Chapter 1

Beautiful Hangover


The beating of the bass from the New York club coursed through my veins as I made my way with my best friend, Nicki, through the throng of people bumping and grinding against each other. Yeesh. Germs. I look over to tell Nicki that taking me here was a very bad idea when I realize that she was about 5 feet away from me dancing with this guy that was obviously NOT the guy that she's been telling me about these past few days. I was walking around aimlessly and drinks were continuously shoved into my hands and I, not thinking about the effects after, kept drinking them as if they were shots.


I was pushed towards a guy I couldn't see. I grabbed his arms as I almost fell back and I could feel his muscles ripple under my grasp. I instinctively let go and my arms fall to his stomach. When the strobe lights flashed on him, I could see that he was dressed in a form fitting white dress shirt that was ed, a tight white racerback tank top, black dress pants and jacket, and shiny black dress shoes, definitely not good for clubbing. But DAMN, he looked hot. Whoever this guy was, he has hot abs. I could feel them under his tank top and my cheeks flushed red as he grinned at me widely.


There were about 500 other people there and the bass kept on booming, but all I could think about or see was the guy standing right in front of me. He had this thing about him that just made me shiver down to my core. His blonde hair contrasted with the strobes and mischievous look in his eyes gave him the perfect edge. We danced for a while but all the alcohol was going straight to my head. I was starting to feel woozy when the strong arms caught me yet again, as I almost fell, and led me to the nearest bar stool.


After the gunshots went off, I out.

~ • ~ • ~

I woke up and looked around me. It was too dark to see anything. I leaned over and the light. Everything was bleached a deep gold. EVERYTHING. The blankets, the drapes, even the door frame. Everywhere I looked I saw gold. Not all the same shades, but still gold. I heard a scream and looked around for the source. But finding none I figured out that it had escaped my own lips. I was kidnapped. Yup, that was it. I've lived a good life. This oddly dressed guy comes running into the room, swinging the door open. Now when I say oddly dressed, I really mean, haphazard and wrinkly clothes, unruly hair, and, in his case, one shoe on and one shoe off.


“You look funny! Why are you in here?” I looked at him and I could not stop laughing! He was standing by the door with a shocked expression. Please tell me that I was dreaming. I can’t believe that I was in a house with a guy… A cute guy, but a guy nonetheless. What happened to me last night? Wait... Oh yeah, I got drunk, that explains everything.


“Okay, you need to spill everything. Where am I, How did I even get here, and what are you doing here?” All the laughter was out of my voice and now the tone was demanding. I needed to know if I had done anything...Well, anything that I would probably regret later.


“Well, first, you out at the club because you drank so much alcohol; second, I didn’t know where you lived so I took you to my penthouse and right now you're in the guest bedroom; and finally... I don’t know how to answer your last question.” I tried to let the information sink in.


“You didn’t do anything to me did you? Since when did I change clothes?” I looked at him with curiosity.


“When we came home, I told my maid to get you cleaned up while you were fast asleep. Don’t worry I wasn’t in this room when she was doing all of that. I was in my room getting myself cleaned up after being at that club. Oh yeah, and there’s about $10,000 worth of clothes in the closet for you to use.”


This is what he told me. Are you really serious? How did he get $10,000 to buy clothes for me and since when?


“So what hotel are we in right now?” I asked him because I really needed to know.


“Four Seasons Hotel.” I raised my eyebrows at him.


“Okay... Weird... I live on the second floor. How long have you been living here?”


“I lived here for quite a while. About 5 years now.” That was just really weird... I can’t believe that I didn’t take notice of him. I mean, he’s way too y to NOT be taken notice of; minus the fact that I still don’t know his name, he’s still y. “Well, the second and third-floor water hasn’t been working for the past 3 days.” I looked at him obviously with no knowledge of that.


“Are you serious?” He nodded. I didn’t notice because I haven’t been home lately due to… Personal things. I usually sleep at my friends’ houses most of the time.


“Well do you think that I could go and get my own clothes?”


He nods again and pulls out his iPhone and calls someone, I’m guessing his maid, to bring up all of my clothes. He asks me what my room number was and I told him 2015. He then tells the maid the number and hangs up the phone. I look at him with disbelief. Who does this guy think he is? Why was he doing all of these things for me?  He then takes out a spare phone from his other pocket and hands it to me.


