
Private Show


Daehyun stepped onto the subway platform, hoping he arrived at the correct station. It’d been years since he last came to Seoul, so he wasn’t too familiar with the area. His steps echoed throughout the nearly empty station as he walked towards the exit, shivering slightly when he stepped onto the street and the cool wind blew around him, and raised the mask that was covering the bottom half of his face higher. He looked down at his phone for the directions to the strip club, smiling in triumph when he saw he was heading in the right direction.
'He was probably the one who made the noise from the window last night, too…' Daehyun could barely hold back a giggle, feeling absolutely giddy at how perfect this was. He was finally going to get the upperhand in their little war, and there was nothing the pretentious brat could do about it. 
Daehyun turned down the empty streets, jumping when he heard a crash coming from the distance. He looked around before speeding up into a near sprint, the silence of the streets starting to get to him. He didn’t have to be told that he was in one of the more dangerous parts of Seoul, the graffiti littering the walls of the buildings and the barely working street lamps a dead giveaway. He felt cold sweat run down his temple, starting to contemplate on just turning around when music reached his ears. He sighed in relief when he heard night club music, and ran in the direction it was coming from.
After a few more blocks, Daehyun finally spotted the club, the neon “Club Matoki” sign lighting up the otherwise dark street. He couldn’t stop the grin that spread across his face at the shady looking club, already thinking of ways he could make Youngjae’s life hell. 
"This is just perfect."
Daehyun lowered his mask and ran towards the large doors of the club, already pushing past the heavy metal doors when he was suddenly jerked back by someone grabbing his collar. He looked back and glared at whoever grabbed him and raised his fist, but instantly put his hand down when he saw the man's piercing eyes, his free hand resting on something on his side that was hidden by his blazer, and pin on his shirt that indicated he was an employee of the club.
"Woah, calm down there, pretty boy. I'm gonna need to see some I.D." Daehyun grumbled and reached into his pocket, giving the fake I.D he had been using for years to the bouncer. He had to stop himself from sighing from impatience, the man taking way too long in his opinion to inspect the card, and wondered in the back of his mind how good the fake I.D that Youngjae used to get into the club was if he managed to get past this guy.
"Okay, you’re good. Just remember, no touching the dancers, and no taking pictures while you’re in there. Trust me, I will happily kick you where it hurts while dragging you out of here." Daehyun resisted the urge to roll his eyes and headed for the door again, growling under his breath when he felt the black-haired bouncer grab onto the back of his jacket again.
"I’m ing serious, kid. I’m tired of seeing the dancers here get harassed. Lay a finger on any of them, especially Joko, and I won’t hesitate to use this-" the bouncer patted the bulge in his side pocket, "-on you." Once he finally let go of Daehyun’s jacket, Daehyun nodded and walked towards the entrance of the club, wondering who exactly this ‘Joko’ was.
'She's probably his girlfriend or something…' Daehyun shook the thought off, not really caring about anything except finding Youngjae in the dirty-looking club.
'Out of all the clubs is Seoul, why would Youngjae head here…?'
Daehyun pondered on the thought as he pushed past the doors, but instantly felt his jaw drop as he took in the interior that practically screamed ‘wealth’. Despite what the club looked like on the outside, on the inside it was more stunning than any club he’d ever been to back in Busan; the black marble floor, the simple and modern-looking bar and lounge, and the scattered illuminated stages where the dancers would perform- the largest one in the center- beyond anything Daehyun had expected while running to this club.
"Damn, if you’re already amazed at the club, I can’t imagine how you’ll react when the dancers actually come out!" Daehyun shrieked when he suddenly heard the excited whisper into his ear, flushing when he saw he attracted a good amount of stares from the other guys there. He turned to glare at whoever dared to sneak up on him like that, raising an eyebrow when he saw the light-blue bunny ears atop his head, the blue hair, and the black mask that was lowered down.
"What’s with the ears?" Daehyun reached out to grab the headband but winced when his hand was slapped away.
"What the hell, man, you don’t just go and try to grab someone’s uniform like that!" Daehyun’s eyebrow raised even more when he noticed how high pitched the boy’s voice was. He was taller than him by a few good centimeters, but his face was more than enough to give away that he was definitely not old enough to be in the club.
