Chapter 03

The Dragon's Tattoo

"There's no time to waste on the battlefield. Loose thought and you are executed. A simple stab by a man can end your life. Humans, speak now to such cruelty or face the rath of the kingdom forever."

But what CAN we do? You ask yourself. 


Quick!, to your left an incoming figure with a dagger in hand. You have to move as quickly as possible once you enter the arena. Jumping above the figure as he throws himself to you, you flip over, landing successfully on the cold ground. Your mind frantically searches near the area where the loaves are normally placed. There! You spy them in their original location by the left hand corner of the center. It's typically placed in between two lamp posts high off the grounds. Strength and brute force will take you no where up to the loaves. That is why only those who are light and/or mantain a keen sense of agility are put to the "test" of securing as many loaves of dry bread as possible. It's a good precaution though to work in pairs. Brains and bronze are good assests. But since this whole mess started you've had to work alone. That is why even for your frail body, when throwin into a one-way out situation or under some certain circumstances your at the top of your game; beating out those who underestimate you. Like the one left out of groups you prove yourself to be quite the warrior.

It's also where the trail to the kingdom starts, about another mile off. That's why there's always two guards standing shift there. To protect those who rest in the Kingdom from intruders and to execute anyone who causes trouble on the battlefield. 

It is also said that the tyrant amuses himself by coming down to see us battle for the food every now and than. If he finds a soldier worth taking, he will personally bring them to his castles walls and order for them to be trained under the country's best Swordmanship Trainer and Knight, Kai. This Kai is personally the masters favorite, having been friends since a young age. They are deemed inseparable. Although few words are ever spoken by or to each other, there lies an inseparable bond between them. That's what friends are for my , you think. 

It is said, that is. You on the other hand could give a about lies behind those beautifully crafted walls. Behind those ginger doors to a whole new and different world. One which only those of the city can dream of living one day. Most die, never to see the sun shine again on this dark plagued city, full of disease, hurt, pain and sorrow. 

To your left! You were in a daze again, snapped out of it by an incoming yelling man. A knife lay in each hand, one in his mouth. He was a strong-built man. His clothes seemed as if they came off of a dead person that was lifted out of the ground. The knife that lay in his mouth.. would only kill him. 

Stupid. You will only die this way. 

Wanting to end his misery so bad you step aside as he dashes forward when for sure he thinks he has you in his grasp. He only slams his being forward , smashing his forehead against the barren ground, having missed you by a few steps hence his heavy weight from all those muscles. He grunts a few times, moving his hand to his forehead before he yells out in agony. They are only a few strands on noncosistent curse words before his body lays still and silent as the morning streams. 

You cringe as you see blood seep out of his skull, the impact having caused his skull to crack and shatter. 

When will you all learn not to kill for your pain. Just protect yourselves. It kills me too seeing us all fight like this. 

A light approaches you and so you rapidly dashing into the shadows of the round center. See the only place to hide is in the shadows. All the houses and unnecessary objects were taken out of the citys center to keep foul play from happening. There are other guards who lurk in the shadows, their guns positioned to fire at anyone who seems to be playing unfairly. Whether the guns were manufactured with care or not, they are used. This is one way how the kingdom keeps orders intact. Scare the citizens into obeying. But on the battle field all rules become useless to those who partake in the search for food. 

Protection is key. Keep that in mind. 

You move like a killer in the shadows, pacing yourself to be cautious of those around you and of your target area. The bread is diminishing by the seconds. You must act quickly or else there will be no more staple of life by the time you make it over there. 

You gaze around, noticing there's a tiny patch of light about three feet from the lamp posts holding the bread. If you make a dash for there, making yourself key visible to your opponents they will gladly come after you. They will try and keep you away from what is righfully theres. 

Only it's mine too. You say as you make a brake for the patch of area with the illuminating light. Three steps away and you roll inward, catching your breath for having hit the concrete pavement roughly before you stand, calling out "Yeah! All of you punks over there. Wanna share with a lady?"