“What is this your giving to me? Where is my phone?”


“That was a phone? I threw that out and got you a real one. It looked like your old “phone” was going to break sooner or later. Probably sooner.” Ok, I really couldn’t believe this guy. Rich people. They piss me off when they do these kinds of things.


“Oh and for your first question about me doing something to you, I promise that I didn’t do anything. I was out of the room the whole time.”

I was still sleepy but confused when I was talking to him. “Uhh, Who are you? I don’t even know what your name is. I mean you look familiar but I still have no idea what your name is or who you are.”


“Oh sorry, I didn’t introduce myself to you. My name is Kang Daesung. I’m part of the boyband, BigBang.” If I was confused before, I was totally dumbfounded now when he said this.


“Are you serious? You’re not lying to me are you, because if you are, going to get it...... bad.” He was a little confused when I said this.


“No, really, I am from BigBang. Promise. No jokes.” I slowly got out of bed but fell back because I was having a major headache. He rushed over to me. “Honestly, you were pretty drunk last night. Major hangover for you, just saying.” I glared at him and he pulled back. I kept my hand to my forehead to try and make the pain of the pulsing migraine from last night go away. “You probably should just sleep it off right now. That’s probably the best thing to do right now.” I actually had to agree with him on that.


“Oh yeah, you have to be dressed by 5:00 p.m. tonight because we are going to a dinner party. Your dress is in the closet with your shoes. My hair stylist and makeup artist will come later on to do the finishing touches.” Wait... I can’t believe what I just heard. Dinner party? What was this all about?


“Wait what time is it now?” He pointed to the clock on the nightstand. I looked at it and found that it was only 5 in the morning. Are you kidding me? You can’t be serious... I have this much time that I have to kill? “Daesung, uhm quick question. How am I going to spend 12 hours with nothing to do?!”


“Oh! I forgot I set this aside for you.” He walks to one of the dressers by the bed and gets $5,000 dollars from one of the drawers and hands it to me. “Take this money and go spend it on something nice.” I look at him with disbelief. “What? You’ve never held money before? It's not that much actually, I have more if you need it.”


I held up my finger to stop him from talking. I knew my mouth was hanging open but at the moment I didn’t really care. I just couldn’t believe that I was holding that much money in my hands. This guy is crazy! I felt my head spinning.


“You know what? I’m just going to go and sleep because I am still having a headache.” Daesung nodded his head to me.


“If you need anything just call me on the phone. Oh, and it has Nicki’s number in it already with the rest of your contacts.” Wait, he said Nicki? “How do you know my friend Nicki?” I looked at him with confusion.


“Oh, Uhm, well... I… Looked at your phone. Yeah, that's it.” Daesung tried to cover up the lie. I knew that there was something strange about this matter.


“Tell me now because you do not want to see my bad side.” I glared at him with anger, and somewhere in the back of my mind I could register someone saying, I thought we were looking at it.


“Okay, Okay calm down. I’ll tell you... Wait. You should probably call Nicki and see where she is.” I stuck out my hand to signal him to give me his phone. He handed it to me and I went to the bathroom to call her. I dialed her number and waited for her to answer. “Hello?” Nicki said with a tired voice.


“Nicki where are you right now?” I asked her, very concerned.


“Um... I really don’t know. I just got up from a nice sleep.” I sighed.


“Nicki, I want you to listen to me carefully okay? When I put you on mute, I want you to scream for me. Ok, muting right now.” I muted the phone. You have got to be kidding. Nicki’s scream was coming from right under me. I unmuted the phone and talked to Nicki again. Nicki kept calling my name.


“What’s wrong?”


She whispered something to me. “Oh my God, T.O.P. is in the room with me right now...” She sounded very happy when she was telling me this.


“Ok... Anyway... So I heard that you won tickets on the radio. You care to explain that to me?” Nicki was silent for a while.


“Oh that... Um... Well, I was going to tell you about that. Well, I had two tickets and I was going to give them to you, but then I totally forgot and I gave them to someone else by accident...” I sighed in disbelief.


When I was about to talk, Daesung opened the door and I found he had a ticket in his hand.

