
Freak Show

Soft laughs and giggles were heard as the abducted boys stepped out onto the wooden stage in the centre of a big town. Many nobles gathered around in hopes of buying themselves another soul to devour, another life to take. Each shameful step the boys took they hung their heads lower to hide their faces from the crowd in front of them. One boy, tall, dark hair and able-bodied was pushed out of the line, exposed to the men and women settled in their cushioned seats.
"Ladies and gentlemen, Welcome to this cheerful event today! I hope you have your eye on something pretty right now!" The host spoke adjusting his top-hat so it sat at a slant."We will start at this young man right here, from a little village near the mountains and lived on a farm. As you can see his muscles are pretty firm and he is handsome..Ladies any takers..?"
Mir's head turned slowly to watch one of his aquaintences get sold off in front of him. 'That's what you get for bullying me...I'm glad you're getting sold off, See you in hell G.O..." He thought to himself after seeing his aquaintence being pulled of the stage and into a wagon owned by a well dressed women.
Time passed by, a total of 24 boys sold in front of Mir's dreary eyes. He was becoming lifeless waiting for his turn to come on, not that he really wanted to be sold or anything. "Now our last peice to be sold today!" The host smiled asking for one of the workers to drag Mir to the stage."This one was picked up in a village up in the moutains, he is a bit rebellious so you might need to keep a good eye on him.."
The crowd went silent waiting for someone to start the bidding, almost no one payed attention to the young boy in front of them."The bidding will start at 100 dollars.." The host said counting the bundle of money in his hands."No one..? how about 50..?"
"You pigs.." Mir muttered shifting his wrists tied by a thick rope." Selling lives, violating them and then leaving to rot.."
The host smiled hearing the young man's words, giving him a pat on the back. Making Mir scream from the pain of the whippings still not healed. "Did you hear that everybody!? This young one right here called you pigs! Should you show him what a pig you are..?"
"50!" A young women called out her painted red lips, smudging the crimson onto her toungue.
Suddenly, an old overweight nobleman stepped out of the crowd taking out a bundle of cash from his black suit."How about 500,000?"
The crowd took a step back shocked."On a runt like that..?" They asked all bursting out into laughter."What are you going to do..? Add him to your collection..?"
"Sold!" The host shouted making Mir flinch from the sudden roar.
Mir was dragged off of the stage being glared at by the crowd of boys, envious about the money spent on him."What's your name..?" The old man asked moving Mir's orange hair behind his ear. "Mir.." He answered quietly not making any eye contact.
"Why won't you look at me..?" The old greasy man said taking hold of Mir's chin to take a look of his face."L-L-Lock him up! In his eyes are the flames of hell, the exact colour of the water leaking out of the pipes, and they have deep hatred in them...If you cannot kill him lock him up for no one to see!"
The butler of the man covered Mir's eyes with a leather strap, his bare eyes contacting the dusty leather. The young boy screamed in pain as he felt the stinging feeling go into his eyeballs, it was a mixture of tears and blood dripping from his face as the butler tightened it so that it was squeezing his skull. "What a shame..A doll going to waste..."
"I will take it off once we are in alone.." The butler whispered to the squirming boy helping him into the waggon."Then we will make you a plan.."
Mir spat out the blood that dripped into his mouth onto the shoes of butler."Why the hell should I trust you bast*rd?"
"Because I was in the same situation as you.." The butler smiled whiping the blood off of his shoe."So are you going to help..?"
"KyuHyun.."Their master said looking back from his place in the carriage."Strap his mouth too..His voice is disgusting.."
"As you say.." The butler said taking the strap of leather from his master and using it to strap Mir's mouth, so that he couldn't make a sound."I'll take that as a yes.."

The young boy's chest bobbed up and down in search of oxygen to fill his lungs, but instead got a chest full of dust."You're new aren't you..?" A voice said coming from the blank darkness."KyuHyun over there said you were strapped down for long so I won't go to hard on you.."
"f**k is it to you..?" Mir said turning his head to locate were the voice in the pitch-black darkness was coming from.
"My, My, What a doll the master has bought...Guess we really do have to break you in.." The voice chuckled lighting up one torch to reveal his face."Don't squirm. You're only going to get hurt more.."
The man approached with a set of keys and a torch. Using the one torch he lit up the other two hanging on the stone wall of what seemed to be a prison."Get up.." the man ordered lifing the younger boy's hands to fit into the restraints attached to the wall."Now what will we do to your eyes..? Will I poke them with a heated stick..? Or will I frustrate them first..?"
Mir let out a soft groan of annoyance as the man waved a heated iron rod in front of his face."Just kill me now.." Mir said pulling on the restraints."I rather be dead then a doll for some old ert.."
The man in front of him let out a cracky chuckle grabbing onto Mir's toungue."You're cute you know that..?" He said placing the rod onto the toungue, making a squeal come from Mir's throat."You just talk too much.."
Pulling on the restraints Mir cut deep into his skin, making the blood drip down onto the man's forehead."Oh how nice..You have given me something to drink.."
Gliding his toungue across Mir's skin, the man gulped the dripping blood, ignoring the fact that the butler has stepped into the room."I see you're having a snack..?"
"Y-Yes Sir..." The man stuttered turning his attention to the man dressed in black."You see...SeungHo was just hungry, and SeungHo didn't want to bother K-KyuHyun.."
The butler shot a disgusted look at the awkwardly laughing man."Just get out of my sight.."
With that the awkward man shuffled out of the room leaving his work attached to the wall were the butler could see."So I see he didn't do much.." The butler said eyeing the boy."I suggest you don't speak.."
KyuHyun unlocked the shackles making Mir fall to ground on his knees."Now for that plan of ours.." Mir gave a glance over at the butler taking a seat on the table."You will have to give that body for this.."

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And you are a writer like me, you comment everywhere even on your own fic, hahaha, me too! :)
Ooooh .. Omo, this is SO GOOD SO FAR!!! I cant wait, please update soon! Hwaiting!
NeolSarangHae #3
Looks like a good story to me ^_~ Waiting for your first chapter~
Youaremystar #4
Why thank you! <3
0o0 This looks like a good story!