
Freak Show

Only the mourns and crys were heard as mysterious being swept the village. Children were swept away in the light of pale moon and departed with their families, to be sold in the town. Men in white masks decorating their faces held knifes and other weapons to the necks of many who refused to give their offspring.
"You dare resist?" A man dressed in a long black cloak with a red stained knife smirked holding a knife to a neck of a young woman.
The young woman breathed heavily as she felt the coldness of the blade press against the skin of the base of her neck. Crimson blood trickled down as he pressed harder, still not letting go of the young boy holding her hand. "Are you not going to give in..?" The man grinded his teeth pulling her hair so that the wound would open further."What pretty skin you have..Does it hurt yet?"He continued opening the bloody carve so that inside flesh was exposed. A scream escped squeezing the young boy in her hand's smaller hand as he stuck his finger in to play with the flesh inside."M-M-Mir.." She moaned in pain as the man started digging his finger nails into her wound."R-Run.."
The little boy cried out as he felt the warmness of his mother's hand disappearing and turning to coldness, but without a second thought he ran from the horrific seen in font of him. The problem was he didn't know were to go, surrounding their small village was an sea of green trees. Nothing to be seen further except the mountain peaks stretching from one point to another. "J-Joon.." He called out as he saw his elder friend being dragged out by the hair. His friend shot him a look of terror as Mir tried to get closer. Joon was the only friend Mir had in the village, he was bullied by everyone else for being smaller than the every other boy his age. "D-d-d-d-don't come n-n-n-near m-m-m-m-me.." Joon pleaded as he was being thrown into a wagon pulled by gray horses.
The man who dragged him looked down at him and gave him a firm slap."Who the hell are you talking to? Are you retarded? Shut the hell up before I sew that mouth of yours.." The man spat looking around to make sure that no one was near by.
Joon flinched as the man turned back around to close the back of the wagon in fear of another small beat."O-o-o-o-over there.." He shakily pointed to the boy hiding behind a small barrel next to a dead horse."H-h-he's h-h-hiding.."
Heavy footsteps approached the young boy, him  startled by every step that came near him. Shivers went down his spine as could smell the mixture of blood and dust blow in the wind towards him."Were are you hiding..?" The man sang out not noticing his captive slowly creeping out of the wagon and crawling away on wobbly knees."Are you here..?" He chuckled kicking the dead horse out of his way. Mir nearly screamed as the head of the horse landing on his lap, eyeballs falling to his feet.
"Or maybe you are here.."The man grinned hearing the rustling of the hay Mir was hiding in."Found you.."
The young boy dashed as fast as he could seeing the gleam in the white mask of the monster in front of him, tripping on the bodies bleeding to death on the ground."Help me.."One of the corpses call out grasping the bottom of the white shirt. He recognized the mutilated face of young woman pleading to him as he knocked her hand off of him. "Help me Mir..." She called out again crawling towards him, who was now kicking her hands off of the hem of his pants.
"Mother I'm sorry.." He cried, kicking her off of him. The juvenile started his run again heading into the darkness of the forest, not having a clue were he was heading.
"Hell is what I used to call home.." He said to himself looking back at the village, he had once called home. Ignoring all the screams of terror and pain as the it went into flames in front of him. He walked slowly in the forest being aware of his surroundings, taking in the smell of burnt wood intoxicating him. His mind went dizzy inhaling the smoke near by, with the words ringing in his mind. 'Help me..' His mother called as his eyes drifted to a close.

Orange sunrise, the colour of a ripe peach broke through the cracks of light in the trees. Swirls of light broke through his eyes making him feel like everything was a dream, but nothing could be further than that.
"Wake up slaves!" A man shouted hitting everyone's leg with a wooden stick."You are to sold today, make yourself presentable.."
Mir shot up hearing the low toned voice, looking around to take in the foreign enviroment."Were am I..?" He asked himself observing the cracked clay walls surround him and about a dozen or more young men around. The man with the stick poured buckets of cold water on the sleeping ones, making them flinch as the slight wind chilled them even more. "You hear me, I said get up and damn wash yourselves!"
"I was abducted?" Mir asked himself pulling his limbs close to him. His eyes flooded with a string of tears, making the attention go to him.
"So you're going to cry? Pathetic.." The muscular man stepped foreward attaching a strap of leather to the end of the long stick.
Every blow of leather to his back left an open cut, reminding him of the wound on his mother's neck. Crimson blood dripped from his pale back and onto the floor, staining the sandy ground into dark red. Each strike he didn't even bother to flinch feeling it was useless to resist further because to him, this was only the beggining of his hardships.


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And you are a writer like me, you comment everywhere even on your own fic, hahaha, me too! :)
Ooooh .. Omo, this is SO GOOD SO FAR!!! I cant wait, please update soon! Hwaiting!
NeolSarangHae #3
Looks like a good story to me ^_~ Waiting for your first chapter~
Youaremystar #4
Why thank you! <3
0o0 This looks like a good story!