MYNAME Summer Party~



Sooo I’m at the party right? and im in the middle dancing, when suddenly Gunwoo takes my hand and pulls me away from the crowd to a quieter side of the room. 

“So I liked those moves there. Hows about you and me get to know each other better cutie? I was getting jealous of Insoo getting jiggy with ya”

I blush hard.

“That sounds like a good idea. But how about you win me over, with a dance battle. Right here. Right now.”

I point to the middle of the dance floor, or the living room.

He looks at me like im crazy but then smirks. 

“anything for you princess” He winks as he makes his way to the middle.


All of a sudden a bumpin track lets loose of the stereo.

He breaks into dance moves filled with popping and locking and breakdancing.

Everyone around seems to woot and clap as he goes on like a pro.

Hmm. I smile to myself.

He finally comes to a stop into a complex twisty move I can’t decipher, but all is see is his stomach flash and his legs in the air.

And the crowd goes wild. And so does my heart.

He makes his way to me without breaking a sweat.

“So how was that?” He yells amoungst the cheers but still maintains eyecontact.

I plant a kiss on his lips and suddenly my heart explodes and I see colors.

“Not too bad for the lead singer” I rest my hand on his chest and slowly walk off flirtatiously outside.

Gunwoo smiles and blushes wildly and then tries to catch up with me.

“Not too bad huh?” He yells in my direction.

I stop in my tracks letting him catch up with me and turn to face him.

I approach his face looking at his lips.

“But you’re an even better kisser” 

I tickle him and run off into the sunset. He chases me in the summer fireflies as the party goes on.


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Oh gunwoo!!!!!!! This is every fangirl's dream after seeing the video.

Good job~