
Beautiful Hangover

Alex's POV:
The recovery was a and a half. I had swallowed so much water that it had burned my lungs. I didn't even know that was possible. I was heartbroken and I didn't know what to do. When I finally woke up after about a week of being unconscious, I assumed I would find Daesung there, but instead I was with Taeyang. He wouldn't tell me where Daesung was or if he was ever coming back in to take me home. I wouldn't speak to him. Or to anyone for that matter. I just wanted to be in his embrace and never let him go. It was a few days after I was released from the hospital. Taeyang brought me to his floor in the Four Seasons. He took care of me, fed me, brought my clothes down from Daesung's floor, and even put up with my constant silent mode. I realize now that I was I still wouldn't speak to anyone. Apparently, Taeyang had enough.
"He's not coming back Alex! Why don't you see that? Are you blind enough that you can't see that he left you here?!"
He was in my face now and I couldn't take it. I covered my ears and shut my eyes tight. He was lying he had to be. Daesung wouldn't do that to me. I could feel the tears running down my face. All the shouting stopped. He pulled me into his arms and kept whispering "I'm sorry Alex. I'm so sorry." He was sorry? No I should be the one saying that to him. But my throat was so dry from not talking for so long that all that I got out was a quiet croak of sympathy. I clung to him and the tears flowed freely down my face. I was ashamed to admit that there was something the matter, something wrong with the way that Daesung had been treating me days before the accident happened. He was much more reserved. He didn't kiss me on impulse. I was always the one instigating them. He would just go along with whatever I was doing. Now that I think about it. He would only touch me if he had to.
“God I feel so stupid,” I said between sobs.
Taeyang didn’t say anything. He just held me, my hair. My face was in his chest and, like weeks before only it was Daesung and not Taeyang, my tears stained his shirt. “It’s okay Alex. If you need to keep crying, just let it all out.” I kept crying for about an hour. I think I cried myself to sleep too, because the next thing that I knew, I was laying on Taeyang’s chest on the couch. It was warm and comfortable. I closed my eyes and went back to sleep with Taeyang’s arms wrapped around my waist and his face in my hair.


“Alex,” I heard faintly, “Alex, sweetie. It’s time to wake up.”
I groaned. I didn’t want to get up yet. I was too comfortable and way too lazy to get off the bed. “I don’t want to get up!” I said into my pillow.
“Come on sleepy head. I made french toast.” I shot up.
“Where?!” I jumped out of bed and nearly knocked over the dresser as I fell to the floor in my drunk-like state. “Whoa. Head rush.” Taeyang picked me up bridal style and carried me outside.
“You alright there little girl?” he asked, using his pet name for me.
“I am not a little girl!” I said playfully smacking him in the arm.


Its been about a year and a half since I last saw Daesung. It was pretty awkward. About a week or two after I had gotten out of the hospital, there was a dinner party that was held biannually since the band had been together. Each of the boys was required to bring a date. So naturally, I was Taeyang’s date for the dinner party. Taeyang and I had been one of the first to arrive. Punctuality was one of the many things that Taeyang was quite Ano about. The rest of the band slowly started to get there, but at around 9:15 pm, the start of the party, Daesung was nowhere to be found.

“Hey Taeyang. where’s Daesung? I thought everyone was suppose to be here. It’s a bit strange that he is not here don’t you think? I thought he would have been here by now. No matter I guess. He probably off doing who knows what.”

“Hey. Stop it.” Taeyang said, pulling me to him.

“What? What am I doing?”

“You know exactly what. You’re trying to make it seem like you don’t have feelings for him any more. It’s ok if you do. It doesn’t hurt me.” I looked at him and saw a flash of pain in his eyes.

“Don’t worry. I’m over him.” I put my arms around his neck and rested my chin on his shoulder. I was at just the right height for him with my silver strappy heels on. He wrapped his arms tighter around my waist and turned me away from the door.

“If you’re over him. Promise me you won’t go running into his arms when he comes in.”

“I promise.” I said whispering into his ear.

“Okay. Thank God. Cause he just walked in.”

