A shocking surprise

The Things I Should Have Said

"Choi Sooyoung!" Jessica shouted, running though the school hallway chasing after the shorter girl. "Get back here! I'm going to kill you!"

"You gotta catch me first!" Sooyoung said, not bothering to look back. She bumped into Sunny but kept running. "Sorry Soonkyu!"

"Yah!" Sunny exclaimed. "Don't call me that!"

"Sunny watch out!" Jessica shouted, pushing Sunny aside. "Sooyoung, get back here!"

"Aish." Sunny grunted. "It's our last year as elementary kids and they're still acting like this."

"Let them go." Taeyeon said, patting the girl's back. "They will probably always be like that."

"Sooyoung should just confess." Sunny said, bluntly. "It's obvious that she likes Sica."

Taeyeon nodded. "That's true."

"Ow! Sica, stop!" Sooyoung shouted as she came running back towards Taeyeon an Sunny. "Geez! That hurts."

"Get back here or I'll kick you harder!" Jessica said, irritated.

"You'll kick me either way!" Sooyoung responded as she ran off.

"I wonder what she did now." Sunny asked.

"She kept bothering Jessica when she was trying to sleep." Hyomin said, walking towards the two older girls with a smile.

"Hellsica." the three girls concluded in unison.

During lunch, Jessica had tied Sooyoung to her chair using her jacket. She watched as the younger girl eyed her as she ate.

"Sica, come on." Sooyoung whined. "I'm hungry~"

"You should have thought about that then." Jessica said, eating her food.

"Seriously? It was just a little childish fun." Sooyoung defended. "Come on please~"

Jessica held out some food towards the younger girl. Just as Sooyoung was about to take a bite, Jessica pulled it away and ate the food herself.

"Sica~" Sooyoung whined. "You're being a bully!"

Jessica just looked at Sooyoung and smiled. " doesn't it."

"Aw, come on Jessica." Taeyeon said. "She's tied to a chair."

Jessica groaned in disgust. "Fine." She fed Sooyoung some of her lunch. Her cheeks were a slight shade of pink.

"You're blushing." Sooyoung whispered with a smirk.

"Don't bite the hand that feeds you, Sooyoung." Jessica warned with an icy glare.

"Mianhe." Sooyoug said with a smile.

"You guys would make a cute couple." Sunny said, causing the two girls to blush.

"S-so, are you guys going to try out for the school play?" Jessica asked, taking a bite of her food.

"School play?" Sooyoung asked, tilting her head. "What school play?"

"It's a play that the 6th graders put on for the graduation ceremony." Sunny explained. "It's pretty cool."

"Are you going to try out Sica?" Sooyoung asked, turnin to the brunette next to her.

"Mhm." Jessica said, nodding.

"Do you know what play it is?" Yuri asked. "I'll try out if I know the play."

"Romeo and Juliet." Taeyeon said. "I'll bet you want to be Juliet." She looked at Jessica as she made her statement.

Jessica smiled. "Good guess."

-----Sooyoung's POV-----

Romeo and Juliet? Maybe I should try out. There's a high chance that I'll be Romeo since none of the boys in our group plan on doing the play.

"Are you going to do the play?" Jessica asked, looking at Sunny.

"Maybe." Sunny said. "I'm still debating."

"U-um... Sica," I said timidly. "Do you think you can untie me now?" Jessica looked at me with an icy glare, sending a chill down my spine. I just forced a smile.

"Yeah. I guess." Jessica said, putting her lunchbox on the desk. She got up and walked behind me. "Just don't do it again or next time will be worse." She warned as she untied the jacket that tied me to the chair.

"Thank you." I said, smiling.

-----End Sooyoung's POV-----

Jessica was walking home with Krystal. Krystal was holding onto her sister's hand as they walked, she didn't pay much attention to anything but her sister.

Jessica notice the little girl staring at her and raised an eyebrow. "What is it, Krys?"