"Aren’t you like 12 or something?" Daehyun yelped indignantly as he was smacked on the head by a leather bill-booklet, fuming when he saw the kid stick his tongue out at him.
"I don’t have time for this …" Daehyun stormed away from the teen, ignoring the calls of "Wait, come back!" and looking around the bar area for Youngjae. 
"Where would that little be-"
"Which little ? Maybe I can help you find him!" Daehyun’s eyes widened as he staggered backwards, holding onto the glass bar counter for support as he clutched his chest, his heart racing uncomfortably from the surprise. He wasn’t even sure how the kid managed to pop up in front of him like a ghost, but he couldn’t care less. All he wanted to do was find Youngjae, take a picture of him in the strip club, and then get the hell out of there. 
"Sorry, kid, I doubt you can help me." Daehyun turned around again, planning on heading towards the lounge area when the other ran around him to block his path, a wide grin on his face. Daehyun pinched the bridge of his nose, already feeling a headache coming on. 
"I work here, I remember the faces of every single person who’s walked through those doors.” Daehyun sighed, sitting on one of the bar stools before directing a glare at the other when he took a seat next to him.
"Why are you bothering me so much?!" He saw the teen pout, and almost felt bad about snapping at him. Almost.
"There are only three other nice people that work at this place! Two of them are backstage getting ready, the third one works outside-"
'That bouncer is considered nice?!?' Daehyun thought irritably. 
"-and honestly, even if you’re acting like an right now, you’re the only decent guy that’s walked in here in ages! Do you know how boring it gets without someone to talk to??" Daehyun wasn’t sure whether to be flattered or insulted, but waved the words off.
"How the hell can you tell if I’m decent? Besides, I just came here to find someone and then leave, not for conversation." Daehyun thought that would do the trick, but when he heard the boy huff before ordering two beers, he knew he wasn’t going to be able to shake him off easily.
"Is he a family member?? A friend??" Daehyun clenched his teeth and tried to ignore the other, taking a swig out of his beer to try to calm down.
"Ooh, I know~ He’s your boyfriend, isn’t he??" Beer flew towards the unsuspecting teen as Daehyun sputtered, a dark flush dusting his cheeks and an absolutely scandalized expression on his face.
"Hell no!" Despite the alcohol now covering the blue-haired boy’s black slacks, a wide grin spread on his face, making him look as if he won a million dollars (which made Daehyun become even more pissed). 
"Looks like I hit the nail on the head~ Ex-boyfriend? Best friend that you’ve been in love with for years but never had the chance to confess to?? A one-night stand that you’ve fallen helplessly in love with but he won’t return your calls, so now you’re tracking him do-“ 
"Oh my god! You talk too much, holy ." Daehyun glared daggers at the boy, seconds away from smacking the smirk on his face. 
"So am I ri-"
"No! He’s none of those! I hate him! He’s just some pompous smartass that has a 10-foot stick stuck up his bum, with annoyingly blonde hair that looks like duck’s -"
"So then why are you looking for him?" Daehyun froze at the question, the boy’s tone changing from playful to serious in a matter of seconds. He saw his eyes narrow at him suspiciously, and felt a cold sweat run down his temple. He knew telling the other his intentions of taking a picture of Youngjae as blackmail would get him kicked out of there in moments, and put on his best dejected face.
"I-I…" He heard the other’s fingers drumming impatiently on the counter top, a threatening glint in his eyes, and instantly missed the irritating, yet safe, way he was acting before.
"I hate him, b-but I care about him so much… We had a really bad fight today, and then I heard him sneak out the window. I felt so worried that he might do something stupid and hurt himself, stubborn idiot…" Daehyun added a love-struck smile for added effect, and internally sighed in relief when he saw the waiter’s expression change from guarded to sympathetic.
"So I followed him here. I’m s-so scared to face him though!" Daehyun heard a soft "There, there…" and mentally patted himself on the back for his acting skills. He wiped a fake tear away, feeling a little guilty when he saw how much pity there was in the other’s eyes. 
"Don’t worry! I’m sure he won’t be upset if he sees you!!" Daehyun winced a little when the tall teen clapped his shoulder, the other being a lot stronger than he thought. He was glad when he heard the light tone again, and decided that he really needed to get away from the waiter already before he was found out.
