Some Things Don't Change

Private Show

"Oh, Daehyun-hyung. It's nice to see you again." Daehyun could tell from his strained voice that he was anything but happy to see him again, forcing a smile on his lips before holding out his hand to shake Daehyun's. But Daehyun didn't care, because all he could concentrate on was the fact that Youngjae's now-blonde hair was dripping wet, he was probably swimming earlier, and that his shirt was sticking beautifully to his torso, basically hiding nothing to Daehyun's eyes. Youngjae was meatier now, but he was still on the leaner side. He wasn't ripped, but Daehyun couldn't help but notice his biceps and his deliciously muscular legs. His shoulder broadened immensely, making him look very masculine, but his face was definitely on the more feminine side. Without his large glasses obscuring his face, Daehyun noticed how pretty Youngjae was; How nice his eyes were, how adorable his cheeks were, how pink his lips were-

"Still as slow as ever, I see."

"E-excuse me??" Youngjae lowered his hand and rolled his eyes, smirking at Daehyun's baffled expression. He turned around, walking into the living room, leaving a confused Daehyun behind. It took a few seconds for Daehyun to register what the Younger man said, and before he knew it, he kicked off his shoes before stomping into Youngjae's living room; Daehyun was seething.

'That-! This little punk! He may look different, he's still the same he was before!' Daehyun walked in the room, Youngjae's back facing his as he used a towel to dry himself up a little. Youngjae's back muscles flexed as he stretched his arms before running his hand through his bright blonde hair. Youngjae dropped the towel he was holding, cursing to himself in annoyance before bending down to pick it up. Daehyun's eyes widened when he got a good view of Youngjae's firm , and imagined what it would be like to feel them under his hands, squeezing and caressing his-

"Enjoying the view?" Daehyun was snapped out of his daydream by Youngjae's voice, turning a dark red when he saw the other looking at him, a smirk spread across his face. Youngjae stood up, his eyes never leaving Daehyun's, throwing the towel onto the couch before walking slowly towards the stunned boy. Daehyun backed up a little, slightly intimidated by Youngjae's piercing gaze, but then stood his ground. 

"Please, I was just thinking about how nice it would be to kick some manners into you. Aren't you supposed to respect your elders?" Daehyun kept his glare, not moving back even when Youngjae was less than a few inches in front of him. 

"Oh please, you're not that much older than me, Daehyun..." Daehyun raised an eyebrow at the lack of honorific. He was a bit peeved to see the Youngjae wasn't shorter than him like he used to be, they were nearly the same height now. Daehyun felt even more intimidated now, but there was no way he was backing down so quickly.

"Still a prick, I see."

"Still an idiot, I see."

"Did you miss me?", Daehyun sneered at Youngjae. He saw something flash in Youngjae's eyes, but i was gone before he could pinpoint what it was. Youngjae's eyes narrowed 

"You wish..." Daehyun suppressed a shiver at how deep and near deadly Youngjae's voice became. He still wasn't used to it, and despite how rather hostile the argument was becoming, Daehyun found his voice annoyingly arousing.

"Shouldn't you be off studying, blondie?"

"At least I'm doing something productive with my time, unlike you."

"Shut your mouth! And I do productive things during my free tim-"

"Managing to scarf down 20 hot dogs in less than ten seconds doesn't count, you imbecile!"

"Call me stupid one more time and I swear-"

"What? You'll beat me up? Not before I knock you out first."

"You probably don't even know how to throw a punch."

"You want to test that theory?"

"I'd love to see you try..." Daehyun wasn't sure how the fight escalated so quickly, but before he realized it, he and Youngjae were almost chest to chest, fists clenched at their sides, and near growling at each other. Daehyun and Youngjae glared at each other, their noses almost touching. Both stood still, waiting to see who would crack first, when they heard footsteps coming near  them. Youngjae and Daehyun jumped away from each other, regaining their composure in time for Youngjae's mom to walk in the room. 

"Daehyun-ah! It's so nice to see you again! My, you've grown so much!"

"It's nice to see you again, too." Youngjae's mom gave Daehyun a quick hug, smiling brightly at him. Daehyun forced a smile on his face, not wanting Youngjae's mom to notice that he and Youngjae were arguing just moments before. 

"I'm so glad you're staying with us, you have no idea how much Youngjae has missed you! He keeps asking his father how you're doing, and-"

"Mom!" Daehyun held back a laugh at how red Youngjae had become, his flush going down his neck. He grinned at the glare Youngjae sent towards him. Daehyun was actually wondering how Youngjae found out about his little hot dog eating contest.

