her forefinger and thumb, tracing her lips with them afterwards. She took advantage of how Seohyun looked so concentrated while re-reading the recipe. The older girl sneaked to her and, in a quick motion, kissed her cheek, making Seohyun jump and shriek. Yoona laughed heartily, watching Seohyun, who blushed and started laughing as well. Yoona hugged her shoulders from behind in a playful hug as Seohyun traced the floury lips drawn on her cheek by Yoona’s kiss.

“So that’s why you were so quiet?” Yoona nodded and turned her around.

“Genius, right? There’s still some on my lips in case you want some more.” Yoona said cheekily, pointing to her lips. Seohyun couldn’t say no as she pressed her lips to Yoona’s. The doe-eyed girl smiled against it, thinking Seohyun’s lips had already lost their initial clumsiness. As they pulled away from the innocent kiss, Yoona brought her hand up to trace Seohyun’s lips and wipe away the flour on them.

“That was tasty, but I don’t want our cookies burning.” The younger girl whispered as she disentangled herself from Yoona and went to the oven. As she took the pan out of it, Yoona furrowed her brows.

“Okay, so why were these in the oven exactly?” She asked as she saw that the cookie dough hadn’t changed at all.

“It’s called pre-heating. We still have to add the chocolate chips before really baking. Now it’s warmer and creamier, see?” Seohyun said as she took some raw cookie dough in her hand and stirred it so that Yoona could see. The doe-eyed girl’s mouth made an 0 shape as she watched Seohyun prove her point. “But now I have cookie dough all over my fingers…” She whined. Yoona laughed; she knew just how much Seohyun hated getting messy.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get that for you.” Yoona said as she moved closer to Seohyun and took the maknae’s hand. She brought it up to her face started the cookie dough off of Seohyun’s fingers. Even though she could barely even feel Yoona’s lips, the maknae’s breath hitched in as Yoona’s doe-eyes made contact with hers. She never thought an action that seemed so innocent could turn into something so… y. A strange feeling on the pit of her stomach took place.

“There you go. All done.” Yoona said innocently as she let go of Seohyun’s hand, but she didn’t fail to notice how red her cheeks had become and how the playful smile on her face had disappeared. The younger girl tried to play it cool like Yoona hadn’t affected her at all.

“Thank you, Yoongie. Can you get the other pan, please?” Seohyun asked coolly, although her voice came out a little shaky. Yoona pretended not to notice and did just that. Seohyun just looked at her and tried to figure her out. After a while, Seohyun realized she was pretty much drooling over herself, which made her avert her eyes from Yoona’s body.

“Can we add the chocolate chips now? You promised this wouldn’t take long!” Yoona whined, pouting adorably. Seohyun laughed and patted Yoona’s cheek.

“Yes we can. Would you do the honors?”

“Of course.”

After much struggle to get the darn cookies done, they finally managed to make some pretty decent ones. Keroro was already showing on the TV, while the two girls snuggled comfortably in the couch in front of it. Yoona looked down to see Seohyun, whose head was resting on her shoulder, smiling excitedly. It was weird to believe that a cartoon could make a 17 year-old so excited. Unable to help herself, Yoona kissed the crown of Seohyun’s head. The maknae smiled widely, but her ‘innocent’ skinship with Yoona back at the kitchen had her pretty much seeing things. Yoona’s every kiss seemed to hold more meaning now, even the way the doe-eyed girl was playing with her hands seemed different.



“What are we going to do after Chansung finds out about us?” The question took Yoona by surprise. As she dwelled on it, a small smile made its way into her features.

“Foremost, I’ll formally ask you to be mine…” Yoona trailed off. Seohyun couldn’t help but sigh dreamily. “Being with you… It just feels right.” Yoona whispered, sounding almost a little bit poetic. “I know I’ll have to give you time to adjust, but I figured that if we love each other, we’ll be okay, right?” Seohyun nodded, watching their linked hands playing mindlessly with each other.

“I wish I could be as careless as you are…” Seohyun muttered honestly. She felt Yoona’s chest raising and falling as she sighed. It was fair to say that Keroro had been somewhat forgotten.

“I’ll teach you.” Yoona answered decidedly. Soon, a mischievous idea popped up in her mind. It was the perfect idea to change their angsty conversation. “In fact, we could take the first step right now.” Seohyun lifted her head from Yoona’s shoulder to gaze at her, surprised.

“Jinjja?” Yoona took the opportunity to take the maknae’s face into her hands.

“You just need to stay still for now.” Yoona whispered as she inched their faces closer. Seohyun’s mind shut down from being so close to Yoona in that very moment. They both instinctively closed their eyes as their lips met. Like Seohyun thought, this kiss felt definitely different from the ones they had shared before. Yoona’s sweetness was still there, but there was a mix of different emotions in it, but she kissed back gladly, thinking that the next day would be too unsure. When Yoona felt Seohyun was really into the kiss, her hands left their position on Seohyun’s cheeks to clutch to her waist almost desperately. The younger one knew she couldn’t stay still anymore, embracing Yoona almost as desperately, with one hand holding onto her hair.

