Hey! Yo! EXO!

Yes! I Do Love You


Short Update, heaps of mistakes...

Hope you guys understand those picture i used is just a dislay picture for the characters 

Victoria-->Lee Chung Sang 

Hyoyeon-->Ha Min 

Sohyun--->Min Hyo 


When the Exo boys were exciting about the trip, U_know was on his way to Lee Soo Man’s office. Knocking the door patiently, yunho really miss his wife and really want to go home but the thing that old man always calls him in the middle of the night asking him to come to SM building immediately.

‘Come in!’

‘Sir! What do you need in the middle on the night? If this is about a night snack, you can go by yourself…’

‘HAHAH! Nice joke Jung Yunho! I am calling you here about a new project!!’

‘This project is about Exo! We are planning to send them to Australia, they would think this is an opportunity for them to relax and have fun but the thing that this is an opportunity for us to have a reality show! The title is Exo in the Kangaroo’s land; don’t you feel exciting for this? ‘

‘But sir! Don’t you think it is really rare for a kpop group to go eversea and have a reality show at their? And this is Australia that we talk about, they don’t even know English. How can they communicate? ’

  ‘Good question, this time Exo is going to school normally that will definity help them improve their English and their communication skills and last but not least FAN SERVICES’

‘You already know about Taoris, they are in deep right now and you still think about the money? What is your problem?’

‘That is their business I do not want to care, and there could be Krisyeol, Baektao, Chenmin..’

‘But who gonna help them with getting to know the students? I mean are they going to study with all the aussie people, you know if this project fail it is your loss and their loss’

‘I got everything under control, I had selected one of the school in the countryside and people at there are really friendly so you don’t have to worry. And I also select some people to help them to communicate to others ’

‘Have you get them a homestay yet? Where are they gonna live’

‘They gonna live in a house nearly the school, the house have 6 rooms so they can share with each other, 3 toilets, big garden and 2 cars where Kris and others can use for emergency. And I believe she can take care of them perfectly’

‘WAIT! She? Are they living with a girl what if she is a saeng?’

‘Dont worry! she was selected by the school, and apparantly she doesnt know anything about this' Lee So Man immediatly throw some files to U_know, 

Name:Lee Chung Sang 

Prefer Name: Lee 

National: Chinese 

Age: 18

Class: 12E

Subject: Psychology, legal study, mathematics, Textile, Chinese, English 

Grade: B

Postion at school: Unknow 

Name: Choi Ha Mi 

Prefer Name: Ha Mi 

Age: 18 

Class: 12E

Subject: Psychology, legal study, specialist, science, Cooking, English

Grade: A

Postion: Sport captian, School's dancer 

Name: Han Min Hyo

Prefer name: Minnie

Age: 18

Class: 12E

Subjects: Art, Graphic design, phtographic, textiles, English, Specialist 

Grade: A+

Postion: Unknow 

'Lee Chung Sang that is the girl gonna help us with communicate, from what i know this girl is really interesting. Those two others girls are her best friend and also knows as top two student in their class '

'I dont know about this I just hope it gonna work out for you!' U-know was angry and piss, he doesnt like the fact lee soo man like to playing arpund with people and always tell them what to do. he hate the fact he have to stay back SM cause they have a picture of him and Jaejoong hugging each others, hold hands. 

'I just hope thing gonna work out for tao! that poor kids, too young to experience heart broken feeling. ' U-know start talking to himself and womdering should he tell JJ or not. He doesnt his lover to get overreating and do something stupid...



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Chapter 4: I like how none of them are guys. Also, wouldn't they be more comfortable around a guy than a girl? js. I hope they're not mean and ____y
Chapter 3: aww it's ok they didn't forget about you. D.O., you're such a good umma. Just like Key :) They are gonna be working and then sneak out and go to the zoo and all those places!
Chapter 3: Australia? Kangaroo? Cool! Me gusta!!! xD
Maybe Kris loves Tao too but he doesn't realize? *_*
Chapter 2: awww they're so nice to Tao. You don't have to listen to their advice Tao, but keep it in mind
Chapter 2: Hyaaaaa Krissss come to me and i will give u a kick in your and punch in your handsome face!!!
(awwww i really love jae and changmin ^o^)
Chapter 2: Kris is such a bad boy :"|
How dare he play with Tao's feeling? That is so cruel ;_________;
Chapter 1: oh taoooooooooooo! damn you kris *le sobs*
tao is okay just brathe, breathe!
Oh,your story sounds good.Can't wait for your next update!!