The Tree We Once Called Ours - Review

☎ Ⓒaℓℓ ℳe❣ Shoℙ☎ Hiatus~

Username: FroggyMin

Title: The Tree We Once Called Ours

Reviewed By: Cookiedream




Title: 10/10
Comment: The title is amazing, draws me in.

Forewords: 9/10
Comment: The foreword is a great description; I have deducted a point due to the use of the wrong tense.
Area of Interest: It should be disappeared instead of disappearing. I’ve let a couple of things slide but I have fixed up your foreword a little. (They’ll be in Italics)
It has been 9 years since Minho has last seen Taemin, the first person he has ever loved since he was 12, but after Taemin suddenly disappeared, the memories of him slowly start to fade away, except one precious memory remains. The secret tree in the sunny, shady area in the woods behind Minho's house. The tree has the symbol T♡M... the only thing that gives Minho hope that Taemin might return...
But what would happen in the year of 2012, when someone familiar is caught around the tree..?

Words that should be Italicized:
has (in the foreword fix up, basically all are in the foreword unless i say so)
memories of him slowly start

Plot: 13/15
Comment: The plot so far is interesting, although some parts were a bit clique.

Creativity: 5/6
Comment: Good twist and turns in the story. There are good some heart stopping moments in this story. Good work on that.

Originality: 5/6
Comment: This is the first that I have heard about this storyline.

Flow: 6/6
Comment: A pretty good straight foreword story. Not that jumpy. Pretty good!

Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation: 13/15
Comment: There are a few hiccups when it comes to spelling and grammar.
Area of Interest: In the first paragraph there is a spelling mistake (or editing). Better not btter.
Also with ‘But Taemin broke it when left Minho behind without saying goodbye.’
If you want to fix it: ‘But Taemin broke it when he left Minho, without saying goodbye.’

Writing Style: 8/10
Comment: I think you can still work on your writing style a bit more like spacing more with the paragraphs. When there is a very large paragraph, try to break it up a bit. Although the way you end some chapters in quite amusing. Like the latest chapter with fate intervening.

Characterization: 10/10
Comment: I like the way you characterise your characters. Like Minho as a man at the age 21 who is still in love with the same person since he was 12.

Details/Setting: 8/10
Comment: I reckon you can put a bit more detail but don’t be too detailed because the readers need to use their imagination.

Poster/Bonus: 2/2
Comment: I’ll give you bonus 2 points, and I can see that you have requested for a poster from your readers. Can’t wait to see it. ^_^

Total: 91/100

Personal Note: Sorry for marking you harshly, you can ask me to mark you a little softer if you want. But overall your story was a good story, with some components that scream unique. Although I ready did enjoy the story. Great job! Your story is great, and sorry for the long wait. I am still perfecting my rubric so sorry about the weird looking review. Thank you!


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Calling FroggyMin Review!!~


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Username: FroggyMin

Title: The Stolen Kiss Under The Sakura Tree

Link to story:

Characters: 2MIN (Choi Minho, and Lee Taemin)

Theme/Genre: Romance

Summary:It has been 9 years since Minho had last seen Taemin. The first person he has ever loved since he was 12. But after Taemin suddenly disappearing, the memories of him slowly starts to fade away, except one precious memory remains. The secret tree in the sunny shady area in the woods behind Minho's house. The tree has the symbol T♡M... the only thing that gives Minho hope that Taemin might return...

But what would happen in the year of 2012, when someone familar is caught around the tree..?

Pictures: any pictures please... a small request thoug, can it be a picture of Taemin with his blond hair and Minho with his long brown hair like in the Ring Ding DOng era? :)

Quotes: "I found you... I finally found you..." "I'm not letting you go. Never will i let go of these soft hands..."

Designer: infiniteclub-WH please :)

Comments/Suggestions/Questions: thank you so much for doing a review for my story! it would be an honour if you could also do a poster for my story coz your reviewers and this page is amazing! <3 Thank you! :D
monday2sunday #2
Kyaaaaaaaaaa! I love love love love love the poster! Jeongmal kamsahamnida! ^^ <3<3
monday2sunday #3

Username: monday2sunday

Title: Angel Don't Cry

Link to story:

Characters: Baekhyun, You

Theme/Genre: Romance, Sad

Summary: I dont know what to write here. o.o

Pictures: I really at finding pictures.... :( I feel bad now..
Quotes: Angel star that shines so bright, stay with me and be my light.

Designer: Infiniteclub-WH

Comments/Suggestions/Questions: ^^ thank you so much! I swear, you have no idea how much I appreciate it! And it would be nice if the poster would give that sad, romance feel ^^
Review (Stories)

Username: FroggyMin

Title:The Tree We Once Called Ours

Link to story:

Characters: Lee Taemin and Choi Minho

Theme/Genre: romance, , yoai, boylove.

Summary: -


Comments/Suggestions/Questions: Taemin with Blond hair and Minho with his long brown wavy hair please :)
Take all the time you want, thank you <3 <3 FIGHTING!
Graphics (Profile DP)

Username: A_MooNStar


Link to story:-

Characters: IU and INFINITE Woohyun

Theme/Genre: Happy


Pictures: Sorry! I'm really bad in choosing the pictures... You'll choose it~ (IU must be long hair)

Quotes: A_MooNStar LOVEs IUxWOOHYUN ~!

Designer: infiniteclub-WH

Comments/Suggestions/Questions: Can you make it animated? If can, THANKS and HWAITING^^
May I apply for reviewer?
missattaps #8
I want to apply as a graphic designer. -.-"
phagirl #9
I can work as a reviewer, so when your ready for story reviewers then please PM me! :)
I'm interested working as a staff member here :)
I can do graphic designing ~