
The Things I Should Have Said

It was physical education day for Sooyoung's class, they all had run half the track like they were told. Many of the students were amazed at Sooyoung's speed, and challenged her to a race. Everyone seemed amazed that Sooyoung was able to beat even the fastest boys on the team.

"She's pretty good." Taeyeon said to Jessica. "I'll bet Yuri is jealous."

"I'm not jealous." Yuri said, sitting next to Jessica. "If she's like this in swimming then maybe I will."

"I can see you as a swimming star when we're in high school." Jessica said, looking at the taller girl.

"Just high school?" Yuri asked, frowning. Jessica nodded with a smile. "What? Am I not good enough to be an olympic star?"

Jessica pursed her lips and thought to herself. "Not yet. Maybe you will be."

Yuri smiled. "I'll take that for now."

"Hey Sica," Sooyoung called, she seemed to still have a lot of energy left. "Wanna race?"

"Me?" Jessica asked, pointing to herself. "Jinjja?"

"Ice princess doesn't run, Soo." A boy said, with a cheeky smile. "Just leave her."

Jessica raised an eyebrow. "Sure. Let's race." She stood up with a sly smile.

Sooyoung broke into a wide smile. "Jinjja?" Jessica smiled and nodded.

The two girls lined up at the starting line and waited for the teacher to blow his whistle. Their classmates cheered for the both of them as they raced off.

Sooyoung was shocked at how fast Jessica could run. Half way to the finish line, Sooyoung started to fall behind. When the girls crossed the finished line, everyone in the class fell silent. Sooyoung tripped on her shoe and rolled onto the ground.

"G-good...race..." Sooyoung said, trying to catch her breath. "I...I didn't know you could run that fast."

Jessica smiled, proudly. "That's because I don't do things competitively." She gently helped Sooyoung up. "Are you okay?"

Sooyoung nodded. "I'm fine." She smiled. "Rematch?"

"Rematch?" Jessica asked, tilting her head. "Jinjja? After that?"

Sooyoung nodded, she had a determined expression on her face. Jessica couldn't help but smile, she nodded then they went back to the starting line.

The two girls continued racing until their class ended. Sooyoung was feeling frustrated that she couldn't beat Jessica. She didn't want to give up, but she didn't have a choice since they had to go to their next class.

"Hey Soo," Jessica said, walking up next to the younger girl. "This is for you." She handed Sooyoung a little box.

"W-what's this for?" Sooyoung asked, tilting her head.

"An apology present." Jessica said, causing Sooyoung to give her a confused expression. "For yesterday."

Sooyoung let out a sigh then smiled. "Don't worry about it." She gently handed Jessica the box back. "I can't accept this."

Jessica frowned. "But, I really feel bad about yesterday. Please take it." Sooyoung frowned, she she let out a sigh then took the box.

"Arasso." Sooyoung said, half smiling. "What is it?" Sooyoung went to open it when Jessica put her hands over the younger girl's.

"Don't open it yet!" Jessica said. "Wait till you go home." Sooyoung smiled and nodded.

-----Sooyoung's POV-----

After school, I went straight home. It was killing me to know what was in the box that Jessica had given me.

When I got home, I went straight up to my room and jumped on my bed. I opened the box. I was shocked to find a couple of pictures of Jessica smiling fondly.

"Why would she give me these?" I asked myself. I noticed a folded piece of paper at the bottom of the box. "Oh? A note."

I placed the box on the bed then unfolded the note. I smiled as I noticed the familiar writing.

I'm sorry for asking you such a personal question yesterday. I don't know when it happened, but I can see that you're still hurting from it. I noticed that you've been trying to get me to smile. It's going to be hard for some new kid to get the Ice Princess to smile. *giggle* So, until then, these are for you."

I sighed as I finished reading the note. Sica, I think I'm in love with you. Is that even possible? I'm only a fourth grader. I wonder what Mom and Dad would say about this?


Hello readers and friends~

So, here's an update before I go to bed.

I have been stuck with writers block.

So, it took a while to write this chapter.

I like to see that you guys enjoy reading my stories. It makes me feel good that I'm enlightening people's lives even just a little bit.

Your author,


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It's going to take me a while to post up the next chapter for "the things I should have said" I've been busy lately so I haven't had time to post it up


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yoonhae14 #1
Chapter 20: ouch.... my heart breaks i almost cried
but it's good :) nice story
It was so sad Q__Q But I loved it- SooSica is sooo cute ~ hah >///<
so sad
but ive read the other story so its all good
soonyu #4
so sad T_T but cool kkkkkkk i know what happed after so.... kkkkk
_ninx_ #5
a very nice story...I decided that I should read this first before reading We used to be enemies??..okay I'll be reading that one now..!
I thought the ending would be happy ending, so sad~
TT so sad TT
ForeverSooSicaLOVE #8