“You know how you told me that you gave the ticket to someone else, did you mean that you lost it?” I asked with curiosity.

“Oh well ya… I’m sorry! I was going to give it to you, honestly.” I told her that it was fine. I couldn’t be mad at her. It was not possible.


“Nicki, I’ll meet up with you later ok?” Nicki was very tired.


“Okay, I am going to go back to sleep. I’ll see you later. Bye,” I hung up the phone and looked at Daesung, who was still standing by the door.


“You care to elaborate on this matter before I start to rage?” He step back a step to make sure that he wasn’t in punching range.


“Well… There is a lot that you don’t know… So uhmm… What do you want to know first?” I can’t believe his answers.


“Tell me why you have the ticket that Nicki was supposed to give me for an upcoming concert.” I tried to keep my anger contained.


“The reason why I had it was because Nicki dropped it in the club. I tried to get her attention, but I couldn’t. So instead, I decided to hold on to it and give to her later because she was with T.O.P.” I looked at him with surprise.


“Wait, she was with one of your band members at the club? You have got to be kidding me.


” I can’t believe what I just heard. Wait, are T.O.P. and Nicki going out or something, because to me, it seems like it.” Daesung froze and didn’t say anything for a while. “Oh my  gosh; you have to be kidding me. Why did I not hear about this? I have to call Nic-” He covered the phone so that I couldn’t dial Nicki’s number. “What are you doing? Why are you stopping me from calling her?” I looked at him with confusion.


“You should wait until tonight. She will be here later. We’re all going to leave together.” He said this with a smile at the end of his sentence. I tried to look like I was disgusted on the outside, but inside myself, it felt like my heart stopped for 1 second.


“Okay, well I have to go and take care of some things so I’ll let you go to sleep.” I gave back his phone and he walked out of the bathroom. I walked back to the guest bed and sat down. Great. What now? I really want to go, but I don’t want Daesung to take it the wrong way. UGH! Why is being a teenage girl so hard?! I flopped myself on my back and groaned in frustration. Honestly, the bed felt very comfortable. I slowly let my conscience slip away and fell into a deep slumber.


9 hours later...


I woke up refreshed from my sleep but still had a slight headache. I looked at my nightstand and found a glass of water and some instant hangover pills. There was a note attached to the bottle of pills. “Take two pills and drink all of the water. ~Daesung.” I took the pills and drank the water. I was surprised that the pills worked instantly. Wow, that was really quick. I should keep this with me just in case. I look at my “new” phone and saw that it was 2:00 in the afternoon. I should take a shower. I feel disgusting right now. I quickly grabbed a robe, undressed, put it on, and started the water in the extra-large and fancy bathtub, golden, of course. Once I felt magnificently clean, I went to check my phone to see what time it was.


“Oh crap, are you serious? It’s 4:30 already? I didn’t know I took that long of a shower.” I rushed over to the closet where my dress was supposed to be hanging. I slid open the door and, thinking that it isn’t all that pretty, but not really looking at it, I mean come on, now why is Daesung of all people, buying me things? I’m just a nobody compared to him. Oh well, if he wants to take me out, I’m in no position to argue with him.


“I can’t believe that he expects me to wear this...” I took out the dress from the closet and slipped it on. Crap... I just remembered that I can’t pull up the zipper by myself. I hold up the dress and do a kind of penguin walk to the door and stick my head out. “DAESUNG! I CAN’T ZIP THIS DRESS UP BY MYSELF! CAN YOU SEND YOUR MAID IN HERE PLEASE?” I yelled out the door because of the largeness of the suite, surely he heard me. Not hearing an answer I assumed that it was a yes so I turned around and tried to zip up at least some of the dress. I heard the door open and I could’ve sworn that I heard someone swear under their breath. But, not wanting to turn around because of the way the dress was situated, I kept facing the far wall as I waited patiently for the maid, Note to self, must learn the maid’s name. I felt a pair of hands glide over my back and I felt like shivering but held it back. The hands took hold of the zipper and it slowly went up.

“It looks better than I thought it would.” Jumping nearly 50 feet in the air I whipped my head around and found myself face-to-face with the guy that started all this.

“I thought the maid was supposed to be here instead of you helping me with my zipper!” I think I almost broke glass at the octave that I shrieked at. I couldn’t believe that I got help from this guy.