Yoona leaned against Seohyun, applying more pressure to the kiss. Seohyun eventually fell back, her head landing on top of the couch’s armrest. The older girl took advantage of it as she lowered herself on top of Seohyun, one of her legs resting in between Seohyun’s. As the maknae gasped, Yoona slipped her tongue inside , one of her hands coming to caress Seohyun’s chubby cheek. Yoona pulled away from the heated lip lock, staying close and gazing lovingly into Seohyun’s slightly darkened eyes. Before neither of them could say a word, Yoona started trailing her lips down to Seohyun’s neck. The maknae’s breath became heavier as Yoona’s hands slipped underneath her shirt to softly caress her toned yet soft stomach. They both felt like they were on top of the world; Yoona from getting to touch the body she had so many times admired from afar, and Seohyun from feeling Yoona so close to her. Seohyun’s eyes fluttered closed as one of her hands kept scratching Yoona’s scalp and the other one went to her cheek. As Yoona the porcelain skin over Seohyun’s pulse point, careful to not leave a mark, she was surprised to feel Seohyun’s hips bucking slightly against her thigh and to hear a whimper escaping Seohyun’s mouth. The maknae herself was quite surprised by the involuntary movement of her hips, but what Yoona’s lips and tongue were doing to her neck was way distracting, making every thought disappear from her mind. All she could think about was Yoona. The older girl, on the other hand, was trying hard to keep her hands from moving upwards. Her self-control was slowly fading away, so she knew she’d better stop, before she wasn’t able to. With one last breathless kiss to Seohyun’s lips, she pulled back into a sitting position, glancing at Seohyun. The maknae hurriedly sat up as well. Yoona gave her a comforting smile, reassuring her that they had done nothing wrong. Seohyun returned it, blushing, because she knew deep down that she didn’t want to stop what they had been doing.

“Now this was our first step, Hyunnie. You had to let yourself go, and you did just that.” Yoona said as she reached out to fix Seohyun’s messy hair. They were both still coming down from the high of their very first heated make out. Although Seohyun had enjoyed it as much as Yoona, and a feeling of freedom had overcome her being, there were some questions roaming through her head.

“Yoongie?” She asked, insecurity laced in her voice.

“What is it?” Yoona asked, the hand that was going through Seohyun’s hair coming to rest on her cheek. The simple gesture made Seohyun feel more at ease.

“Have you ever, by any chance, had…?” Seohyun’s voice lowered to a whisper as a rosy color took over her cheeks. Catching up to what the maknae meant, Yoona shook her head almost frantically.

“Aniya, of course not! I’m a… .” She finished, blushing shyly. Seohyun tilted her head to the side, expecting another answer. Based on how good of a kisser Yoona was, she could expect the older girl to be experienced on that field.

“B-but you spent the night at Tiffany’s many times when you two were together and you two were always all over each other and…” Yoona pressed her index finger to Seohyun’s lips, softly silencing her. A playful smile made its way to her features.

“Are you actually mad that I’m a ? And just so you know, Tiffany and I never did anything more than kissing.” Yoona clarified. Seohyun shook her head.

“I’m sorry, it’s just that I tend to become insecure because… I mean, a girl like you dating a nerd like me…”

“Hey! Don’t say things like that!” Yoona interrupted her, taking her hand and giving it a squeeze. “I consider myself lucky to be with someone like you. Honestly… Hyunnie, you’ve got me biting my lips. You’re just so beautiful and y and perfect, and you respect yourself just like you deserve to be respected that I can’t help but want you… It’s so sad that you don’t see yourself like I do, but I promise I’ll make you own up to what you really are.” Seohyun smiled, but kept blushing at Yoona’s words. She’d never thought someone would ever call her y.

“If you don’t mind me asking… Why hadn’t you have… Um… in your past relationships?” Seohyun stuttered, blushing even harder. As much as she hated talking about the subject, there was so much about Yoona that she wanted to know. The older girl giggled and pinched Seohyun’s cheek.

“I don’t know… I guess I never fell in love with any of them and it’s not like there’ve been many. Besides, I’m saving myself for a really special girl…” Yoona trailed off, giving Seohyun a flirty stare. The younger girl decided to play along.

“Jinjja? Do I know her?” She questioned, just as flirty.

“I don’t know, her name is Seo Joohyun and I love her very much.” Seohyun blushed and hid her face on Yoona’s shoulder.

“I’m sure she loves you just as much and feels really lucky to have you.” Yoona’s heart warmed at Seohyun’s words as she turned her head and pressed a kiss to the younger girl’s temple. “And she wants you to be her first as well.” Seohyun whispered, almost inaudibly. Yoona widened her eyes as the biggest smile drew itself upon her features. She took Seohyun’s face in her hands and lifted it up, making their eyes meet. Although Seohyun was really embarrassed, she had meant her words and the joy in Yoona’s eyes matched hers.

