
Hi My Name’s Kyungsoo

Kai sat at the dining table with his parents. They were having one of their usual arguments about bills and family issues. Kai ate silently as his parents fussed and fumed about their marriage falling apart and how it would affect him. Kai being only 10 years old wasn’t all oblivious to what his parents were going on about. Mr. and Mrs. Kim had recently moved into the town and already it was becoming a problem. The neighbors would come over and complain about their excessive use of profanities to which they would instantly shrug off and continue.

It was on one Saturday afternoon Kai decided to escape from his parents and wonder into the streets. He was curious since he hadn’t begun school yet about the people that lived here. As his little feet hit the pavement tiles and his hands swung to his sides he quietly made his way across the road. Kai hadn’t really thought about his destination but anywhere was better than his house. As he walked along the pavement; eyes set to the cracks of the wearing concrete he bumped into something. “Ow!” he exclaimed rubbing his nose from the contact. Standing in front of him was a boy not to older than himself. He had dark brown hair that stood in the air and large watery eyes.

“Hi, my name’s Kyungsoo, what’s yours?” the boy said tilting his head to observe the hurt boy before him. Kai kept his eyes to the ground before responding. “M-My n-name is J-Jongin bu-but you can call me Kai.” He stuttered before dropping his hand to his side. Kyungsoo chuckled before lifting Kai’s chin up so he could stare into his eyes. “You’re really adorable; please don’t hide your face.” Kai smiled at the elder’s words before pulling back and glaring at the ground. The boys were silent for some time before Kai began mumbling something. “I-I have to go now hyung.” he whispered as he his heels and sprinted off towards his house.

Kai made his way up the staircase and slowly turned the handle of their front door. He stuck his head slightly inside and observed his surrounding before tip toeing his way up the staircase to his bedroom. The house had been unnaturally quiet making the younger uneasy. “Umma? Appa?” Kai called as he descended the staircase once more. Kai made his way into the kitchen then the living room then the bathroom then the music room and finally his parents’ bedroom. Coming up empty handed Kai padded up the stairs and lazily walked into his room; firmly shutting to door behind him. Kai made his way over to his bed before dropping face first on the sheets. He was exhausted and hungry but he was only 10 years old, what could he do?

As the younger’s mind swirled with excess thoughts his mind directed him to one person; Kyungsoo. “Maybe hyung can make me something!” he thought excitedly and ran downstairs and out the front door. Kai quickly crossed the street and walked down the familiar path he had before. Just a few feet away from him, sitting under a large tree was the boy from earlier. Kai quickly made his way to the older boy and stopped when he was exactly in front of him. “Hyung!” The elder looked up and smiled as he noticed the familiar face. “Kai…right?” he asked before patting a spot next to him. Kai smiled before gladly taking the place beside him. “How do you know I’m your hyung? We haven’t even told each other our ages.” Kai looked up surprise at the other’s words before holding up his fingers. “10. I’m 10 years old!” he exclaimed happily. Kyungsoo nodded before intertwining his fingers with the younger. “Okay I am your hyung.”

As silence overtook the pair Kai remembered the reason he came back to his hyung. “Um…Kyungsoo hyung can you make me something to eat?” Kai pouted as he pointed to his tummy. Kyungsoo chuckled at the younger’s aegyo before pulling him up and walking in the direction of his house. Kai was led up a row of steps that came to a glossy brown maple door. The handle was a golden tint that shone in the evening sun. “Shall we?” Kyungsoo instructed as he opened the front door. The interior of the house was beautiful. The large winding staircase that led to God knows where to the dim lighting of the living room area. Kai gasped as he was pulled in a random direction. After being pulled through endless doorways the two finally stood in the kitchen. Kyungsoo placed his arms around Kai’s waist as he led him to one of the colored stools. “Sit and I’ll prepare something for you.”