I gasped and turned around. There he was. Staring directly at me. I couldn’t breathe. I turned back around and faced Taeyang. Thank the Lord he understood my problem so I didn’t have to utter one word. He guided me to our table and sat me down.

“Are you okay?” He asked me, with concern dripping on every syllable.

All I could do was nod. He left to go get us drinks. All I could do was sit there and stare at the floor. I felt someone sit behind me and I stiffened.

“Hey, relax. Its just me.” Taeyang’s voice was like a sedative and I instantly calmed.

“Sorry, Tae. I just didn’t want it to be anyone else.” I said leaning my back into his chest.

“It’s alright. I brought you a margarita. Since we both know what alcohol does to you.” He chuckled lightly and started to my hair as I closed my eyes.

“Thank you.”

“Mhmm. Anytime, honey.”

“Do you think he will think less of me?” I didn’t even have to name the person for Taeyang to already know who I was talking about.

“Well if he does, then I’ll crack him. Simple as that.”

I inhaled his cologne and it put me under a calm spell.

“He hates me doesn’t he?” I had asked after a while.

“No, I don’t hate you.” Daesung’s voice had startled me and my eyes flew open. Suddenly all the air had escaped my lungs and I couldn’t speak.

“I can’t hate you. It was my idea to leave you in the first place.” I started to speak but he didn’t let me. “No, I can’t hear what you have to say. Not now. My fiance is waiting for me to get back to our table.” And with that he took my hand, kissed it, and walked away leaving me with a shocked look on my face and a very upset boyfriend at my back. I couldn’t believe what I just heard. His Fiance? Please tell me that I was hearing things?

“Ummm... I’m gonna go to the bathroom real quick. I need to look more beautiful for you sweetie.” I said trying to hide the fact that I was totally shocked when I heard Daesung said that.

“Aww... Babe, You’re already beautiful as you are. Alright fine since you’re giving me the puppy look.” I gave him a peck on the cheek and went to the bathroom. I slid against the wall and closed my eyes, trying to make me heart stop beating so hard.

Why was I like this? I was supposed to be over Daesung. But here I was, freaking out over him being... I can’t say it... Him being engaged. The thought just scared me half to death. I straighten up when someone walked through the door. I looked over my shoulder and saw who it was. Of course it’s her. Of all people it has to be her. I leaned over the mirror and started to reapply the light lip gloss that I had in my purse.

“Hi,” she said cheerfully, obviously oblivious to the connection that I used to have with her fiancé. I dragged out the word in my mind like it was poison.

“Hi,” I said after a moment of silence.

“I’m Heather.” she stuck her hand out to mine and I reluctantly shook it. I gave her a once over and thought to myself, This girl is completely off. She was wearing this skin tight bright pink dress. It didn’t even reach her knees. I wonder where he pick this one up. No matter, this is Daesung’s finacé. I have to be cordial and civil to her.

“Hi, Heather. I’m Alex. You’re Daesung’s fiancé right? It’s nice to finally meet you!” I said in a slightly false excited voice.

“Oh so you’re Alex! Daesung used to have so many pictures of you! It’s nice to finally meet his favorite little sister!” She ruffled my carefully placed hair and, like the polite girl I was. I smiled and nodded. Little sister huh? I thought to myself, Well two can play at that game.

“Yup that’s me!” I said, just to spite her.

“You’re a lot more prettier in person, I’d have to say. Daesung’s description of you is nothing compared to the real thing!” She pinched my cheeks, something that I’ve always hated. But like a good little sister would, I smiled up at her. Though in my mind I was thinking up ways that I could possibly make her disappear. Once we were done talking with each other, I hooked my arm in hers and we walked out giggling like school girls.

We walked towards her table and a very shocked Daesung.

“Hi big brother,” I said giving him a peck on the cheek, “Heather and I were just talking about you!” I was relishing and enjoying the uncomfortable look on his face when I was talking to him.

He cleared his throat, “Hi Alex, How’ve you been?” He was trying to be nonchalant and calm. “Oh I have been wonderful! Life has been a little boring because I don’t see you as much. But no matter At least I’m seeing you now!” I felt a warm pair of arms wrap around my waist.

