What's been going on.

Unprepared to fall in love with you.


We’re a week away. A week away from graduating. Woo! I can’t believe the day’s finally coming. Bye bye high school, hello college! My semester here has definitely had its ups & down! No doubt about that but I’ve managed to get through them with the help of my friends & the people around me.

Myungsoo & I are official, kyaaaa! Cool right? I swear, I am the happiest person alive when I’m all wrapped up in his arms. Those muscular arms woo I’m going off topic! Anyways, yeah he makes me really happy. People always tell me how we’re like the perfect couple & how cute we look together. I would have to agree with them, we are cute keke. You’re probably wondering what the status on me & Jiyong is. Well let me go ahead & tell you since you’re probably dying to know!

No, me & Jiyong still aren’t friends. We don’t speak, we try our bests to avoid each other, we hardly even look at each other! Crazy, right? Nah not really, it’s our decision to just not be friends. I mean, maybe, just maybe if she would apologize I’d forgive her but she’s not going to do that. & don’t think that I’m going to apologize! I am after all the Baek Ah Joong. So yeah, her & Myungsoo are still friends I guess. They hang out some times & they speak to each other in school. I’m not mad at that because it’s not like I forbid him from speaking to her. I don’t hate her or anything.

Things with me & Sehun are okay I guess. We actually don’t speak as much anymore. He’s trying to get over me & I see that but I just wish we’d speak more. I love having him as a friend because he’s so funny & nice! But if not speaking to me is what he needs to get over me, then it’s fine with me. Just the other day some sophomore came up to me asking if Sehun was available. Yes, a sophomore! Girl really wants her Oppa. I told her to ask him herself but she said she was too shy. He ended up turning her down, poor her. I see it though, he doesn’t want any relationship right now.

As for things with Kai, we are still bestfriends! Bestfriends forever! We’re going to the same college, wooo! Myungsoo still hasn’t decided where he’s going which pisses me off sometimes. Every time we bring up college he gets all angry & like tries to change the subject. I mean, what’s up with that?! I have this tiny gut feeling that he’s hiding something or I don’t know. Anyways enough with the updates because I have to go to school, see you there!

Haha, did you guys like this little style of writing? 
I thought it was cute ^^
Comment & let me know what you think!

Listening to- "This Love" by G-Dragon ♥

It's BIGBANG's 6 year anniversary guys! :D Kyaaaa~
My boys have made it this far & there's plenty of more years to come! 
#6thBIGBANGAlive has been trending on Twitter for about an hour now!

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I love this story
Chapter 23: is it me or am i honestly not liking this oc.
she's like falling for every guh that's within her vision, and since she's aleady wiyh sehun, shouldn't she be more aware of her own feelings and not like other guys? it's like, she seems like a tbh.
the fact that she goes after every male gets on my nerves. big time.
Chapter 17: I think this is one of the first time's I haven't really liked the OC... I don't know why but something about her grates on my nerves. Maybe its the fact that she seems to being going after every single guy and that she always blames the guy for problems when she herself is the cause of most of them...
SuperTwins #4
Chapter 24: Aaawwww!!! I love her mom!
Chapter 18: Why you made the OC like a sl*t that fell for All handsome namjas D:
new reader here :D
Sarahjoyce #7
Luckily there's a sequel now!!!
I've been curious what will happen next...
Chapter 51: oh my god --' breaking up and back together haha the pattern keeps repeating but it was good !
@Cin_Lala lol, there is a sequel ^^
LoveEvermore #10
Omg sequel now !!!!!! Plzzzzz I have a tendency to he mad when things go unfinished Plz make the sequel !!! I love the story btw <333