When You Didn't Tell Me

The Things I Should Have Said

"Hey Sica," Taeyeon called as she ran up to the brunette. "Have you seen Sunny?"

"Probably hanging out with Sooyoung's gang." Jessica said as she read her book.

"Oh. Okay." Taeyeon said. "I'm guessing we'll see less of her since Hyomin was put into a different class."

"Why couldn't they switch Sooyoung?" Jessica mumbled to herself.

"Because everyone knows you are madly in love with her." Taeyeon said, sticking her tongue out at the younger girl.

"I am not!" Jessica shouted, angrily. Taeyeon just nodded and walked out of the room.

"Hey Sica." Yuri said, sitting next to the brunette. "How ya been?"

"Fine." Jessica said. "I don't think middle school is my kind of thing though."

"Wae?" Yuri asked, tilting her head. "Miss me being in your class?"

Jessica scoffed. "No. All the P.E. we have to do. Every other day, that's ridiculous."

"Oh our lazy ice princess." Yuri said, standing up and heading for the door. "Why not complain to your prince?" She smiled then quickly left.

"Why is everyone saying that?" Jessica mumbled. "I'm not in love with Sooyoung."

Sooyoung quietly say next to the older girl and took out her notebook. Jessica jumped when she noticed the girl sitting next to her.

"S-Sooyoung!" Jessica exclaimed. "Y-you didn't Hear what I just said right?"

Sooyoung lifted an eyebrow. "No."

-----Sooyoung's POV-----

I had to lie to her. I didn't want her feeling bad that about hearing what she had said. It hurt to hear her say that, but I can't let it affect me.

Jessica smiled at me. I'm still waiting to see that genuine smile from her but I doubt I'll see it anytime soon.

"So, we have hardly spoken to each other this year." Jessica said. Even though we sit next to each other everyday."

I just nodded. "Yeah." I could feel the two of us drifting apart since I've always been busy staying after school for the dance club. However, my feelings for her still seemed to be as strong as ever.

"So, how have you been?" Jessica asked as she started to scribble in English.

"Good." I replied. I paused for a moment, thinking of how I can make the conversation longer. "I've been busy with the dance club."

"That's good." Jessica said, pursing her lips. I could tell aw wasn't sure what else to say.

"What about you?" I asked. "How have you been?"

She looked at me, half smiling. "I've been good."

I don't get how the seventh grade had made us distant but we sure didn't have a lot to talk to each other about.

"Sica," I said, placing a hand on her shoulder. I could feel her jump at the contact.

"Y-yeah?" She asked, turning look at me.

"We should hang out together sometime." I said. She nodded in agreement then looked back at her book.

I don't care if you don't love me. I just want to be near you. Even if you won't return my love, I want to spend time with you.

-----End Sooyoung's POV-----

Later that day, Sooyoung was at dance practice with Yuri.  Both girls were taking a break and chatting about different routines.

"Hey you two let's go." a blonde haired upperclassman said.

"Yes Hyoyeon." Sooyoung and Yuri said.

"Dance club won't be the same without her." Sooyoung said, hopping off the table.

Yuri looked at the younger girl in shock. "you know, you're starting to get pretty tall." Sooyoung tilted her head. "Can you not tell?"

Sooyoung shook her head. "I'm still shorter than Sica so I don't notice."

"You really like her, don't you?" Yuri asked. Sooyoung's eyes widened at the question.

"I-is it that obvious?" Sooyoung asked.

Yuri let out a laugh. "We all know." She patted Sooyoung's back. "Don't worry, Sica doesn't realize it." Sooyoung let out a sigh of relief.

"Come on you two." Hyoyeon said, with a more strict voice. "Let's go so we can finish and get out of here."

"Hyoyeon, do you plan on vein a professional dancer when you get older?" Yuri asked.

Hyoyeon smiled. "I sure hope so."


A few days later, Sooyoung was walking home when she looked into the cafe to see a familiar brunette sitting alone at a table.

"I wonder if she's waiting for someone." Sooyoung said to herself.

Sooyoung walked into the cafe and sat on the opposite side of the cafe, where she could see the brunette.

"Can I help you?" a waitress asked.

"Can I have a hot chocolate." Sooyoung asked with a smile. The waitress nodded with a smile then left.