“What are you up to Alex?” I heard Taeyang’s voice in my ear.

“Hi sweetie. I was just talking to my brother that I haven’t seen in forever.” I gestured to Daesung and I felt Taeyang stiffen and try to hold back his laughter.

“Well, let's go back to our table honey. They’re getting ready to serve the food.” I took his hand and he led me back to our table. As soon as we sat down, Taeyang burst out laughing. “What was all that back there?”

I remember telling him everything that happened in the bathroom up until the point when he came and saved me from having to spend an entire conversation with the two.

I snap back to reality and realize that I’ve been staring at the same spot on the wall for about an hour.

”Hey Alex you okay” Taeyang asked once he realized that I could finally understand what he was saying. “I’ve been trying to talk to you for the past hour.”

“Yeah, sorry. I was just remembering the whole thing that happened the last time that I saw him.” Taeyang rubbed my back and kissed me softly.

“Don’t worry. Today will be fine. Remember, You’re the only “family” that he has left.” We were all keeping up the pretense that I was actually blood-related to Daesung. And today he’s finally tying the knot with Heather. “I can’t believe that it’s today. I really don’t feel like going today. Can stay home and cry my heart out?” I buried my face into the pillow next to me on the bed.

“Nope. If I have to go, then you have to go. Now go and get dressed. We don’t want to be late.” He kissed me on the cheek and went into the kitchen. I slowly got up from the bed and wrapped the big fluffy white comforter around my body. I hopped off the bed and walked into the kitchen, following my nose to the scent of pancakes.

“Mmmmhhh... It smells really good.” I said peeking over Taeyang’s shoulder.

“Hey hey hey now. Don’t be poking around the breakfast. You have to be changed in order to eat.” I gave him the puppy eyes. “Alex it’s not going to run away. It’s going to be here when you get back.” I sighed and, pulling the blanket closer to me, “Oh alright. I’ll go and get changed.” I sulked off to our room and walked into the closet. Hmm... Now where did I put that dress? I shifted through all of the clothes on my rack until I found it. After putting the garment on the bed, I stripped down and got into the shower. I let the hot water wash away everything from this morning, all the hesitations and annoyance that had filled my mind once I realized that today was the day. Once I was done with the shower, I took the fluffy white towel from off the rack and dried myself off. I wrapped the towel around my chest and walked into the bedroom. I took the dress out from the plastic garment bag and hung it on the closet door. I dropped the towel and stepped into the floor length silky lavender gown. “Tae! Can you help me for a second!” I yelled. He walked into the room and came up behind me.

“What do you need hon?”

“Could you be a dear zip me up please?” I looked over my shoulder.

“Sure.” He zipped the dress up and placed his hands on my shoulders. He placed a kiss on the left side of my collar bone, wrapped his arms around my waist, and put his chin on my shoulder. “You okay? You’re really tense.” He rubbed my shoulders and tried to massage out the knots that had appeared since I got out of the shower.

“Yeah,” I said rolling my neck. “I just don’t want today to be a disaster.”

“Well if you wear that dress than I can guarantee that there will be some sort of disaster.”

“Stop kidding around,” I said turning around and putting my arms around his neck.

“I’m not kidding around, I’m being completely serious.” His hands went around my waist.

“Okay Tae, I’ll be done in a few minutes wait for me in the dining room.” I turned around and kissed him. He smiled at me sweetly and walked out of the bedroom. . Once the door was closed, I sat on the bed and put my face in my hands. I should be the one walking down that aisle and marrying him. I couldn’t believe that it’s this day. There is no way that I can win him back now. Tears started to run down my cheeks.

I truly thought that I was over him already.

“Hey Alex, you okay? You’ve been in here for about an hour.” Taeyang told me as I quickly wiped the tears away from my eyes.

“Tae, I’m fine. I need to make sure that I look nice. You don’t have to come in and check up on me. I’ll be out in a few.” I quickly ran to the bathroom with my makeup bag and applied it. Once I was done, I grabbed my cell phone that Daesung replaced for me, my makeup bag, purse and heels and went out of the bedroom.