“Oh ya, the maid is off on Sunday afternoons. Did I forget to mention that before you went to sleep this morning?” What is with this guy?
Sarcastically, I replied, “Nooo… Of course, you forgot to mention that!” I cannot figure this guy out. I can’t tell what he is thinking or what his next moves are. I used to be so good at reading guys. Maybe I’m losing my touch. No, I can’t think like that. I have to stay confident with my instincts.

“I’m gonna call my makeup artist and hairstylist in now to get you finished up.” He walked out the door and again, I was dumbfounded. This guy is really strange. The makeup artist and hairstylist came in and I took a seat on a stool. They asked me how I wanted to look. “Just try to keep my hair down and you can do whatever matches with this dress for my makeup.” I honestly don’t like dressing up for events.

Once they said that they were done, I stood up and went to look in the mirror. They both went out the door, leaving me all alone in the large guest room. I swear that this night was going to get more and more eventful... I am not looking forward to it. Once I was done looking at myself in the mirror. I made my way to the living room. When I opened the door, I saw Nicki practically on T.O.P.’s lap kissing him on the couch.
“Nicki!” She turned around and pushed herself away from T.O.P. with a deep red color creeping up her face. Shocked and not knowing what to do, I slammed the door and stayed in the guest room. I could hear Nicki’s footsteps come to the door. She knocked. “Alex, I’m so sorry. Please don’t be mad at me.” I stood against the door silently. I really didn’t want to see that. Nicki told Daesung to go and check up on me. A tear ran down my cheek. I couldn’t believe that I was crying because of what I saw. I feel so pathetic.

“Are you crying, Alex?” I flinched when I heard Daesung’s voice.

“How the heck did you get in here?” I was all confused when he was standing right in front of me.

“There is another door that connects to this room. Only I and well the maid know about it.”

Okay, am I going crazy or am I just being awkward?

“You know you can’t be mad at her for long. Just saying.” I got off the door and rushed myself off. “I know, I don’t even know why I acted like this! God! That was really childish. I’m really sorry for being so immature.” I put my head down after I had apologized to Nicki. “It’s alright. Besides, it was my fault for kissing T.O.P. in the first place. I should be the one to apologize.”  I looked up at Nicki and smiled because we have been best friends for so long. “Okay, but just to let me in on things, how long has it been since you have been dating that guy over there.” I pointed to T.O.P. that was still sitting on the couch. “Oh, only about three months... Are you mad? Please don’t be. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you when I and he got together.” I tried to take in the information that she has just given me. I didn’t want to burst out of the madness. “Oh really? That’s great! I am proud of you for finding such a great guy.” I said this with a smile on my face, but on the inside, I felt like she has been keeping so many secrets from me. I feel hurt because she doesn’t tell me much as she used to.

Daesung looked at his watch. “We better start heading down to the dinner party or we’re all going to be late.” I looked at the clock that was above the 52-inch screen TV. It’s already 4:45!? “T.O.P. and I are going to go ahead to the party. I’ll see you and Daesung later okay?” Nicki said this with a smile on her. Her signals were unclear to me for some reason. Once they left the room, I sat on the couch. “What’s wrong Alex? Are you still not feeling well?” Daesung had a concerned expression on his face. “Oh, I am totally fine. Don’t worry, but I can’t believe that you’re making me go to a dinner party with you even though I knew you for a day.” I put my face into my hands and breathed deeply. He sat next to me and put his arm around my shoulder. “It’s going to be fine. I am going to be right by your side, besides, to me, you look stunning.” I lifted my head to look at him. “Handoff shoulder... Now...” He slowly took his arm off of me and then grabbed my hand. “What are you doing? I still feel like I’m not ready and don’t just grab me by the wrist. It’s weird...” Daesung said, “Well we have to leave already. I don’t want to be late more than we are now.” I had this weird feeling filling up inside of me.

Why was my heart beating fast? No, there is no way that I can have a crush on this guy that I just met. “Come on, let’s go.” He dragged me behind him as we left his penthouse. One of the workers pulled up with Daesung’s car.

“Oh my gosh...” I couldn’t believe he had a Ferrari. “Wait, we’re going to be riding in this? You have got to be kidding me...”

