
I'll Guard You. (Sequel To I'll Protect You.)


You walked in and took a seat near the window, taking out your earphones, you paused.

*Oh wait it's not high school anymore.*

You put them on and waited for the professor to come so the lecture could begin.

The professor entered and cleared his throat, "Good morning my name is-"

BaekHyun made a face at the professor, *_________ is definitely not gonna learn anything from you.*



Two voices said simultaneously.

You looked up, startled.

"I expect no more interruptions..Mr. Lee and Mr. Choi."

"Nope." The boy with purple hair grinned.

"Of course not." His friend who had red in his hair smiled.

Clearning his throat, the professor continued while the two boys searched for seats.

Looking with interest, *Aren't those two from Teen Top? Come on! ________ is really pretty and she's by herself and I'm sure you have name!*

The boy with red in his hair whispered, "Is this seat taken?"

You shook your head and resumed staring outiside the window.

He grinned as the purple hair boy mouthed, "Lucky."

Your phone rang with a text message, you remained frozen as the entire class and professor stared in your direction.

The boy next to you coughed and took out his phone, "Whoops sorry. Forgot to put it on vibrate~"

You blinked at him.

He smiled, "Hi I'm JongHyun but everyone calls me ChangJo...JongHyun is blech."

You mumbled, "_________."

ChangJo's eyes widened slightly as he exchanged looks with his friends, "This is L. Joe."

"L. Joe?" You echoed.

"Yup, my real name...I'll tell you when we get a LOT closer!" L. Joe winked as you nodded, "Fair enough."

BaekHyun smiled, *Good progress.*

"I think you should check your phone and put it on vibrate before it rings again." ChangJo chuckled.

You looked down at your phone, set it on vibrate and checked the message.

Kai Oppa: Have an awesome day at school choding! Aja aja fighting!

You smiled and texted him back.

ChangJo texted ChanYeol: Hyung! We found _________~

L. Joe texted the rest of Teen Top: Guess who WE found?

After the professor passed out the syllabus and dismissed the class, L. Joe asked, "What lecture do you have next?"

"Music Theory/Culture." You answered.

The two looked at each other, *Chunji.*

"We'll walk you there! I think we have the lecture hall right across from you." ChangJo nodded, casually looking around.

When he spotted Chunji, he waved him over.

Chunji walked to them and greeted them.

He looked to you and gave the two a questioning glance.

They nodded frantically.

His mouth formed a smile, "Hi I'm Chunji, what's your name?"


*Another one?*

"Nice to meet you." Chunji held his hand out and held onto it a bit longer than necessary.

*YOU'RE A FLIRT. LET GO OF HER HAND!* BaekHyun fumed, slapping Chunji's hand out of yours.

You stepped back, taken aback, *Was the wind that strong?*

"Are you in this lecture hall right now too?"

You nodded.

"And you should get going considering it's gonna start in 30 seconds~" L. Joe sang.

You bolted, leaving them behind.

Chunji blinked, "Wha?"

"GO!" L. Joe and ChangJo pushed him.

High-fiving each other, they went to their next lecture.

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Chapter 40: Wow... Didn't see that coming... At first I thought my heart stopped beating when i read the chapter... But luckily I digested the ending well.. Well.. It was pretty good... In all ways,, love it!! aND,, It's kinda sad.. well,, ya know... That it was just a dream and she left exo and HaeIn... But also a happy ending.... sHE FINALLY gets to be together with Baek... <333333
Chapter 40: whut? i dont get it
Chapter 40: Best story ever but I like the first story more
meHEARTu #4
Chapter 40: I'm not rude but what kind of ending is that?
Chapter 40: it was... a happy ending?? but...WHUT.
Chapter 40: omgggggggggg whattttt
Chapter 40: the ending was so unexpected!
Chapter 40: the ending makes me feel so depressed
but kinda glad that baekhyun's who she ended up with in the end
such a bittersweet ending
PrincessKitty #9
Chapter 40: It is confusing but it is still a awesome story^^