"Y-you think…?" 
"Of course! If anything, he’ll probably be happy to see that you care about him so much!" The statement hit something inside Daehyun, but he pushed it to the back of his mind, not to keen on figuring out what it was now. 
"Thank you… but, i-is it okay if I look for him on my own? You’ve been really cool, but I don’t want him to get the wrong idea if he sees me walking around with you…" 
"Sure, no problem! If you need any help, just ask me or Himchan-hyun-" The younger paused though when the lights suddenly dimmed and sultry music boomed through the speakers. Daehyun saw the way the boy’s eyes lit up as his gaze directed towards one of the smaller platforms on the other side of the room, as if waiting for something.
"Hey, what’s going on??" Daehyun cursed as the lights turned down so much that he could barely make out the outline of his hands.
"The dancers are coming on! I think you should wait before looking for your boyfriend, there’s no way you’re going to be able to find him until the show ends and the lights go back on again. I doubt he’ll leave anyway, Joko performs last!" 
'Again with Joko… who is she??' Daehyun glared at the ‘boyfriend’ comment, but nodded, keeping the thought to himself. He took a sip of his drink but nearly spit it out from surprise when the other suddenly cheered as the dancer on the platform all the way on the side went on.
"Would you stop scaring me like that??"
"S-sorry, I couldn’t help it!!" Daehyun raised an eyebrow at how excited he was, his eyes nearly popping out when he saw who was going on stage.
'W-wait, the dancers are guys?!' Daehyun’s jaw dropped as soft cheers came from the audience, the waiter next to him being the loudest, as the dancers went onto the two side platforms. While most of the dancers had a more normal outfit, the one who the waiter’s eyes were trained on was dressed almost completely in green. He smirked at the other, waiting for him to lift his beer up to his lips.
"So… I’m guessing Green Lantern over there is your boyfriend?" Daehyun relished the fact that the younger nearly spat his drink out, finally getting a little revenge. He looked at Daehyun with wide eyes, shaking his head rapidly, although the blush that was still visible in the dark betrayed his action.
"N-no! He’s just one of the nicest guys that work here! He’s my best friend, of course I’ll cheer him on…" Daehyun chuckled, deciding to go easy on the obviously flustered boy. Most of the audience was looking at the other dancer since he started to strip, but Daehyun actually found the dancer wearing mostly green more entertaining. His movements weren’t dirty, but the way he twirled around the pole was extremely graceful, like a ballet dancer. 
"He’s amazing, isn’t he…?" Daehyun nodded, turning to look at the obviously awestruck teen. He saw the pure admiration in his eyes and felt a soft smile form on his lips. 
"His movements are so fluid… all of the other dancers here besides him and Joko are so choppy, just awkwardly moving their hips and throwing off their clothes. He makes it look like a beautiful art…" Daehyun nearly cooed at how in-love the other sounded, glancing over quickly at the dancer, all of his clothes still on- the only thing that changed was that his shirt was open- while the other dancer was near already.
"Not a lot of people cheer for him since he never takes more than his shirt off, so they’ve never let him perform as a main act. It’s their loss…" Daehyun nodded, cheering along with the teen when the music ended, marking the end of their dance. Daehyun bit his lip, a little overwhelmed by the sudden realization that Youngjae has gone to a gay nightclub more than a few times.
'He's actually gay?? I thought he was just messing with me all those times…' Daehyun felt something akin to hope bubble up in his chest, but quickly shook the feeling off.
'No! I don't want to go out with this guy, he's such a jackass! All I have to do is somehow get a picture of him in here, use it as blackmail, and have a great summer with him as my servant-'
Daehyun’s thoughts were cut off when all the lights in the club went out before the sound of an electric guitar boomed through the speakers. Whoops and cat calls exploded from the people in the club, he was pretty sure he even heard the bartender behind the counter let out a few whistles.
