I've Been Dreaming For So Long

Triage (Four-shot Sequel to Everything's Alright)

"How is he?!"

Luhan jumped at the sudden loud exclamation, hopping up from his seat beside his unconscious friend.
"What happened?!" Mingyu cried in panic, and Luhan had to steady her by her shoulders to get her to calm down.
"How did he get hurt?!"
"Oh my god," she cried, seeing him lying there asleep, "Is he in a coma?!"
"Mei mei!!" he yelled over her, "Calm down."
The younger took a deep breath, and asked in a shaky voice, "W-what happened?"
Luhan smiled at her weakly, nodding, "He's just unconscious. He has alcohol poisoning." he assured her, pulling her over to the seat he had been sitting in.
Ming frowned as she looked down on her ex-boyfriend. He'd changed so little, yet she barely recognised him.
Since she left, she forced herself not to think of him so much she'd nearly forgetten his face.
Now even in his sleep, he looked exhausted and uncomfortable, a striking comparison to how she'd last seen him.
"I heard the others when we were on the phone. Where are they?" she questioned, not looking away from Kris.
"I told them to go home, it's late and they knew I called you, so they thought it was safe to leave." he answered, sitting down beside her.
"They want to see you." he said, "We all do."
The younger woman nodded, "Alright. When Kris is better.... We'll all do something together... I promise, Ge."
"He's really missed you... You know that, right?..." Luhan asked quietly, watching her watch Kris.
"This isn't the first time he's been here for alcohol poisioning since you left."
Reaching out to touch his cheek, Mingyu traced the sleeping man's face, just as she had that early morning just one year ago.
It wasn't long before Luhan realized that he was very out of place.
He felt as though he were intruding on something personal and private, and quickly excused himself, telling her that he would call in the morning.
She was thankful that it was only alcohol poisoning. Despite it being a serious condition, she found herself feeling relieved.
In the taxi, her mind had been racing with all kinds of terrible things that could have happened to him.
But, the thought that this wasn't this find encounter with it, worried her. She couldn't help but feel that she was to blame for it.
Mingyu spent the rest of the evening at Kris' side, studying his face and admiring the man she'd missed so deeply, until she finally fell asleep.
Entering the room, with a small sack of donuts and a cup of coffee from the hospital cafeteria in her hands, she was surprised to see Kris awake, and fiddling with his IV.
He even didn't notice to her until she sat the donuts and coffee down on the table and walked over to his side.
Kris' face paled. And, he almost frowned. "M-Mingyu?" he stuttered.
She nodded quietly, taking his hand.
Kris was at a loss for words, despite having so much he wanted to say.
A year apart could be that to people.
He clasped her smaller hand in his own larger one, longing to ease the tiny whisper in his head that kept he was only dreaming.
He was afraid that he would wake in the tiny hospital room on his own, for the seventh time since she'd left him, and that this was only a fiction of his dreamland.
The thought made tears sting in his eyes.
"Are you really here this time, or am I dreaming again?" he asked her hoarsely.
Mingyu wrapped her arms around the crying man's neck, cuddling into his farmiliar chest.
"I'm really here, Yifan." she assured him, rubbing his back in small, soothing, circles.
It was enough to break him down, having her so close, after how suddenly she'd left him.
But he'd deserved it, and that he knew.
"Are you staying?" He asked her hopefully, without pulling away from their embrace.
He could feel the heavy sigh she heaved and knew the awnser, but saved them both the agony by silencing her with a sweet kiss.
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missadel #1
Chapter 4: Thats it?? Bcs i saw completed sign...
L0NER_00 #2
Chapter 4: Still wishing that she'll end up with another dude somehow... Alternative ending?
Chapter 4: I love this <3
Loveexo1 #4
Chapter 4: Aw yeah so good!!
Chapter 4: Plz keep writing HWAITING !!!!!
Chapter 4: I find myself rereading this for the nth like seriously what's with this fic I keep missing and feeling the need to reread this
Chapter 4: omg!!!!! i just cant get enough with your story..especially,now im in a mood of reading cheating-tagged stories! oh gosh~~~ i'll never get bored even this story has 10000 chapters!
good job author nim! i love it!! keep writing! HWAITING!
KimJonghyunx #8
Chapter 4: Say yes ming. Give the poor hot guy a chance