After a few intense smells, some friendly dribble spots and impatient huffs Kai was faced with a large plate of Spaghetti. “Hyung this smells amazing!” Kai shouted leaning closer to get a better smell. “Komawo I learned it from my Halmoni.” Kai lifted his head and stared at the elder before smiling one of his cutest smiles. “Well eat.” Kyungsoo instructed as he pushed the chop sticks in the younger’s hand. After both finished eating Kai was led to the sink to wash up. Since he wasn’t very tall Kyungsoo did the only thing logical, “stand on this Kai.” A stool the same color as Kyungsoo’s hair was placed next to the sink to which the younger gladly climbed. “Komawo hyung that helped a lot.”

5 Months After

Kai and Kyungsoo’s relationship had grown by then. Kyungsoo would now casually hang out at his dongsaeng’s house with the permission of his parents of course and Kai would hang out at his. Kai’s parents still hadn’t ceased in their argument so both boys played at either Kyungsoo’s house or they would go to the park. It was a typical Friday night and Kai’s parents were just arriving home. The skies were no longer peaceful as streaks of lightning passed through the clouds followed by ear piercing claps of thunder. Kai clung to his blanket as if his life depended on it. The lightning bright through his bedroom window adding to the fear in his heart. “K-Kyungsoo h-hyung,” he sniffled out as he tried to calm himself. As the sound of thunder pounded in his ear Kai felt the hot tears as they trickled down his cheeks and dropped on his knees that were pressed firmly against his chest.

Downstairs Kai could hear the distinct footsteps of his parents entering the house. He knew it was useless to run to them so he stayed where he was and continued crying. As the rains poured on the roof top Kai couldn’t contain himself anymore. He was trembling out of fear and also becoming weak from all the crying. Without thinking Kai stood up and ran to his door. He quickly pulled it open and ran downstairs past his parents. “KAI!” both parents’ shouted as the younger ran outside and across the street. With quick steps Kai was standing in front of his hyung’s house. “Kyungsoo hyung! Kyungsoo hyung! HYUNG!!!!” he shouted and begun pounding on the door. After a while the door flew open and standing there was a shocked Kyungsoo. “KAI!” he yelled pulling the younger into an embrace. Kai wrapped his arms tightly around his hyung as he was pulled into the house.

Back at Kai’s house his parents frantically grabbed their umbrellas and raincoats. They both headed out in search of their son who had mindlessly ran out of the house. “KAI! KAI YEOBO WHERE ARE YOU?!” his umma screamed above the pouring rain but no response. “You think he’s at-” before Mr. Kim could finish his sentence he was being dragged towards Kyungsoo’s house. Kai sat on the sofa wrapped tightly in a few warm blankets. Kyungsoo was at his side rubbing soothing circles on his back as younger consumed hot chocolate made by Kyungsoo’s Halmoni. “Kai why were you standing in the rain in front my house?” Kyungsoo questioned after the younger had ceased his trembling. Kai looked up from his drink and smiled weakly, “Iwasscaredandmyparentsweren’thomethentheycamehomeandIknewthey wouldn’t-” “KAI slow down,” Kyungsoo pleaded when all the words the younger had spoken sounded like a jumbled mess. Kai took a deep breath then paused as his eyes closed. He knew his hyung was here for him but all he wanted to do now was to be held by the older boy.

Kyungsoo as if sensing Kai’s distress placed his arms around his waist and pulled him into a tight hug. Kai snuggled into the warmth before the door to Kyungsoo’s house slammed open. Mrs. DO, Kyungsoo’s grandmother who had been in the kitchen preparing something warm for Kai rushed into the living room in panic. “What’s goi-” “is Kai here?” Mrs. Kim asked in a panic voice. Mrs. DO looked over to the pair on the couch before nodding. Mr. Kim crossed the room soaking before grabbing hold of his son. “The hell were you thinking running out like that!?!” he scolded before pushing Kai to his mother. Kyungsoo quickly stood from the couch and ran to his dongsaeng’s side. “Kai are you-” “don’t talk to him!” Mrs. Kim shouted as she tugged Kai away and out of the house. “Mr. and Mrs. Kim please don’t handle the boy like this. And don’t speak to my grandson like that!” Mrs. DO pleaded as tears formed in the younger’s eyes. Kyungsoo was also at the brink of tears as he watched Kai’s parents pull him away.