"Ooh! Joko’s going on!!" Daehyun nodded, easily the calmest person in the entire club at the moment. He was honestly a little curious at how good this guy had to be to cause such a reaction, but he didn’t come here for him. Daehyun was starting to feel tired, and the sooner he was able to get a picture of Youngjae, the sooner he could get out of there. His blood rushed at the steady beat of the music, the electric guitar giving a very raw feel that he liked, and relaxed, bringing his beer up to his lips. He saw the silhouette of the Joko behind the curtain, and took a sip of his beer, feeling a little excited when he saw his swish his hips from side to side as he slowly lowered himself down before rolling his torso as he went back up. 
But, when Joko finally pushed past the curtains and out onto the main platform, Daehyun all but choked on his beer, dropping his glass as he felt every inch of him go into shock.
Youngjae?!?!” Daehyun’s voice cracked as he yelled in surprise, his screech covered by the cheers and the music. He rubbed his eyes, slapping his cheeks a few times to make he wasn’t dreaming as who he was 99% sure was Youngjae strutted to the pole, his soft blond hair brushing his cheeks as he made sure to swing his hips as he walked. 
"Wah, he’s so fierce already, and he hasn’t even started yet! I bet today’s performance is going to be extra today~"
"R-??" Daehyun gulped when the blonde finally reached the pole, his slim fingers circling the metal as his eyes scanned the club. Daehyun quickly pulled his mask up, and when his eyes locked with the other’s fiery ones, it was more than enough to confirm who ‘Joko’ really was.
I’m just a bachelor, looking for a partner
Someone who knows how to ride
Without even falling off
Daehyun broke off the eye contact as he raked his eyes down Youngjae’s barely clothed body, the oversized button-up he was wearing just barely clinging onto him and shorts so high that they exposed almost every inch of his long, creamy legs. His gaze lingered on slim yet muscular thighs, subconsciously his lips, before he returned his gaze to Youngjae’s face, blushing when the other winked at him. The younger had a mask covering the bottom of his face like himself, but Daehyun could tell he was smirking from the way his eyes crinkled. The way the yellow bunny ears on the top of his head bounced when he tilted his head to the side cutely, mixed with his large, doe eyes that Daehyun was sure were staring straight at him, was doing horrible things to the older’s self control.
But even if it felt like Youngjae was staring at him for hours, in reality it had only been a few seconds, and when the other turned away to make slow circles around the pole, Daehyun instantly missed the warm brown eyes. The blonde paused his circling, and quickly pressed his back against the pole, his back facing the audience, before slowly sliding down. Daehyun bit his lip to suppress the moan that threatened to escape at the sight of the younger’s back arching into a perfect bow, his plump cheeks spread out a little as he pressed his harder against the pole.
Gotta be compatible takes me to my limits
Girl when I break you off
I promise that you won’t want to get off
He gently slid up the pole, rolling his head to the side as his eyes closed. He ran his arm up his torso, making the loose shirt rise a little, and gripped the pole behind him. He turned around, now gripping onto the metal with both hands, and teasingly pumped his hands up and down the pole, earning him a few cat calls.
Daehyun tried to ignore how his body was starting to react, repeating, “Do not get , he’s an , do not get , he’s an ” in his head like a mantra, and tried to look disinterested. However, when Youngjae’s right hand suddenly gripped the pole tightly, his left hand hanging by his side, and the next part of the song came on, Daehyun’s jaw dropped for the umpteenth time that night.
If you’re lets do it
Ride it my pony
My saddle’s waiting
Come and jump on it
Youngjae swung around the pole one more time quickly before his legs were suddenly off the ground, the momentum of his first spin helping him to continue going around the pole. His legs spread when he faced the audience, causing the crowd to erupt in cheers, and curled close to him as the ground became closer. He gently landed on the ground, his hair mussed from the move, but that only helped to make him look even more appetizing. He popped each button on his shirt, shimmying it down to expose his shoulders once it was completely opened. Daehyun’s breath stopped, waiting for the whole shirt to fall down, but instead, Youngjae brought the shirt back up to cover his shoulders. He shook his head, winking at the audience, and Daehyun mused that even here, Youngjae was such a damn tease.
If you’re lets do it
Ride it my pony
My saddle’s waiting
Come and jump on it
Youngjae hooked his thumbs into the hem of his shorts, pulling it down just enough to drive everyone in the audience crazy. He returned the pole, this time placing two hands on it, and swung as he brought his legs up, spreading them as he held them over his head.
