Arrg Blarg Flarg Moist Pancake

Someone’s Broken Butterfly

Sang Mi's PoV


"Hurry up Na Ra!" I shouted. 

This girl was being so slow today. Although, she did look a bit on the tired side. She pushed her hair to the side.


"I'm coming!" she said while rushing to catch up.

"But why are we going to my house before heading to the mall?" she asked.


"Because we want to see where you live so we can stalk you," Kameela joked.

Na Ra gave her a look. "You," she said, "are such a creeper."


"Enough with this, let's go!" I motioned.


Sandy sandy neobakken anboyeo babe i’m loving you babe

Sandy sandy nattaeme jeoldaero apeuge anhalge


Kameela's phone was ringing in her purse. She dug through a few things and pulled it out.

"Yeboseyo? Who? How'd you get my number? Na Ra?" she looked over at Na Ra. "Yeah, she's right here..alright. Hold on."


"It's Hyo Ri," she said, holding out the phone to her.


"Yeboseyo?..Aha. De. Of course you can," Na Ra answered. "De. Arasso, we'll see you soon then. Neh."


"What's happening?" I asked.


"Well," she began, "it seems that Hyo Ri will be joining us for shopping today."




We decided to change our plans and go to Na Ra's house some other day because Hyo Ri was apparently waiting for us at the food court. Walking into the mall felt strange because I've never really been here with Na Ra before. Also, Hyo Ri used to be horrible to everyone, and now we're about to have lunch and shop with her? It just seems off.

Since Na Ra seems to like her now though, I guess we can just relax and have fun. We walked about the main stairs that led to the food court, and we almost missed Hyo Ri. It was hard to believe it was her.

She was actually wearing flats instead of heels, her hair was up in a bun, and the most surprising part was that she was wearing absolutely no makeup.


"Annyeong everyone," she said with a smile. Hyo Ri looked gorgeous, maybe even better than she did with the makeup on.


"Annyeong," we all responded. "You look very pretty today," Na Ra pointed out. "Natural is the best look for you."


Hyo Ri turned pink. PINK! The girl who used to be a fashionista and always the center of attention..was embarrassed?!


"Kamsahamnida," she looked back towards the mall. "Should we go get something to eat and then shop?"


"Dehhhhh," we all agreed.


All of us headed to the same area and got some fries and a soda. Chatting as we walked, we found an empty round table and sat down to eat. We made small talk and it turns out that Hyo Ri is actually pretty alright. 


She's sure changed.


After we were done and it was time to throw away our trash though, she stopped talking. She patted her pockets down. Seeing that what she was looking for wasn't there, she then starting going through her purse. 


"What's wrong Hyo Ri?" Na Ra asked when she noticed.


"My phone.. It's gone," she said.


"Your phone? Where did you last see it?" Na Ra questioned.


"When we went to get the sodas. I think I might have left it on the counter top," Hyo Ri answered.


"Well come on, we'll go find it ok? Don't worry."


"Mm. But I want to check in case I dropped it over by the table we were sitting at."


"Ok then. I'll go with Kameela and we'll search over here. Sang Mi, can you please help her search over by the table?"




"Yeah, no problem," I replied.


"Oh, I left my phone on silent too! Eottoke?" Hyo Ri gasped.


"Gwenchana Hyo Ri ah, we'll find it ok?" Na Ra said. "Come on Kameela, let's go search!"

The two of them ran off in the opposite direction, and I started walking towards the table. I hadn't even made it a few steps before I felt a hand on my arm.

"Where are you going?" Hyo Ri asked.


"Uhm, to the table," I answered.

"That won't be necessary," she replied.


She reached into her purse and pulled out a pink square object.

"Your phone?! But, wh-," I got cut off.

She giggled. "I needed to speak to you in private, so I sent them on a little search."


"Wait. You need to speak to me?" I asked confused. "About what?"

"Ok, so you remember when both Na Ra and I were in the hospital, right?" 


I nodded my head. "What about it?"