They scuff at you, and than a huge house of laughter follows through. There must be about 12 of them in all, two working their way to unloading the bread from the lamp tops. About five of them are well-built, the other are more or less your scrawny size. Whether they are all working together in a group or not, one of the smarter looking ones looks down and speaks saying, "We don't want to share. Get lost or you die."

You have that sense that the guards are watching your every movement. You stay still, slowly raising your hand to your sword. The smart looking one notices this and scuffs once more before nudging his hand in your direction. 

It's a faint whisper but you can see hear the words. "Kill her."

What? He's breaking the rules... unless...

Before you have time to react about 7 of them are rushing your way, their weapons high in the air. 

You freeze in motion, not expecting for them to come and attack you so quickly. The only thing you can count back on at that moment is KiBum. 

Your senses reengage themselves at the thought of leaving your younger brother alone in this sick world and your swiftly dodging them one by one, as they approach. They all fall forward, stumbling over each other until they lay scrumbled together. You smirk. 

All eyes are on you and the biggest opponent there. He's about 6"1, with broad shoulders but not too muscular. He has a cheesy smile on his face as if he's messing with your head. Is that his tactic. Well I won't take kindly to him either.

You draw your sword, raising it high in the air. The sudden sounds of the men behind you distract you from concentrating on the battle. They must be regaining consciousness. The man approaches you, kicking you to the ground, your sword flying to the ground near you. He takes it and places it back in your hand. 

What is..he doing? You stare back at him with wide eyes, wanting to ask who is he. Why won't he kill you already. Unless he's the smart one. Does he know the rules?  He drops to his knees, an increasing smirk on his face. It sends chillls down your spine. You inspect his face and see he has a scar, in the shape of a flower, across his cheek, right under his left eye. It's not all that big. He stares directly into your eyes. His eyes tell you something but you can't understand what exactly that is. He has straight black hair, tied into a pony tail. There's a bang to the right of his eye. He looks older than you. A man?

Soon enough he's near you, whispering into your ear "You are the one" before falling to the floor, a hand graping over the area you supposedly slaughtered him with. You stare at him in shock, as his legs crimple in the pain. He's bleeding. But when did I attack him!?, you think. You hear a boom in the distance signalling that there's a dead body to pick up. 

He's faking, no! You have to believe me. Ah-. Just get the food and go. But you do not move. Your as still as a leaf with no wind to blow on it, as you wait for the blow of a gun or the blade of a knife to pierce through your skin, going deep into your body before killing you but no pain comes. Your in tact, as you stand there, eyes shut tightly closed. 

The guards don't notice. He's dying isn't he? Why won't--why won't they kill me? Can't these incompetent fools. Why is this different. Why does it all seem so odd. Like out of place? 

"Fools!" The smart looking one says, "I said attack her! KILL HER NOW!" What comes next is unexpected as you see it happen right before your eyes, at a close proximity. A bullet pierces right through his head, blood splattering over the other one who's eyes are only large with shock. He falls to the floor with an alarming speed. But no matter, he's dead. You stare in anguish as his body hits the floor, his limbs falling out and his head cracking like the other one only this guys inner organs fly out every which way. Before your eyes, you see it happen almost in slow motion. He made a mistake. He was probably driven to say those words considering it was his own life-and who knows his familys as well- at stake. One mistake. They shot him. It all registers in your head as you sit and squat in your area of space, arms over your head as you try and stifle a scream. 

The sight is gruesome.

The younger looking one falls soon after, that having lost his grip on the lamps light post, from shock or sadness. To you, they're both one and the same. 

He falls..falls...silently...BAM! You duck your head even lower waiting for the boom following the sound of his bones cracking. He was even skinnier than the one who already lost his life to this cruel world, but taller. He has scraggly brown hair and a cute smile. He would have made great kids in the future..if only. But wait no sound comes. There's no one screaming in pain or angst. Was his death as quick as the other one's? Is there no one that loved him here?

