Not Enough


This is a companion piece to Most Important. In this version, Chanyeol doesn't get accepted.


So yeah, one of my readers wanted a version in which he wasn't accepted. And I wrote it! I wouldn't say I'm very satisfied with it, but my friend beta-read it and she said it was okay, so... I'm finally publishing it now yay! OTL


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Okay so I'm typing this on my iPod in my dorm room from linguistics camp and now I'm emotional so bear with me. This was wonderful and thank you so so much for writing this for me!! It was exactly what I wanted~ As I said, this nearly made me cry. It makes me sad that people aren't accepting, but I'm sure this happens all the time. I kind of see this as a prequel type thing to the other piece. Wow okay this didn't make much sense as a whole, but I loved this so thank you~~!