- Final -

Can We Be More That That?


"Sooyun ah!" Gongchan called.

"Wae?" Sooyun asked then smiled showing her dimples.

"Let's go to my house today!" Gongchan ran towards Sooyun.

"Shiro!" Sooyun stuck her tongue out.

"Why? You scared of Gongchan's grandmother?" Baro teased.

"Ani!!! Why would I be scared of her??" Sooyun turned around and saw Baro smirking at her.

"Yeah right! You're not scared?" he eyed her then pinched her cheek.

"Sooyun ah!!! You're scared of my grandmother? Awww… Sooyun isn't the most courageous person since she's scared of something," Gongchan said and started doing aegyo.

"Let's go!" Baro cheered and dragged you out of the school's hallway.

"You! Kid!" someone called from behind and yanked Baro's hand away.

"Oppa!" Sooyun called.

"You kid! Do not touch Sooyun understand? Or I'll kill you…" Siwon glared at Baro.

"Siwon oppa, stop bullying Baro. He didn't do anything wrong." Sooyun looked annoyed.

"Annyeong Sooyun ah, have you eaten lunch yet?" Siwon asked as he squeezed in between Baro and Sooyun.

"Oppa, don't you have something to do? Besides why are you always picking on Baro instead of Gongchan?" Sooyun asked.

"Oh, that's because Baro here seems the erted one while the other one seems angelic," Siwon said.

"Aigoo, do you want to get rid of oppa that much?" he pouted as he pinched your cheeks.

"Oppa, you don't look good if you aegyo!" Sooyun said embarrassingly.

"Araso, araso! Oppa will be going now. Gongchan take care of Sooyun for me! And you get your hands off my sister!" he said as he smiled at Gongchan and glared at Baro.

"Neh, Siwon hyung!" Gongchan saluted.

While Baro just rolled his eyes, Siwon waved and left.

"So, should we go now?" Baro asked as he looked at Sooyun.

"Yeah, I guess so," Sooyun said as she walked towards the gates.

Baro caught up with her walked arm in arm with her while Gongchan walked behind them.

Sooyun's POV:

"Halmoni?" Gongchan asked as he knocked on the door.

"Gongchan ah, I don't think, she's at home, don't you have a key?" I said as we waited at the front porch.

"I'm sorry, my grandma is a little deaf, you know," he giggled as Baro raised an eyebrow at Gongchan.

"Halmoni!!!" Baro shouted as he banged the door.

The door clicked open, "I'm very sorry kids, I didn't heard your knocking earlier."

"Halmoni, it's alright, we just arrived," I smiled at her.

The truth is I'm not really scared of Gongchan's grandmother, I'm actually scared of the thought of being alone with Gongchan.

I like Gongchan, not as a friend but more than that. I also told Baro about my feelings for Gongchan, but he keeps on teasing me about it.

"Sooyun ah, I thought you were scared of my grandma?" Gongchan asked as he leaned down in my ear.

I could feel my cheeks heating up, "Umm.. aniyo, Baro is just joking around," I said.

Gongchan went inside, Baro and I followed behind him, "Someone's blushing," Baro teased.

I glared at him, "Yah! Gongchan ah, did you know that Sooyun here likes y-y-y" I quickly stomped at his foot causing him to yelp in pain.

I stuck my tongue out and glared at him.

"Really? Umm.. who is it?" Gongchan asked.

"Ah... it's nothing, I don't like anyone." I lied.

"As in no one?" he eyed me.

"OMO! Look at the time! I have to go!" I pretend to look at my watch, as I was about to head out, Gongchan grabbed my wrist.

"You're hiding something from me." Gongchan said.

OMO! OMO! Am I that easy to read?

"I have to go," I stated.

He let go of my wrist and I quickly ran out of his house.

Gongchan is smart you know, he can tell if I'm lying or not.

Gongchan's POV:

What's with her suddenly? I can tell that she's hiding something from me.

"Hyung! Who is it? Is it someone from our class?" I asked.

Please don't tell me she has someone in mind already.

"That's for you to know and for you to find out." Baro smirked at me.

"Hyung! You have got to tell me!" I pleaded.

"Why should I?" he asked as he sat down at the sofa.

"Hyung, you know that I like her," I pouted. "Help me win her heart alright?"

Baro looked at me and said, "Araso! Araso!"


Sooyun's POV:

"What? Tonight? Wae? Is there some special occasion going on tonight?" I asked through the phone.

"Wait, what?!? Hello?!? Hello?!?" Aish hanging up on me?

I put down my phone and sighed. I'd better go and get ready then. I walked towards my closet and looked for a dress.