"Why do you always look sad when we go home?" Krystal asked, tilting her head. "Do you like school that much?"

"Sad?" Jessica asked, tilting her head. "What do you mean?"

"You always seem like you don't want to leave. Krystal said. "Or maybe it's because you like someone!"

Jessica's eyes widened and her cheeks reddened. "Wh-what? That's silly."

"It's okay, unnie." Krystal said. "I won't tell."

"I'm serious." Jessica said. "I don't like anyone."

Krystal just nodded. "Okay. If you say so."

"I'm not lying!" Jessica whined.

"Then you're in d-de-denial." Krystal said, struggling to pronounce her words.

Jessica giggled. "You're so cute, Krys."

"Hey! I'm only in first grade." Krystal defended herself. "Shouldn't you be memorizing your lines for the audition or something?"

-----Jessica's POV-----

"Oh. That's right!" I said as I closed the door behind me. "I wonder who is going to be Romeo."

I wouldn't mind it being Sooyoung- wait what am I thinking? No way. I wouldn't allow that shorty to kiss me. That's just odd. Yeah.

"I will laugh it turns out to be one of your friends." Krystal said. "Or the person you are deniably in love with."

I glared at my sister. "Don't you dare jinx me, Soojung."

Krystal just giggled. "Using my birth name won't affect me, Sooyeon~"

I flinched. Damn. Why did my birth name have to sound so similar to Sooyoung's name?

"Besides I'm not jinxing you." Krystal said. "I'm pretty sure it'd would be more of a favor."

"How would it be a favor?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Cuz you'll be able to kiss your crush." Krystal said. "It's the perfect moment."

I rolled my eyes but she did prove a point.

-----End Jessica's POV-----

It was the day that the cast of the play was announced. Jessica and her friends had auditioned as well as Sooyoung and Hyomin.

The teacher walked in which made the girls anxious to hear the news. The teacher examined the room.

"Jessica, you and your friends including Sooyoung and Hyomin, please stay after class today." Te teacher said then turned to the board. "Now let's begin class."

"We got parts." Jessica sighed in relief.

"That's good." Sooyoung said, smiling.

"Now I want to know the parts." Jessica sighed again. "Now I won't be able to focus."

"I'm sure you got the part of Juliet." Sooyoung reassured the older girl. "I mean, no one else that auditioned could have gotten it besides you."

"You really think so?" Jessica asked. Sooyoung nodded with a smile.

After class, the teacher handed the girls a bunch of papers. The first paper had the names of the cast and the name of the roles they played while the other papers were stapled into a packet that consisted of the script.

-----Jessica's POV-----

I scanned the paper for my name. I was totally oblivious to everyone else's name. When I found my name, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Congrats Sica." Sooyoung said, patting me on the back. She was smiling as she did so.

Then my eyes shot back at the paper and I scanned for the girl's name. When I came across the name I was looking for, my eyes widened. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

Krystal Jung, I'm so going to kill you when I get home.


Dear readers and friends~

So, here's the update!!

I'll be honest, I had a hard time writing this chapter.

But today, by some kind of miracle, I was stuck with ideas.

So, I was able to finish the chapter.

Yay! *happy dance*

So,hope you guys liked it.

Please leave comments of opinions and what not before you leave.

Your author friend,


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It's going to take me a while to post up the next chapter for "the things I should have said" I've been busy lately so I haven't had time to post it up


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yoonhae14 #1
Chapter 20: ouch.... my heart breaks i almost cried
but it's good :) nice story
It was so sad Q__Q But I loved it- SooSica is sooo cute ~ hah >///<
so sad
but ive read the other story so its all good
soonyu #4
so sad T_T but cool kkkkkkk i know what happed after so.... kkkkk
_ninx_ #5
a very nice story...I decided that I should read this first before reading We used to be enemies??..okay I'll be reading that one now..!
I thought the ending would be happy ending, so sad~
TT so sad TT
ForeverSooSicaLOVE #8