Wet puppy?

Me plus You


“Hurry, I on the rooftop, bring OUR lunch. I’m hungry” he commanded.

“Weh? Weh??.”

“tuuuutt tuuuutt”, the call was ended.



Your POV

I don’t have any choice; I went directly to the rooftop carrying a lunchbox good for 2 persons. (Take note, I climbed 5 floors just to come here with this heavy load) I opened the door, lift the lunchbox, and continued walking but suddenly, I knocked into something and no wonder my lunchbox is heavy because of a soup dish that splashed all over me but I saw his image, hastily grabbed the lunchbox so everything except the soup was saved.

“Watch your step while walking. So clumsy”, I heard him say.

“What? And that’s what I get in climbing 5 floors just to meet you?” I answered him frankly.


Junhyung’s POV

*climbing 5 floors just to meet you* her words keep banging in my ears. How can she do that? She didn’t even complain in coming here. This crazy girl. How can she be so pretty even when she is angry? Yaaah! What am I thinking?

“Who told you to do so?” I told her.

“Who told me? Guess what, somebody called me to meet him on the rooftop because he is super hungry and after bringing him what he wants he is scolding me now as if everything is my fault.” She answered simultaneously without giving any gaps for taking a  breath.

“Ara, I got it. I’ll let it pass this time”. I told her and without giving her anytime to reply, I grabbed her hands and led her to the table.


Your POV

So this is it? The warmth of his hands, I wanted to grab for it forever. WHAT?!! What am I saying? He is my number 1 enemy so why should I want to be with him forever?

I can still feel the moisture in my uniform. And with this super cold wind in the rooftop is making me shiver. How can i stay like this for like the whole lunch time?

But before I can think of anything else, I can feel another layer of clothing around me.

“Your shivering, wet puppy. Wear that for the mean time and return that to me”. I heard him say as he puts on his jacket around my body.

Then he continued eating…….

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Mayenne #1
Chapter 8: Any chance that you can continue the story? It is getting interesting. Would be awfully nice to see where the story goes. Please.
keep updating!!!<br />
getting very interesting!!!
Update soon.Thank you!
shawntel95 #4
hahah, :) yeah..<br />
@aegyoattack...it was just a dream
Yannna #5
damn it was just a dream.
lol! Update soon
shawntel95 #7
@heecia. :) thanks.<br />
yeah.. i will <br />
i hope u wait. :)
HeeCia #8
hi shawntel95...please update it soon<br />
<br />
love HeeCia ^_^
who will win?? update soon
seems interesting :D update soon