"Anyways, sorry for intruding, but Youngjae's piano teacher has just arrived, and he has lessons for the next few hours. Youngjae, go dry up. Mr. Lee is in the music room." 

'Music room? Jeez, how big is this place...' 

"Daehyun-ah, you'll be staying in the guest room next to Youngjae's. Once you go up the staicase, it's the third door to the left." Daehyun nodded and gave a quick thanks, sneaking one last glare at Youngjae before going up the stairs and into his room. He gaped at how large the room was, enjoying the feeling of the think carpet underneath his feet. He threw his bag to the side and plopped down on the large bed. His eyelids felt heavy and let sleep fall over him.

'I've been here only 10 minutes and Youngjae's already tiring me out... this is going to be a long summer...'


Daehyun woke up with a start, scrambling to find out what time it was, nearly falling out of his bed when saw it was almost 11 p.m.. 

"I've been asleep for 7 hours?!" Daehyun yelped when his door was suddenly opened, blushing a deep red when he saw that it was Youngjae's dad walking into a room holding a tray of food, an amused look on his face. 

"I-i'm so sorry I overslept-"

"It's fine, haha! You must've been exhausted. Don't worry, here's some food if you're hungry. Feel free to go downstairs to heat up more if you're still hungry." Daehyun eyed the delicious looking food, his mouth watering slightly at the smell. Youngjae's dad placed the tray of food on the desk before heading for the door.

"Thank you for letting me stay in your home."

"No problem. Your dad and I have been close friends for a long time, it's the least I could do. Besides, it's not like you're a bad kid, and Youngjae will be happy finally having someone around his age in the house." Daehyun held back a dry laugh at the last part of that sentence. Daehyun was actually amazed Youngjae's parents never realized how much Youngjae hated him. Daehyun smiled softly at Mr. Yoo, though, truly grateful he was being so nice to him and letting him stay in his home. He returned the smile before waving goodnight.

"If there are any problems, the fire escape is in Youngjae's room. My and Mrs. Yoo's room is downstairs. If you want to go to the city, try to see if Youngjae can go with you. It can get pretty dangerous, so I would prefer if you didn't go alone. If you do go outside alone, leave us a message since we'll be at work, and get back home before 11 p.m." Daehyun nodded before saying a quick goodnight. After Youngjae's dad left, Daehyun plopped back down on the bed, taking all the information in. The curfew was actually a lot better than the one he had at home. His curfew there was at 8 because of all the trouble he always got into.

'Hopefully Youngjae doesn't have a lock on his door...' Daehyun sat up when he heard the door of the room next to him open, then slam shut. He winced slightly at how loud it was, wondering if Youngjae always did that went he went into his room. Daehyun bit his lip, worried that maybe Youngjae was actually still mad about their argument from earlier. Daehyun hated Youngjae's attitude, how he would always call him stupid, but he didn't want to be at all out war with Youngjae for the next two months. And even if he would never admit this outloud, it always did bother him that Youngjae despised him so much. It hurt him more than he would have expected, especially since he barely knew the guy; Most of the things he knew about Youngjae were things he heard from his parents.

'Maybe I should try to at least not be enemies with the guy...' Daehyun stood up and walked towards his door, nervousness building up in his chest. He wasn't sure what he was going to even say once he reached Youngjae's room, but he knew he had to get this over with, he had to at least try to make things between them better. Daehyun knocked lightly on Youngjae's door, pouting in annoyance when he didn't hear a response. He knew Youngjae was still awake, he just went into his room a couple minutes before! Daehyun practically banged on Youngjae's door, stopping when he finally heard a very exasperated sounding Youngjae yell, "Who is it?!" from inside.

"It's Daehyun, are you awake?" Daehyun wanted to slap himself as soon as he uttered the words.

"No, I'm asleep. Come back in about... never." 

"Come on, just let me in!"

"No, go away!"

"You know you want to see me~"

"Yeah. On a rocket ship. Heading towards the Sun."

"Stop being such an tight-!"

"What is it with you and this infatuation with my ?!"

"I'm coming in!"