Well," she began, "when a doctor comes in to check on you, they always carry this little clipboard with your information on it."


"And he left Na Ra's at the end of the bed for a few minutes and went to go wash his hands. So, I got curious and checked it out."

"You looked at her information?" 

"Not in a bad way. But, I did find out something interesting that Na Ra has been hiding from us though."


"Bo?" I respected Na Ra's privacy. I really did. But, if Hyo Ri knew something that was important enough to need to speak to me in private about it, it might be serious.


"Little Miss Na Ra has been hiding a fact about tomorrow's date."

"Tomorrow's date?"

"Yes," Hyo Ri said. "Would you believe me if I told you that tomorrow is her 17th birthday?"






"BO?!!" I yelled. My voice echoed a little, and a few people turned to look in our direction.

"Shhhhh! Aish, chincha," Hyo Ri whispered.

"She didn't tell us though!" I said in a loud hushed tone.

"That," Hyo Ri stated, "is exactly my point. Maybe she just doesn't like birthdays?"


Who doesn't like birthdays?


"Wait, what are we going to get her?! We need to buy her a present or something! Aish," I muttered, "Na Ra keeping this from us means we have no time to shop for her gift."

"We have the whole rest of today to plan something. That's why I sent them away. You and I need to figure something out. We can't just give her something and call it a day!"

"Hmm," I thought. "You make a good point..What about something like a party? With all of Nu'est and Kameela and us? A mini party between close friends."


"I was thinking the same thing. Problem is, where's the party going to be at?" Hyo Ri asked.


I think I know!


"I got a good idea! Since no one has really been at her house, why don't we find out where she lives, talk to her family, get them to let us come in and decorate everything while someone keeps Na Ra out of the house, and then surprise her?" I suggested.

"Omo! That's perfect!" Hyo Ri squealed.

We both gave each other a high five and couldn't wipe the smiles off of our faces.


"Should we get started creeping on Na Ra's home?" I asked.

Hyo Ri laughed. "I was thinking the same thing."




Na Ra's PoV


"Excuse me, Ahjussi," I called out to the man behind the counter of the food stand. He was wearing an apron and was currently cutting some vegetables for someone else's order. He looked up and saw me standing there and signaled for me to wait.

"How may I help you young ladies?" he asked a minute later.

"Well, one of our friends left her phone her on the counter and I was wondering if you have it, or maybe seen someone pick it up?"

He shook his head. "I'm sorry, but I haven't seen any kind of phone lying around here. Come back later and it might turn up."

"Arasso. Kamsahamnida Ahjussi," I said with a bow.

"Let's move on and keep looking," Kameela said.

I agreed and we headed to the next stands.




Hyo Ri's PoV


Sang Mi and I were getting everything planned out. Since Na Ra and Kameela were still searching for my 'lost phone,' it was easy to decide on what to do. First, we went in search of a present before the mall closed.


"Hmm, do you have a clue as to what we should get her?" I asked Sang Mi.

"Well..she basically likes anything you give her. We could give her dirt and she'd still appreciate it," she sighed.

"Wanna test that?" I asked jokingly.

"Ha ha. So funny," Sang Mi replied sarcastically.

"Just saying," I said with my hands up.


Walking into a clothes store, we started going through the racks. "What about this?" I asked, holding up a white, tight around the waist jacket that had a black stripe going down the sleeve and a mini black belt to tighten it.

"That's adorable! We can give that to her too, but I really want something that she'll use all the time, or at least look at all the time. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah, don't worry, I do," I replied. She's right. The jacket can only be used in the winter and fall seasons, so it would be best to give her something to remind her of us year round. We still got the jacket, but that was just an extra.


"What do we do now?" I asked.

"Hmm..what about getting her a stuffed animal or something? She'll use it every night," Sang Mi chuckled.

I rolled my eyes. "A stuffed animal? Fine. But of what exactly? What animals does she like?"

"Guess we're going to have to find out aren't we?" 