“Hey baby girl. Finally you came out of the room.” He smiled and kissed me on the cheek.

“I think we should get going. Don’t want to be late to your band member’s wedding.” I tried my best to be happy.

“Alex, please don’t push yourself. I can call G.D. and tell him that you’re not feeling good. You don’t have to force yourself to go to the wedding.” He had much concern in his eyes.

“Tae, I am fine. Really.” I grabbed his hand and we headed down to the wedding. And with every step I dreaded to get closer to seeing him.

Daesung’s POV:
Today is the day that I get married to someone instead of Alex. This how things are supposed to be. T.O.P. walked into my dressing room and sat down on the chair that was by the window.
“Are you sure that you made up your mind? Is this how you want your life to be right now?” T.O.P. said after I was done fixing my tux.
“This is the best for both me and Alex. It seems that she doesn’t know the truth about who saved her at Martha’s Vineyard.” I said as I stood by the window looking out as people started to trickle in to the church.
“I’m going to say this as a hyung, but seriously how can you be so calm about this matter? You can’t be serious about marrying this girl that you’ve only known for 1 week! You known Alex for how long and now you cut off your relationship with her? This is not like you. What happened that day when you guys disappeared together?” T.O.P. wanted to know what happened on that day.
“Alex was swimming out in the ocean while I was on shore asking her if the water was fine. She said it was and she dived back into the water. There was a wave that was going towards her. It didn’t look big at first, but when I noticed that she wasn’t coming up from the water. I was so scared. I couldn’t move. I wanted to save her, but my body wouldn’t function right. Taeyang came and he went into the ocean to go and save her. I felt so hopeless. Taeyang brought her to the shore and did CPR on her while I stood there, watching them. I-I-I…” I trailed off. I felt my eyes start to water.
“Dude, it’s okay. Calm yourself down. I know how that that feels. I can kind of relate to what you are saying. I honestly say that it is really not your fault. You don’t always have to listen to what people say. Taeyang can blurt his mouth some of the time. Look you can go back to her right now. Because if I were you, I would. I can still see that you still love her.” T.O.P. came to my side and patted my shoulder.

“I’ve gotten over Alex. I can’t turn back now. Every time I see her, I still remember that day when I didn’t go and save her. It hurts to see her face. I do still love her though. She seems happy with Taeyang now. I don’t think that there is any way that I can win her back.”

I didn’t know that Nicki was standing by the door listening into their conversation.

“I don’t know if I’m ready to marry Heather right now. I think I planned everything too fast.”

I was immediately startled by Nicki as she barged into my dressing room.

“Ya think? Well then what are you doing waiting here? If you love Alex that much, then why don’t you just tell her so? She has been crying herself every night because she misses you so much. Every night for the past year and a half, I been trying so hard to comfort her; to help her to stand on her own two feet again. Daesung, A YEAR AND A HALF SHE HAS BEEN WAITING FOR YOU TO COME AND GET HER. Instead, you chose another girl over her...” After Nicki was done with her venting, she fell to her knees and tears started to run down her cheeks. T.O.P. immediately went to Nicki’s side to comfort her. I was completely shocked and speechless, something that was quite unusual for me.

“Do you see that everything you do affects everyone around you?” T.O.P. said to me as he walked the almost hysterical Nicki out of the room.

I was alone with my thoughts for about 10 minutes before another couple decided to walk in. I looked up and instantly felt my heart jump out of my chest, fall to the floor and break into a million pieces. Taeyang was there, but behind him was a breathtaking image of Alex. Her hair was piled high in a messy curly bun, she had on a long light purple dress, she was also wearing a pair of silver stilettos you could see her toes peeking out every time she walked, and on her face was the littlest amount of makeup, just enough to accent her eyes and cheeks. She looked so beautiful that my heart ached and I couldn’t breathe. She was behind Taeyang, half hiding herself from me and not even trying to make eye contact. I cleared my throat.

“Taeyang. Alex.” I acknowledged both of them, “Alex you’re looking wonderful as ever.” She just nodded, her gaze drifted away to her feet.