"Wait, no-!" Daehyun slammed the door open, actually quite amused with their little banter, when he felt his jaw drop. His eyes widened impossibly as he took in the sight in front of him, gripping onto the door frame, afraid his legs would give out. Daehyun's eyes raked over Youngjae's almost completely  body, the only thing covering him being one of the shortest towles Daehyun has ever seen. Daehyun's eyes traveled up long and hairless legs, wondering how on earth a guy could possibly have such irresistibly creamy skin. Daehyun's eyes landed on Youngjae's firm thighs before traveling up Youngjae's torso. He didn't have abs, but Daehyun had to resist the urge to kiss and nip at the soft-looking belly. Daehyun his lips, wanting to run his tongue along Youngjae's collarbone and up his long neck. Daehyun was starting to get dangerously , until he saw the rather deadly look on Youngjae's flushed face.

"Ah, shi-"

"DAEHYUN!" Daehyun just barely dodged a well-aimed shoe, diving to the floor before running around Youngjae's ridiculously large room, dodging more objects the angry boy way throwing at him.

"Hold still and let me kill you!"

"Youngjae, just calm down!"

"I told you not to come in!"

"I thought you were just being a prick!" Daehyun cursed as he tripped over one of Youngjae's shirts lying on the ground, landing on the floor painfully before turning around to see Youngjae tackling him back down to the ground. Youngjae stradled his hips before holding up a very heavy textbook, ready to beat the crap out of Daehyun until Daehyun held up his hands in surrender.

"I'm sorry! Look, just put the book down, and let's talk about this." Daehyun looked up pleadingly at Youngjae before sighing in relief as Youngjae dropped the book next to him.

"I'm too exhausted for this ... Get out of my room..." Youngjae got off of Daehyun, giving Daehyun a good view of his backside, before walking towards his bed.


"Daehyun, I'm letting you escape unharmed. Take advantage of that."

"You threw a globe at me!"

"It didn't hit you, though!"

"Look, I didn't come in here to argue, okay?" Daehyun sat down next to Youngjae on his bed, frowning when Youngjae moved as far away from possible from the older boy.

"I'm not going to you, ."

"The look on your face before said otherwise..." Youngjae raised an eyebrow at Daehyun, but visibly relaxed. He glanced at the clock, groaning in annoyance when he saw it was almost 11:30. 

"I just want to talk."

"I don't want to."

"Damn it Youngjae, I'm trying to be nice."

"Daehyun, please? Can you just go back to your room and go to sleep already? I want to go to sleep!" Daehyun was about to argue more, but hen saw the dark bags under Youngjae's eyes. Even if he did want to punch Youngjae in the face for being so stubborn, he did pity Youngjae slightly. The boy looked like he was ready to pass out! Youngjae looked at the time again, and Daehyun figured Youngjae was trying to calculate how many hours of sleep he was going to get. 

"Fine, but you are definitely going to pay for throwing a freaking globe at me."

"'re not going to molest me, are you?."

"Oh shut up." Youngjae laughed slightly at that, making Daehyun smile. He liked Youngjae's laugh, a lot more than he should have, before heading towards the door. He waved goodnight to Youngjae before going back into his own room. He fell down onto his bed, and despite just waking up a seven hour sleep, he felt tired. Despite the miniscule nice moment between them, Daehyun still wanted to kick Youngjae in the gut and he was pretty sure Youngjae wanted to do the same to him. Daehyun felt weary, and let his eyelids fall down as he felt sleep surround him. Daehyun opened his eyes a bit when he heard a window open, though, but brushed it off as his imagination when he saw that his window was shut tight still before falling asleep.


"You're late."

"I can read the clock, you know."

"Then why the hell are you late?"

"I got a bit... held up."

"You're lucky you're one of the most wanted guys here, or else I would've banned you from here a long time ago. You know how much trouble my as would be in if the cops found out I let you work here?"

"Look, it won't happen again."

"It better not. Now get up there, they're going crazy waiting for you."


ADFSFDFS- I'm sorry this is another rather fruitless chatper @_@ i've never written a fic with an actual plot before, so I'm not used to it OTL

Don't worry, the next chapters will be more interesting!


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supersz99 #1
Chapter 4: Gahhhhh i just discover this and this is so good O.O
Caramellatecoffee #2
Chapter 4: Omg please please update!!!!
Chapter 4: Please update this T_______T
Chapter 4: I didn't realise that the story wasn't completed. I really like it but since the latest update was 4 years ago I guess you're not gonna update it. But i reaaaally wanna know what happens:(((((
Chapter 4: hey :3 are you going to update one day? ^^
marshmato #6
Chapter 4: pleeeeeease update!!!
Chapter 4: Hope you'll update, though you probably won't since it's been 2 years...
tigosxx #8
When are u going to update?
NaDaeHyun #9
Chapter 4: I hope you will update ㅠㅠ