"Kyeopta! We should get this one!" I squealed, hugging a medium sized panda to myself.

"It's cute, but a panda won't work. We need something that just shouts 'Na Ra, take me!'"


"If you're hearing stuffed animals shouting, I think it's time for some professional help," I retorted.

"Mian, mian. But we really need something like that," she replied.


"I guess you're right," I pouted.

We were both getting a little frustrated.


"Havene't you ever been shopping with Na Ra before? Maybe she looked at something and said it was cute, or maybe even bought something?" I asked.

"Well..not really..AH! I do remember something Minhyun showed me though!" she exclaimed.


"What was it?" 

"Nu'est went shopping with Na Ra before, and she picked stuff out for them. For Minhyun, she chose a butterfly sticker for him to wear on his cheek," she said excitedly.


"So she likes butterflies?"

"I guess so! Should we buy that?" 

"I don't know," I responded. "Do they even sell butterfly stuffed animals?"

She blinked. "Well. I guess we'll just have to look extra hard."

"Should we begin searching?" I asked.

"Yes! Go go go!" she shooed.



Nobody's PoV


Sang Mi and Hyo Ri went on searching for the stuffed animal for the next hour. After going through multiple stores, they finally found what they were looking for and went on to the next part of their plan.

On the other hand, Na Ra and Kameela were close to giving up on finding the phone.


"Let's just give up Na Ra," Kameela whined. "My legs hurt from walking so much."

"You're tired? I'm sorry! Why don't you sit and relax and I'll continue by myself ok?" Na Ra suggested.

"But, you'll be by yourself and I don't want to leave you," Kameela said.

"Gwenchana. I'll just go to a few stores and then come back to you."


Kameela nodded and left to find a bench so she could relax.  "I'll be over here," she shouted over her shoulder. Na Ra headed towards the few stores that were left of the mall and searched.


Right when Kameela sat down, and let out a sigh of relief, her phone began to ring. 


Aish. Who is it now?



"Yah Kameela," someone whispered over the phone.

"..Sang Mi? Is that you?" Kameela asked.

"Yes. Where are you? Are you by Na Ra right now?"

"Uhm, no. She just left. You want me to go get her for you?" 

"No no no!" Sang Mi said at a louder volume.

"Arasso! Arasso! Sheesh. And why were you whispering?"

"Because. Hyo Ri and I need your help."

"With what?" Kameela asked confused.

"With everything."


"Meet us by the elevators and I'll explain."




Sang Mi's PoV


"Is she coming?" Hyo Ri asked.

"She's coming."

"All that's left is the most important parts. The location and decorating."

"We'll get there," I replied.


We started looking through the crowd for Kameela. There were so many people that it was hard to see one specific person. I did notice a flash of blonde though. It caught my attention and I turned in that direction. 


Well, this is a coincidence.


"Ren! Over here! Ren!" I shouted, jumping up and down, and waving my hand.

The blonde turned around to see who was calling him, and when he saw it was me he smiled and waved back. He turned to tap someone on the shoulder, and I realized JR was with him too, as was the rest of Nu'est. He pointed to me and they all looked up. After everyone saw me, they started coming our way.


"What's up?" JR asked.

"Yeah, what are you guys doing here? Is Na Ra with you?" Baekho asked from curiosity. 

"We've been calling her all day on her cell but she hasn't been answering," Ren said.

"Ah, that's because she left her phone at home and has been using Kameela's."

"Kameela's?" JR raised an eyebrow. "Is she here?"


Aron punched him in the shoulder. "Leave the poor girl alone JR."

"That's up to me to decide," JR smirked.

"But anyway, what's up?" Minhyun asked.

"When Kameela comes I'll explain alright?" I said.

"You'll explain what when I come?" a voice called from behind us.

Everyone glanced in that direction and we saw it was Kameela.

"Finally!" Hyo Ri shouted playfully."How long does it take to get down here? This is important girl! You should've ran!"