“We’ve just come to congratulate you, D. I never thought that you would actually find the right girl to settle down with.” Taeyang playfully jested.

“Yes well, I’m sure that I’ve found the right one.” I said looking straight at Alex’s face, trying to draw her gaze. No such luck. Buzz buzz buzz. Taeyang’s phone was vibrating in his pocket.

“Pardon me,” He said, “I have to take this.” He stepped out of the room and left the two of us alone.

“So,” I said, rather awkwardly, “How’ve you been?”

“Fine. I just got my acceptance for Juilliard last week.” She answered curtly.

“That’s great! I’m happy for you,” I said trying to lighten the mood. She shifted her feet and looked at me and the ground.


“So sorry sweetie, Seungri just called. There’s something up with the sound system. I’ll be right back. Can you stay here for awhile. You know, give him the pep talk about getting married?” Taeyang was pleading with Alex.

“Fine, I guess I can.” She huffed.

“Thanks babe, you’re the best.” I looked away as he kissed her. That used to be me, I thought to myself. Well too late now isn’t it?

I waited until Taeyang was out of earshot before I walked over to Alex and gave her a hug. She didn’t hug back. She just stood there like a statue. I hugged her until I felt her arms slowly wrap around me and softly hug me back.

“I miss you.” I whispered into her ear. And I instantly regretted it. She pushed me away.

“Stop it,” she said quietly but firmly, “Don’t say that.”

“Why not?” I asked, taking a step towards her. She took one back and held up her hand.

“You haven’t missed me. You have her to miss.” She was referring to Heather.

“Why can’t I miss you?” I asked, half wanting to hear the answer and half not.

“Because.” She whispered.

“That’s not an answer.” I said.

“You left me.” She said it so quietly I wasn’t even sure she said it.

“What?” I asked stupidly.

“YOU LEFT ME!” She exclaimed. “You left me there. Alone. No texts. No calls. Not even a stupid letter! I hurt for WEEKS. And what were you doing? Cause I can tell you, you weren’t with me. You weren’t helping me get over the shock of near death. NO. That was Taeyang. HE helped me. NOT you. You were busy in Florida faces with that thing that’s waiting for you by the ing altar! You knew her for what? A month? MAYBE two. And you ask her to ing marry you? No. See. While you were off doing your little fling or whatever you call it, I was in bed, every day. EVERY SINGLE TY DAY. FOR FOUR MONTHS! I waited for you. I thought you would come back. I didn’t know what you were really doing. No one would tell me where you were. You never answered my calls. Nothing! Not. One. Single. Word.” She was in my face. Emphasizing each and every word. “But you never cared about me in the first place did you?” She asked me softly. “Every kiss. Every touch. Was a lie? A joke to you?” She was upset. You could just tell by the look in her eyes. “It wasn’t to me.” She took a few steps away from me and hugged herself. Tears were forming in her eyes and she looked away. “From the start. Everything was real.”

I couldn’t speak. There was nothing that I could say to her. No words would express what I wanted to tell her. My whole brain had shut down. I had hurt her. Badly. And I was only realizing it now. After years of thinking that this was good for her. All I did was torture her even more. I just wanted to take her in my arms and tell her everything. I wanted to put everything back to the way it used to be. But, like all fantasies, that would never happen. She would always remember what I did to her. Even if she did accept me, she would always be afraid that I would do it to her again. I had a choice. Which one. I didn’t know what I was going to choose. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. What I was about to do was going to make me and break me.



So I left you guys on a cliffhanger. I am trying my best to finish the sequel for this story. I will post it up as soon as possible. My friend is hiding it from me unfrotunately...

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Iminthezone #1
This is so goood ♡♡♡
kellen_1825 #4
wahhhhhhhhhh ehheeh this is really cute. you wake up and found yourself as a pregnant hahaha. Cool ^^
DLite4Life #5
The Sequel is up so if you guys want to check it out it is called "Chances" :) Thnk u to my subscribers :) Me and My Friend appreciate very much. :)
LiziAnne #6