Kai pulled furiously away from his mother’s hold as he tried reaching for Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo’s grandmother tried her best to restrain him but to no avail. “Halmoni! Why are they doing this?!” Kyungsoo sobbed into her dress as Kai and is parents disappeared. Kyungsoo’s grandmother pulled him into the house and attempted to whip the tears that ran down his cheeks. Kyungsoo could not stop crying as he tried to pull away and run back to save his dongsaeng. “Halmoni please! W-we ha-have to he-help him!” the younger sobbed as he slipped to the soaked floor. Mrs. DO held tightly to her grandson as he screamed and trashed about. Suddenly frantic knocks at the door startled the two. Kyungsoo quickly stood up and opened the door revealing a soaked Kai. He could clearly see his eyes were red and swollen from all the crying. “Kai!” he shouted as he embraced him.

Kai pushed roughly at his hyung before closing the door behind him. “Hyung please don’t let me go back! Please!” he pleaded as he clung to his shirt. Kyungsoo nodded as he began walking up the staircase. “KAI COME BACK THIS INSTANCE!” came the menacing cry from his mother. Kai spun around in haste before running up the staircase. Kyungsoo stayed closely behind but they were no match for Kai’s determined parents. Kai was grabbed back by his angry mother and Kyungsoo was pulled out of the way by his grandmother. “LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU NEVER CARED! LEAVE ME ALONE!” Kai shouted as he pushed his mother away. He hastily made his way out of the house before slipping on the soaked porch. Everyone ran to the younger’s side as he lay unconscious on the wet board. Kyungsoo began crying even more as he tried waking the unconscious Kai but to no avail.

2 Weeks Later

“Good morning Kai.” A nurse greeted the younger as his eyes opened for the first time in 2 weeks. Kai groaned in pain as he tried shifting his body. “Wh-where am I?” he asked completely dumbfounded “You’re at a hospital sweetie now rest you need it.” The nurse instructed before leaving the room. Kai looked around sleepily before his eyes stopped on a small figure huddled at the corner of the room. He wasn’t sure who it was so he decided to wake the person and find out. “E-excuse me?” he stuttered as he leaned forward to get a better look at the person. Getting no reaction Kai groaned frustratingly before raising his voice. “EXCUSE ME!” he shouted finally getting the attention of the person. “KAI! You’re finally awake!” the person exclaimed as he crossed the room and engulfed the younger in a bone crushing embrace. Kai was taken aback by the sudden affection but he remained unmoving. He wasn’t sure what to do but he allowed the person to hug him. As Kyungsoo pulled away and stared deeply into Kai’s eyes he realized what the doctors said was true. “You don’t remember me do you?” Kyungsoo asked as his heart sank. Kai nodded as he stared at Kyungsoo with worried eyes. Kyungsoo took a deep breath then smiled one of his biggest smiles before extending his hand towards the younger. “Hi, my name’s Kyungsoo…”

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sorairo #1
I loved!
Please continue!
You makes my cry a lot!
I want to know what will happen to them! please continue!
awww...T_Tpoor kaisoo
kai's parents a lil bit harsh on him that night, now your son memories affected
i wish them just let him stay with kyungsoo for the night and take him home next morning
it's not that kyungsoo a stranger as kyungsoo and kai have been to each other house before
oh my... so saddd!!
author-nim! sequel pleaseeee~~
Oh boy. My heart just sunk ;~; this was so heartbreaking. Sob I would definitely read a sequel if you chose to write one tbh
I cried. :( Seriously those feelings do describe mine now. Sob3. Anyway,good story. Kai,don't you ever forget kyungsoo.
Sequel plz!!! if you want of course :) this was very very sweet :D
illLoveYouForever #7
sequel please~~~~~
Awwww this is really sweet. too bad he cant remember kyungsoo.