"I did!" Kameela groaned. "Hard to do that when your legs are aching from searching all day for a phone that's as hard to find as Waldo."

Hyo Ri and I giggled. 

"What's so funny?" she asked.

"Nothing," we both said.


"Hi there Kameela," JR winked.

She gulped. "H-hi JR."

"I hear that Na Ra left her phone at home and has been using yours all day. That true?" he asked.


"Well," he began, "why don't you give me your number? You know, just in case we ever need to reach her again."

"Ah. N-ne. Just in case," she said.

She pulled hers out and he did the same. He took her phone and dialed his number. After his phone rang, he saved her number and she saved his.

"I will use this well," he grinned.


"Alright, well is your guys' lovey dovey scene over? Or is there more?" Hyo Ri asked.

Kameela shyly nodded. Then she seemed to remember something and her body language completely changed.


She shifted positions and leaned on her right leg with her arms crossed across her chest.

"Now tell me what's so dang important that I had to painfully run here."


Oops! Almost forgot!


"Oh yeah! Everyone, come here," I whispered. I looked around to make sure no one but Nu'est, Kameela and Hyo Ri would hear this.


"Alrighty. So apparently Hyo Ri is a crazy little stalker and long story short, she found out tomorrow is a very special day."

"I don't deny the stalker part," Hyo Ri said with a flip of her hair.

"Tomorrow? What's tomorrow?" Ren asked.

"Is it a holiday or something?" Aron asked.

"'s Na Ra's birthday," I stated.

"BO?!!!" everyone screamed, attracting the attention of quite a few people.

"Chill!" Hyo Ri yelled.


"Why didn't she tell us?" Baekho said in an upset tone.

"I don't know the reason why," I said. "But I do know that we have a great idea. Listen closely."













You guys..






I'm so happy right now, so it's shoutout time!!!!!! I seriously think I should make a theme song for this... Omg why don't you guys comment or message me some random lyrics and I can seriously do the theme song LOL

*thinking outside the box* 


Anyhoo, the lucky draw of the chapter this time is...










lol you're anticipating it aren't ya?










GOT YA!!! 


Ok, for real though


It's JuniorRoyalJR!!!!!!


Not that hard to guess who YOUR bias is :P



<---lol, this was one of my favorite parts of the MV xD


Here's a close up in case you can't see it well enough..




>xD shakey shakey JR! don't worry, we don't mind..

If you notice, the second JR gif moves slower..that was for your own enjoyment ^^


Oh and please ignore the title of this chapter...

If you were like:




I apologize.


I didn't feel like making a real title so I just...yeah..



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Chapter 50: Such a sad story you know, even though I laughed a lot when I read this, but I cried a lot too. I'm sentimental, I know, but this one was really touching one. I like very much your way to write and describe things, specially emotions. Keep on writing, I swear, I will read those stories. (If the plot is as good as this one) :D
Chapter 34: Story of my life in the end :D
ajlamanugget #3
BeakerAnn #4
Chapter 9: @ShineeLove98..... funny part... it is marching season here as I'm starting it
I remember reading this story throughout marching season... Oh, the memories (:
It was really a great story. Thinking about just reading it all over again (: <3
Chapter 50: awwwww...rennie!
Amazing story though! Keep up the good work author-nim! XD
Chapter 50: I <3 this story... amazing *cries of happiness*
Chapter 50: wow , it's such a good story ..
about ahn na ra and bekho thing ..
i really love it ..
of course it is bcause of nuest in this story ..
ahhhhhhh , gomawo ~!!
i adore you , author - nim ~!
You ended it bro? DafUcqk?11111 No. Just NO. I refuse to accept this. SCREW YOU AND BAEKHO AND NA RA AND ALL OF THESE PEOPLE *blows nose* YOU ARE TOO CRUEL TO ME!
FinJee #10
Chapter 50: I loved it!!!!!!MUCCCCCCHHHH!
and sometimes i want to punch you for making my baby rennie sad ;(((((