“Jinjja?” Seohyun nodded, making the older girl wrap her up in a tight hug. “Thank you so much, baby. I promise you won’t regret this and I’ll wait as long as you ask me to. I love you so much.” She whispered into the younger girl’s ear, making her shiver.

“I love you, too.” Seohyun answered, giving Yoona a peck on the cheek as they pulled away. They fell into a comfortable silence.

“So… back to Keroro?” Yoona asked all of a sudden, making them both erupt in laughter.

The next day.

Yoona waited impatiently on the sidewalk. She had gone straight home after school, knowing she and Seohyun had a tough day ahead of them. At their classes, they had avoided talking about their task at hand, but Yoona had seen real fear in Seohyun’s eyes. As much as she had tried to comfort her, it seemed impossible. They had both agreed to tell Seohyun’s parents first and then Chansung. Yoona knew that Seohyun didn’t want her to be there when she told her parents, but the doe-eyed girl wanted to be by the maknae’s side all through it. If she wasn’t going to be there, she’d at least give her words of encouragement before. She was starting to grow desperate when she saw the familiar figures of Seohyun and Chansung making their way of their house. Yoona greeted them like nothing was going on, although her jaw clenched by seeing that Chansung’s hold on the maknae’s hand looked a little too tight.

“What are you doing out here?” The boy asked her.

“Just waiting for Yuri.” She lied, glancing briefly at Seohyun. The maknae took it as a cue.

“I have to talk to my parents. I’ll see you later, Chansung.” She said, although Yoona noticed her voice was shaky.

“Arasso, but remember we need to talk.” He said commandingly. Yoona rolled her eyes.

“Yes… We definitely have to talk later.” The maknae said, looking at Yoona. The boy nodded and gave Seohyun a kiss on the cheek before disappearing inside the house. Once the two girls were completely alone, they turned to each other. Yoona could see fear in the other girl’s eyes, and the worst is that she didn’t know how to help her. She was scared as well.

“… I’m scared…” Was all the maknae said, her voice trembling. Yoona took her hand, giving it a squeeze.

“It’s going to be okay.” She reassured, partly not believing her own words. “You know I’m here for you. Your parents love you no matter what.” Yoona said, letting go of her hand. The maknae sighed and braced herself, taking courage from Yoona’s words.

“It’s time. I love you Yoongie.” Seohyun said, her voice breaking. Yoona bit her lip and tried to remain calm, because by this time she was truly freaking out on the inside.

“I love you too…” Yoona whispered as she saw Seohyun entering her house slowly. She could only hope for the best, knowing that whatever came after this wouldn’t be exactly easy. 

Dun, dun, dun! Cliffhanger ^^ I hope you like this chapter, I made it specially fluffy for you before the storm comes. Thanks for reading and comments are appreciated! <3

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Almost done with the epilogue, peeps!


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Chapter 40: This is really amazing. I'm glad i found this fic. I love every moments of YoonHyun, they are too sweet >.<
but seriously i have to give the commendation to the writer. You really did well hence the result is amazing :)
Chapter 30: In the penny for your thoughts part, Yoona's remarks are really hilarious haha. Always a choding ^.^
Chapter 3: ayyee this is a cute chapter hahaha Yong so gentle
Chapter 1: I'm back xD
And reading this again. God, I missed this story. This was one of my faves! :D
Chapter 40: Finally got the chance to read this story.
I have been wanting to do so for a long time now. And all i have to say is that i should have made time for this story a lot sooner. This is just wonderful. beautiful story. I LOVE it!!
Great job author-ssi.
Chapter 40: Omg I love this so much ;~; great job authornim!!!
Umji4life #7
Chapter 40: Nice end to the story. I can faint from the YoonHyun moments in this story, you know that? They're kissing in almost every chapter and their sweet words for each other, my YoonHyun feels haha. In the earlier chapters, I always felt like they were having an affair, sneaking around to see each other :p I'm happy Seohyun got better, and YoonHyun was accepted. It was also interesting to see how Chansung developed from shy to possessive to good guy.
Seriously though, this YoonHyun fic is one of the sweetest I've read in awhile. I'll be reading 'Just My Luck' soon :)
Umji4life #8
Chapter 9: I just read this story up to this chapter, and I'm loving it. What a complicated love story these characters have. YoonHyun love each other, but Yoona's with Fany and Seo with Chansung. Seo and fany are friends while Yoong and Chansung are half siblings. Woah.
Will comment again when I've gone further haha. Nice story!
Chapter 40: this is the best fanfic that i have read so far, and it's from yoonhyun coupLe .. Author your doing great .. Your such a good writer ,, i'm enjoying read it ..