Gawd! I hate wearing dresses and heels, it makes me feel uncomfortable! Why do I have to listen to him? It's not like he's the boss of me!

I got ready and headed downstairs, "Sooyun, where are you going?" Siwon oppa asked.

Siwon oppa was sitting in the living room watching some drama, "I'm going to the ________ Restaurant," I said.

"With who?" he looked at me and raised an eyebrow.

"My friends of course! I'll be going now!" I said quickly and went out the door.

"Yah! Sooyun! Are you going with that monkey?!? Yah!" Siwon oppa called.

Miahne oppa, but you won't let me go, if I told you that.

I walked to the ________ Restaurant, and a waiter greeted me quickly.

"Welcome to ______ Restaurant! Are you looking for someone perhaps?"

"Um, yeah, he already made a reservation, I think. But he's not here..." I said while looking at each of the tables.

"Oh, maybe you're the girl! What's your name, ma'am?" he asked as he smiled.

"Sooyun," I said.

"Oh, you are the one! Come with me please," he said and lead the way.

He lead me to a door, and opened it. I quickly blushed as I saw Gongchan smiling at me.

The waiter pushed me inside and closed the door,

"Umm... where's Baro?" I asked as I sat down at the chair.

"Did he asked you to come here too?" I asked again.

"Umm... yeah, I guess so," he mumbled.

Baro set me up huh? I better thank him for that later. Just then my phone suddenly rang,

Baby goodnight, jaljjayo goodnight! Geureom nan dancing, dancing, dancing in the moonlight.

I checked my phone and saw a text message,

Hope you're enjoying your date! You better tell him your feelings now, or else ~~~ and don't let this opportunity pass! Hwaiting ^^

-Monkey Baro :P

"So, the guy you like, is he someone from our class?" Gongchan asked. "You don't have to hide it from me."

I looked down at my feet and nodded my head. Aish! I should tell him already!

"Um, Gongchan ah," I called as I looked up.

"Hmm?" he also looked up.

It's now or never! I have to tell him my feelings!

"Gongchan, the guy I like is..." I sighed.

"It's alright, if you don't want to tell me. You don't have to force yourself." he smiled.

"The guy I like... is you. You don't have to accept my feelings. I just need to tell you my feelings. You don't need to tell me that you feel the same just to make me feel better," I said as quickly as possible.

"Jinja? Are you serious? The guy that you like is me?" he asked as he went nearer.

"Yes, as I said you don't have to accept my feelings just to make me feel better," I said as I hung my head low.

"Sooyun ah, there's something that I want to tell you too," he said as he walked towards my seat.

"I like you too..." Gongchan said as our faces were just inches apart.

"What?!?" I asked as I blushed madly when he touched my cheek.

"I like you too and it's the truth," he smiled and leaned down.

He was just about to kiss me when the door flew open, "Yah! That's enough! I said confess your love not this!" Baro said and grabbed Gongchan away from me.

I chuckled, "Baro! Komawo!" I exclaimed as I hugged him. "Wait, you knew that Gongchan likes me back, but didn't even bother telling me?!?"

He smirked, "At least now, you both like each other."

"You were here the whole time?!? Yah!!!" I shouted.

"Let's eat!!! I'm hungry!!!" he exclaimed and sat on the chair.


No one's POV:

"Thank you for walking me home," Sooyun smiled at Gongchan.

"No problem," he smiled back.

"I'd better get inside or else my brother will kill me. Good night Gongchan," Sooyun said and turn to open the door.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" he asked.

"What?!?" Sooyun turned around and asked.

Gongchan pointed to his lips, "Oh. That..." Sooyun mumbled and leaned down.

Gongchan closed his eyes, he was waiting for Sooyun's lips to land on his but instead it landed on his cheek.

"Eh?!?" Gongchan pouted while Sooyun stuck her tongue out and turned to open the door of her house.

Before Sooyun could open the door, Gongchan pulled her and kissed her in the lips.

Sooyun wrapped her arms around Gongchan's neck and kissed him back.


Huy thur, hoped you enjoyed reading this one-shot!

Sorry for the long wait and for the short one-shot! Jeongmal miahne! :'>

Here's my new one-shot starring Baekhyun and you! Remember the Days!

Tell me what you think alright? Bye guys! (throws hearts) Thank you! Thank you!

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vachina #1
Siwon.. LOL
Baro is soooo FUNNY!! XD
Gongchan is CUTE >~<
The ending is cute XP i love it
MelodyJT #3
Nice~Love it~:D
this is so cute and sweet . i love it . :)
update soon~!! ^^