Sooyoung watched as Jessica sat there looking down at her  watch. She let out a sigh then took a sip of her drink.

-----Sooyoung's POV-----

I want to go talk to her but she's obviously waiting for someone. I wonder who she's waiting for.

"Sorry I'm late!" A raven haired girl said as she entered the building. "I hope you didn't wait too long."

Jessica smiled- one of her genuine smiles. "Don't worry Hyuna. It's fine." She got up and wrapped her arms around the girl.

I could feel my blood starting to boil at the sight. Who is this girl? What is he to my Sica?

"So, what's the news?" Jessica asked as she passed her drink to the girl.

"I'll be coming up to the middle school next year." Hyuna said with a smile. She has a nice body, she seems like a dancer.

"That's great!" Jessica said, holding onto the girl's hand. "I can't wait."

Who is this Hyuna girl? I wonder if Taeyeon guys know who she is. I should text and ask them.

I fished my phone out of my pocket and dialed Jessica's friend’s numbers into my phone asking them the same question.

I never took my eyes of the two girls as I waited for a reply. Suddenly my phone buzzed on the table getting my attention.

[From: Taeyeon]

Hyuna? As in 5th grade Kim Hyuna? Really nice body, black hair?

[To: Taeyeon]

Yes. I believe so. Who is she?

"Byuntaeng." I mumbled to myself as I read Taeyeon's message again. I could hear the waitress giggle as she set another cup of hot chocolate on the table. "Oh. Thank you."

[From: Taeyeon]

Hyuna is Sica's girlfriend for about a month. She didn't tell you?

[To: Taeyeon]

She has a girlfriend? She never told me...

"Sica," I heard the girl call, causing me to look up at the two girls. "Your parents don't seem to like me do they?"

Hyuna has already met Sica's parents? Is she that serious about this girl?

"No. It's not that." Jessica said, quickly glancing over at me. I looked out the window as if I didn't see her. "It's just that they are worried because you're younger than me."

"Only by three years!" Hyuna whined. "What are the so worried about." She pouted as she grumbled her last statement.

Jessica placed her hand on the girl's shoulder, surprising her with the sudden action.

"Wae?" Hyuna asked, confused.

Jessica pulled Hyuna closer as she leaned in closer as well. I felt my blood begin to boil as I saw the love of my life kissing another girl.

I want to kill her but I can't. I have no reason to. It's not like Sica and I are dating, we're just friends.

I gripped onto my cup tightly which caused the waitress to gently pull it out of my hand. I looked up at her in shock.

She just smiled at me. "Here. To cool you down." She handed me a frappe with whip cream on it. "You like that girl don't you?"

I looked down at the drink with a frown. I let out a sigh, I felt her pay my back then she patted my back before walking away to help another customer.

I can't stand seeing Sica be with someone else but it's not like I can do anything about it anymore. However, I'm not going I give up.


Haha. That's how I react when a cute Soosica moment happens - in real life and in fan fiction


Hey readers and friends~

Whoa. Not that I see it on my computer, I see that this chapter is full of one line paragraphs.

I didn't think it would turn out like that but oh well.

I type the chapters out on my iPhone first then I just email it to myself then copy and paste it. In case you guys were wondering.

Anyway, sorry the updates have been coming a little slow. School has been keeping me busy.

BTW, I love reading the comments you guys leave. It makes me happy to see how much you guys enjoy the story.

I'm so touched that you guys like this story so much.

So, please, don't forget to leave your opinions, thoughts (yes I know it's the same thing), and/or questions in the comment section~

Your happy (yet busy) author,


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It's going to take me a while to post up the next chapter for "the things I should have said" I've been busy lately so I haven't had time to post it up


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yoonhae14 #1
Chapter 20: ouch.... my heart breaks i almost cried
but it's good :) nice story
It was so sad Q__Q But I loved it- SooSica is sooo cute ~ hah >///<
so sad
but ive read the other story so its all good
soonyu #4
so sad T_T but cool kkkkkkk i know what happed after so.... kkkkk
_ninx_ #5
a very nice story...I decided that I should read this first before reading We used to be enemies??..okay I'll be reading that one now..!
I thought the ending would be happy ending, so sad~
TT so sad TT
ForeverSooSicaLOVE #8