How could you?

Unprepared to fall in love with you.


It's the last day of school! I seriously can't believe it, my high school life is over! & I graduate tomorrow! I got out of bed & washed up. I put on Teen Top's "Be Ma Girl" & started curling my hair. This is my favorite song! It always gets me so happy. I did my make up then slipped into my uniform for the last time. Oh how I hated uniforms but I sure was going to miss it. I picked out my shoes then went downstairs. My mom was making me nutella crepes, yummy! "Good morning beautiful." she said as I kissed her cheek. "Good morning Eomma!" I ate breakfast then put my shoes on & left. Kai was outside waiting for me. We walked to school but things seemed odd. 

"I'm sorry Ah Joong-ah." a girl said as she patted my back. I gave Kai a confused face & he shrugged his shoulders not knowing what was going on either. People kept trying to comfort me telling me things were going to be okay. What the hell was going on? I walked with Kai to class & what I saw made me drop my stuff. My jaw dropped as well & I stood there in shock. The tears in my eyes began to fall & I ran away. "Ah Joong-ah!" I heard Sehun's voice calling after me. I stopped around the corner & dropped down against the wall. I sobbed loudly as Sehun came & kneeled down in front of me. He cupped my cheek & I swatted his hand away.

He hugged me & I cried into his shoulder. "Why Sehun why did he do that?!" I yelled as I cried. He ran his hands up & down my hair comforting me. "He's a . He never deserved you in the first place. If he loved you he wouldn't of kissed Jiyong in front of every one like that." Yes, Myungsoo was kissing Jiyong. Had he been cheating on me all this time? Had they had a thing even before me & him did? I don't know but right now I'm hurt. I've never felt this heart broken before. How could he does this to me? I thought we were perfect for each other. I thought everything was perfect between us. I guess I was wrong.

Sehun gave me enough strength to get me to go back to class. Sehun was always there for me, always. He always made me feel better when I was sad. I was so stupid to let him go. He fought for me, but in the end I chose stupid Kim Myungsoo. I was too blind to see that Sehun was the one that deserved me all along. I can't change things now. Me & Sehun will never be together, I'm sure of it. Plus, there's no way I'm jumping into a relationship for like another thousand years! I'm not risking the fact that I could get hurt.

I walked into class with Sehun & Myungsoo looked at me. I gave him a glare & sat down. I turned around & Jiyong was looking out the window. Pfft, she was too much of a coward to even look me in the eyes. Myungsoo just looked at me. No expression on his face, no emotion. I rolled my eyes & I stood up. Every one looked at me as I walked towards Myungsoo. I looked him in the eyes & slapped him hard. He cupped his cheek & I could see his eyes getting watery. A tear slid down his cheek. I just scoffed & went back to my seat as the teacher walked in.

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I love this story
Chapter 23: is it me or am i honestly not liking this oc.
she's like falling for every guh that's within her vision, and since she's aleady wiyh sehun, shouldn't she be more aware of her own feelings and not like other guys? it's like, she seems like a tbh.
the fact that she goes after every male gets on my nerves. big time.
Chapter 17: I think this is one of the first time's I haven't really liked the OC... I don't know why but something about her grates on my nerves. Maybe its the fact that she seems to being going after every single guy and that she always blames the guy for problems when she herself is the cause of most of them...
SuperTwins #4
Chapter 24: Aaawwww!!! I love her mom!
Chapter 18: Why you made the OC like a sl*t that fell for All handsome namjas D:
new reader here :D
Sarahjoyce #7
Luckily there's a sequel now!!!
I've been curious what will happen next...
Chapter 51: oh my god --' breaking up and back together haha the pattern keeps repeating but it was good !
@Cin_Lala lol, there is a sequel ^^
LoveEvermore #10
Omg sequel now !!!!!! Plzzzzz I have a tendency to he mad when things go unfinished Plz make the sequel !!! I love the story btw <333