Sunday morning

Dirty Cash!

"Ji! hurry! c'mon wake up now!" Top shakes his friend who's still in dreamland. It's already 9am. Frustrated, he walks out of the room and as he reach for the door knob Ji threw his pillow at Top's back, hitting his friend real hard this time. "Aish!" Top turned, he picked up the pillow and threw it back to his friend still tied up at his bed. "Ya! that's how you treat me after I did a favor of waking you up!" he scowled at Jiyong. "haha!" Ji smiled, "I know! but it's a sunday! can we give ourselves a break from waking up early?!" he said and sat up . "I get it, such a lazy !" Top replied and turned and went out his friend's room without a word. 

"Dae, what's in our to do list today?" Youngbae asked as he sat down beside him. "Uh," Dae reaches for their mini schedule notebook placed under their coffee table, "from what's written here, it's our free day! and yeah, it's sunday today just in case you want to know." he finished and passed the notebook to his bothered friend. "ah, ne, I guess I'll have to attend to my church services today, wanna come?" Youngbae grinned and placed an arm around his friend. Dae stared at him and smiled, "do I have a choice?!" he replied and placed his arm too at Youngbae. Youngbae grinned and wrestled his friends arm. 

"Guys, where's Seungri?" Top comes out from Ji's room and walks to Youngbae and Dae comforably sitting in the couch. "uh, he went out and bought our breakfast I guess?" Dae turned his head to Top. "Really? How much money do weve left in our money jar?" Top replied as he sat in front of the two." Youngbae then searched their money jar, he was the only one who knew where it is hidden, "uh, less than a hundred bucks?" he replied unsure of his answer. "Then how in the world are we gonna get out supporting funds?!" Top said now aggitated. "hey now don't be such a worry wart! I got your back boys!" Ji spoke from behind. They all looked at him with blank stares on their faces. 


Seungri's mind is troubled. He cannot seem to bring his normal self back, not until he finds a way to pay back the money he got in their money jar. Youngbae will kill me! He doesn't know this! Seungri continues to stroll around the vicinity of the empty street a couple of blocks away from where they live. His phone suddenly rings, he got his phone and answered, "yoboseyo,"he hears his friends voices in the background, "Comeback here in less than an hour, we shall discuss something impt." Jiyong said to Seungri. What could it be this time? Seungri thought. 

After 1 hour,

"What's taking him so long?" Ji wrapped his hand around his nape. "Ah, you know what, let's just follow Youngbae and Dae, what do you think?" Top replied as he stood up in the couch. Jiyong lets out a deep sigh and agrees with his friend. "Let's just meet him somewhere then." He replied lazily. 

It was a breezy saturday morning, Jiyong and Top smiled feeling the soft whispers of air surrounding them.

"You know what," Jiyong turned to face his friend, "you never run out of good ideas." 

"Huh? what do you mean?" Top glanced at his friend.

"This, you know me so well, you know if i'm already about to get pissed." Jiyong smirked as he tapped his friend's back.

"Ah, yeah, what are friends for eh?" Top then arm wrestled his friend as they both walked along the street's pavement. 

*hey readers i'm back once again! only this time, not a romantic fic... please do continue reading and commenting! Fighting! :)


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chapter 2 on it's way soon! :)


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