You look up through one eye, the other one still shut closed. He lies on the floor yes.... but there's a figure lying next to him. 

The young one remains still for a few seconds until his mind registers what happened when he fell. The fall..the shock...the dead one..the figure lying next to him..the figure lying next to him! 

Of course that's the only reason the boy is still alive. That figure must have thrown himself out to protect the youngster from being loosing his young life hence the sharp fall to the hard pavement. 

He crawls over to the laying figure, screamind and crying. He looks like he's about to puke from the blood laying all around the lamps.

You on the other hand simply hold in your stomach, thanking god for not having ate anything or else you to would have wanted to puke from the smell of iron filling your lungs and consuming your insides.

The scraggly boy rips at the older mans shirt, slapping him. He keeps repeating "Appa! Appa!" He could be in possible danger from suffering, but he doesn't care it seems. He sits there defenseless. A deer in headlights. He just wants his 'father', whether it really is his father or not, to live. Even you do not know whehter the man is alive or not. From hear it doesn't look like blood is gleaming off or on him so maybe he's just unconscious. 

You secretly pray that that's the case. A child without his father (still really it his father or not) is the worst life.. You would know. 

You look away in disgust at such a cruel fate both bodies had to face. You look in the direction of the kingdom's trail and you catch light of a fire. It travels fast, twinding down until it reaches the guards. 

Everyone else sees this, too. Corruption. That damn tyrant someone from behind you yells. 

Than it's chaos. Your into a pool of confusion as everyone there flees for the city's earthen grounds. There's a clanging in your head. Like two swords fighting to tell the boy to leave his father there and escape and to make a run for the bread.

What was your motto in battle? Concern yourself not for others but yourself...only. Only yourself. That's what's important. 

NO! Not anymore. Not anymore. You cry out, gripping your hands into fists. 

Out of the corner of your eye you see a dark figure approaching the little boy who doesn't stop crying. He's still pounding on his father's chest, commanding him to wake. Your heart aches just like that day your mother died. The day KiBum fell ill. The day you were told your father had passed away. That day..

No. You scream mentally. Don't! Move you bastard! Don't kill him. Please. Tears ring in your eyes, as you stand. But your body feels numb, and your blood rushes directly to your head causing you to stagger. The figure is right behind the little boy, holding him by the collar a knife in his hand.

You gasp. In the light of the citys center, it's the same man who faked his death. But you could have sworn you saw blood!! How is it that--- that he's there! And not- you turn your head to reassure your mind your only being paranoid but sure enough it is him. The body that lay there in that exact same spot is no where to be found. You turn your head back to where the little boy is. 

The one with the black hair is whispering to the younger one, with that brown, scraggly hair. He seems frightened. Scared, just like you are. Everyday you face the fear of being killed. Of not waking up to find KiBum breathing inbetween his sleepful dreams.. to know you won't be loved by anyone, whereever you go. You know that same feeling that little boy must be experiencing at this exact moment. 

Is he gonna kill him!? You breathe in a sudden rush of tainted air and struggling you stagger over to the little boy and his enemy, three feet away...

Save him, is all you can think of. 

Can you make it?




Hope you guys really enjoy this chapter! I won't ruin anything but next chapter is gonna be really good. Please do anticipate. <3  

Sorry if this seems like a cliff hanger. I just don't want you guys to get bored reading too much in one day. 

Besides I know it adds suspense! XD 


Thanks for subscribing, leaving comments, and reading. 

As an author, 

I sincerely thank you. Means a lot to me. :') 



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I'm kinda confused... But it's really interesting though ^^
orangejuicee #2
very interesting but the story is a little too packed with details. so confusing @_@
Kris as the tyran ?
It seems really interesting :p I'm looking forward to read the first chapter ~ ^^ Please update soon :D