At this point, Daehyun wasn’t sure whether he should be aroused or beyond impressed. The amount of muscle the younger needed to be able to hold himself up like the blew the other away, but when the blond started to bounce his legs up and down- mimicking a certain position Daehyun would forever deny wanting to have the younger in- and his shorts rode up enough to expose part of his plump arse, Daehyun’s twitched in the confines of his pants.
As the rest of the loud, song continued, Youngjae’s performance got more and more complex, Daehyun sometimes reaching his hand out when he thought the younger was going to slip and hit the floor. But it never happened; every single spin, every flip, every god damn air hump that made Daehyun want to both slap Youngjae and pin him against the wall, was executed perfectly. Part of Daehyun felt beyond irritated that everything about the younger seemed to be perfect, but that part was beginning to lose blood as it all flowed down south.
By the time the song reached its end, Youngjae’s shirt was completely off, exposing his smooth, muscular back and prominent biceps. Sweat gleamed off of his skin, and Daehyun found himself wanting to every single droplet of the salty liquid. Youngjae fixed the bunny ears on his head, the adorable action making Daehyun’s heart flutter, before bowing and strutting off of the stage.
“Hmm, he didn’t take as much off as usual. Usually by the end he’d be down to a thong!” Daehyun released a strangled yelp at the mental image, earning him a strange look from the young waiter as the lights came on just enough that they would be able to walk through the club without tripping over each other.
“Looks like Joko’s performance took a toll on you, huh~”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” The waiter gave a pointed glace at Daehyun’s crotch, the older turning red as he covered the tent in his pants. He heard a cackle in front of him but refused to look up, too ashamed at his body’s reaction to Youngjae’s dance.
“Don’t worry, everyone gets hard watching him for the first time, haha! Even Himchan-hyung did, and he felt so bad afterwards that he couldn’t look at Joko in the eye for weeks! He even brought him a cake with the words ‘Hyung is sorry for having dirty thoughts of you’ written on it.” Daehyun laughed awkwardly, amused by the story but for some reason, feeling even more resentment towards the bouncer.
“Um, could you please leave me to myself for a moment, I need to calm down before I look for my friend…”
“Sure- oh crap, someone spilled their drink! Gotta run and get a mop before the boss kicks my !” Once the younger was out of sight, Daehyun relaxed against the counter, trying to take all of this new information in. He was still trying to get over the fact that Mr. No Fun with a halo practically glued onto his head was this y little vixen at night, but was concentrating more on the fact that he couldn’t even think properly enough to take a picture of Youngjae while he was on stage.
‘I’m so stupid! Everyone was so distracted, it would have been perfect!’ Daehyun groaned, facepalming as he slumped over.
‘Now how am I going to get a picture of him… I’m going to have to come bac-‘
“Hey, hands off, you ert!” Daehyun was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard Youngjae’s unmistakable voice from a few feet away. He looked up and felt his eyes widen when he saw the blond, already dressed up in tight black skinny jeans and a white button up shirt, swatting an older man’s hand away. Daehyun mused that Youngjae really did look a hell of a lot better when the back of his head wasn’t shaped like a damn pineapple, but the thought quickly flew out when he saw another man grab for his .
“Come on, sweet cheeks, an angel like you needs company…,” The man crooned at Youngjae, making both him and Daehyun scowl in disgust.
“No thanks, pig.” Youngjae walked away from the grumbling men, Daehyun mentally cheering him on, and the older wondered if he had to go through this every night.
‘The poor kid, why does he keep coming here…’ Daehyun shook his head though, not wanting to feel any pity for the other. He tried to think of all the horrible things Youngjae did to him, how much of a prick he was when he tried to talk to him, and felt the anger from earlier come back a little. When he saw Youngjae settle by the end of the bar, sipping on a martini, Daehyun looked around to make sure no one was looking, and used his phone to snap a quick photo of Youngjae drinking.
“That should be good enough.” The Busan boy smirked, shoving his phone into his pocket and sat up from his seat, ready to high-tail out of there before Youngjae saw him there. But when he heard another man hitting on Youngjae again, he couldn’t help but turn to look at the scene, just to make sure Youngjae could thwart him off again like he did to the other guys.