Daesung looked at me and smiled. “Alex, come on. We have to get going now.” I hurried to the car. He opened the door for me and I stepped inside. Geez, he is such a gentleman. Once we were both settled, he started the engine and started to drive to the dinner party. It didn’t take us that long for us to get to the hotel where the party was being held. We pulled into the valet lot and Daesung hurried to my side of the car, took my hand, and helped me go out to face the throng of paparazzi.



Daesung was pulling at my arm, “Come on Alex! You look perfectly fine. Trust me!”

“Let go. Let go of me now,” I was shooting daggers with my eyes at his arm. He saw my gaze and slowly peeled his hand from around my wrist.
“Okay, okay. But would you just come on? Please? You look great. And no. No one will laugh at you. Promise” He was still trying to get me to walk into the ballroom. He’s known me for a whole day. Doesn’t he know how stubborn I can get?

“There are people out there. They will stare and I will make a complete fool of myself. Trust me. It's happened before.” I looked around the lobby and I could see that everyone was staring at me. I was making a scene. The number ONE thing on my list that I ALWAYS made sure that I didn’t do. Yet, I was doing it. Lovely.

“OKAY!” I nearly shouted, “Ok, I’ll go in with you. But you better not try any funny business or you will never hear the end of it.” I walk up to the door and fling it open.

Everyone is staring. Great. I look hideous.

“Daesung!” I whispered to him next to me. “I am leaving. I told you that I look bad! And you lied to me!” I loop my fingers through the straps of my heels and took them off. Turning on the balls of my feet, I stormed out the door leaving a very confused Daesung and a still dumbstruck “audience” in the main ballroom. I walked to the side of the hotel, trying to evade the annoying people with cameras,  and sat on the curb in my dress and the headlights of cars shining on me every so often. I put my head in my hands and tried to hold back my tears of humiliation. I felt someone next to me and assumed it be Nicki.

“Go away, Nicki. I don’t want to talk right now.”

The deep voice that answered me, startled me so much that I actually looked up, only to find Daesung staring at me with those dark liquid brown eyes. They captivated me so much that it soon became awkward at the amount of time that I was looking at him. All I had to do was tip my head up and the gap between our lips would close. He closed his eyes and closed them for me. The second that they touched, I did not want to pull away. Maybe it was the shower of emotion that rushed through me, or maybe it was the almost-slap-in-the-face-from-reality that made me pull away, but no matter. It was done. I looked at him again and I could see the hurt in his eyes.

I couldn’t do this. Not now. Not ever. He’s important. I’m just, me. Nothing special. I’m not everything that he could have if he wanted it. I am far from it. I’m stubborn and strong-willed. I’m not a girly girl. He could have any girl that he wanted. He just doesn’t know what his feelings are. I just want to go home. But something in the pit of my stomach told me something that I never thought I would hear. Maybe…

Looking down at my feet and avoiding his gaze, I asked him in the smallest voice that I could manage, “Daesung, would it be ok if you took me home now? I don’t really want to go back in there.” I tried to act like the last few seconds didnʻt happen and Daesung, catching my drift, did the same.

“Oh, uh yeah. Sure. Let me just bring the car around.” He walked away from me as quickly as he could and I watched his retreating figure until it disappeared into the dark night.

The light from the inside of the building lit up only the doorway where I was sitting. A flood of a million emotions overcame me and I could slowly feel the tears sliding down my already tired face. I didn’t care that my once-perfect curls were now all messy and tangled, or the fact that as of right now, my mascara was probably running, making black streaks down the sides of my cheeks. I fell to my knees right in the middle of the street. I heard a car pull up right next to me. I heard the car door slam and footsteps running towards me. I felt the strong arms grip me tightly and lift me from the ground. I heard the car door open and I felt myself being put in the backseat and laid down. I cried myself to sleep on the way back to the hotel.


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Iminthezone #1
This is so goood ♡♡♡
kellen_1825 #4
wahhhhhhhhhh ehheeh this is really cute. you wake up and found yourself as a pregnant hahaha. Cool ^^
DLite4Life #5
The Sequel is up so if you guys want to check it out it is called "Chances" :) Thnk u to my subscribers :) Me and My Friend appreciate very much. :)
LiziAnne #6