“Just back off!”
“Why? Do you have someone else in mind already?”
“It’s none of your business, now off.” Daehyun furrowed his eyebrows. The guy hitting on Youngjae this time was much younger than the guys from before, and while Daehyun knew Youngjae could easily knock the older pigs from earlier, he wasn’t sure if Youngjae could so easily knock off this guy if things got aggressive. Daehyun contemplated just walking out, leaving the bouncer and other people in the club to help Youngjae if he got hurt, but when he saw the man slip something into the younger’s drink when he wasn’t looking, he became extremely alarmed. His lips parted and a silent yell came out when Youngjae took a sip of the spiked drink, and his eyes darted around rapidly to see if anyone else had seen what had taken place. When he saw no one bat an eye at them, Youngjae’s eyes already fluttering as the drug started to take effect, his feet started to move on their own. The man wrapped his arm around the almost passed-out Youngjae, picking him up and heading towards the door, when Daehyun tapped his shoulder.
“What the hell do you wan-“ The man didn’t even see it coming as Daehyun punched him square on the face, the force of his hit instantly knocking him unconscious. He heard a yell from the back as the man’s body hit the floor, Daehyun swooping in quickly enough to stop Youngjae from falling also.
“Shh, It’s alright, Youngjae, I got you…” Daehyun’s voice was muffled by the mask, his eyes full of worry as they locked with Youngjae’s hazy ones.
“Youngjae?? Youngjae!!”
“Are…Are you my night in shining armor?” A look of confusion fell over Daehyun’s face before a very groggy Youngjae pulled him in for a kiss. The mask stopped their lips from actually touching, but that didn’t help Daehyun from turning a bright red at the action. He felt Youngjae become limp after that, relaxing a little when he felt him breathing still but panicked nonetheless. He was starting to attract a crowd, and could hear security from the back trying to get past the crowd.
“Youngjae, wake up! Youn-“ He yelped as his collar was pulled back, holding Youngjae bridal style as he was pulled out of the club. Everything was happening so quickly, that before he knew it, he and Youngjae were practically thrown into a van. The door slammed, and he saw a couple security guards running their way, but whoever brought him and Youngjae to the vehicle pressed the pedal and drove off before the guards could catch up to them.
Once they were a good distance away from the club and Daehyun had collected his bearings again, he checked on a passed-out Youngjae to make sure he was alright, before turning to look at who was driving the car.
“What the was going on back there?” Daehyun’s eyes widened when he saw it was the bouncer, and saw that the waiter from before was sitting shotgun.
“Some random guy roofied Youngjae-hyung! I saw it-“
“Junhong-ah, I want to hear it from this guy.” Himchan slowed the van down and halted by the sidewalk, looking around to make sure no one followed them before turning around to look at Daehyun. The deadly look in his eyes made Daehyun nervous, and he instinctively wrapped his arms tighter around Youngjae. The action didn’t go unnoticed by the bouncer, and it made his eyes narrow.
“I want an explanation now. Who are you really, why did you come to Club Matoki, and how do you know who Youngjae is?” 
omg sorry it took forever to put this one up anfldnsb sorry for any mistakes at the end because I was rushing since I’m packing up to go on vacation for a week anflkdsnl
I hope you enjoyed this chapter ^^
The song is “Pony” by Ginuwine but I had Far’s cover in mind when writing this
i added a couple of paragraphs that were in the original but somehow got deleted during final editing OTL after the "~~~~" 
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supersz99 #1
Chapter 4: Gahhhhh i just discover this and this is so good O.O
Caramellatecoffee #2
Chapter 4: Omg please please update!!!!
Chapter 4: Please update this T_______T
Chapter 4: I didn't realise that the story wasn't completed. I really like it but since the latest update was 4 years ago I guess you're not gonna update it. But i reaaaally wanna know what happens:(((((
Chapter 4: hey :3 are you going to update one day? ^^
marshmato #6
Chapter 4: pleeeeeease update!!!
Chapter 4: Hope you'll update, though you probably won't since it's been 2 years...
tigosxx #8
When are u going to update?
NaDaeHyun #9
Chapter 4: I hope you will update ㅠㅠ