Your Smile

All I See Are Faults And Pain




Their relationship, as Baekhyun feels it, is blissfully happy and he decides to just move in with Chanyeol. Sometimes he just feels like it’s the most wonderful feeling to wake up next to the man he treasures the most and the feel of his lips on his. Chanyeol will always smile and make him feel like he is the most loved person on Earth. He’d give him flowers and chocolates and other gestures Baekhyun finds extremely cheesy and overrated. But he finally sees why people that fall in love would risk anything just for it.


Chanyeol drags him into his occasional charity drives. Baekhyun still hated being out in the sun, but seeing Chanyeol’s genuine smile towards people, he learns he’d rather be there than alone in their apartment.  Little by little, the children’s laughter grows on him too. He hears Chanyeol sing to the children, his deep voice actually complimenting every note and Baekhyun falls a little bit more. Since then, he’d make Chanyeol sing for him as often as possible.


One night, while looking out at the stars, Baekhyun smiles as he sees a bright star twinkle and sends out a silent prayer to his parents, thanking them for sending Chanyeol to him.


“Chanyeol…” Baekhyun says while they are lying in their bed. “I told you, it’s Chanyeollie Baekhyunnie. Call me Chanyeollie…” Chanyeol says as he shifts closer to his lover’s body kissing the back of his shoulder. Baekhyun giggles and asks, “Why do you like helping people so much?” “Because, I feel so blessed so I want to share it with people less fortunate,” Chanyeol answers and hugs him tighter. “I felt so blessed when I first met you…” Baekhyun whispers and feels lips curving into a smile against his shoulder. “I love you…” Chanyeol breathes out as they fall asleep with soft smiles on their faces.


Baekhyun wakes up one morning to find Chanyeol leaning against the kitchen counter. He immediately rushes up to him and cups his face. “Baby, are you ok?” Chanyeol nods while blinking. “Are you sure?” he asks with concern. “I’m fine Baekhyunnie… don’t worry about me,” he says while flashing a grin as he rubs his eyes. Baekhyun pouts; he’s still concerned about him but Chanyeol just kisses his worries away. “I’m fine, don’t worry about me,” Chanyeol says as he envelopes him in an embrace. Baekhyun buries his face deeper in his chest, somehow hearing Chanyeol’s heartbeat makes all his worries ebb away.


It’s Christmas morning and they decide to walk outside and enjoy the scenery. The town is beautifully blanketed with snow and Baekhyun shivers slightly from the cold. Chanyeol sees this and carefully holds his hand in his, then pocketing it in his coat. “This might make you feel a little bit warmer,” he states. And Baekhyun gives him a kiss on the nose in appreciation.


They see the playground empty; Baekhyun sits on the swing and Chanyeol automatically goes to the back to push him gently. “It’s so beautiful, right?” Baekhyun says and sees his breath in the cold air. “But not as beautiful as you,” Chanyeol replies and Baekhyun giggles at how cheesy the line is. Suddenly, Chanyeol lets out a shout of pain and Baekhyun sees him crouching low, his hands in front of his closed eyes. “Chanyeol!” he says and crouches next to Chanyeol. “What’s wrong Chanyeol?” he asks with a panicked voice, Chanyeol looks like he’s in a lot of pain and he could cry just at the sight of it. “It hurts Baekhyunnie… my eyes hurt…” Chanyeol says, voice trembling. Baekhyun then sees a single drop of tear falling and it shatters his heart into million of pieces. “I’ll get you to the hospital now,” he chokes out as he helps Chanyeol up and brings him to the nearest hospital.


Chanyeol wakes up hours later on a hospital bed with Baekhyun holding his right hand tightly. “Hey… you’re awake now,” Baekhyun murmurs. Chanyeol nods and notices how blurry Baekhyun looks so he decided to rub his eyes. “Please don’t do that,” Baekhyun pleads loudly as he grabs Chanyeol’s hands before it comes in contact with his eyes. “What’s wrong?”  Chanyeol asks, his vision clearing slightly. Baekhyun’s lips quiver as silent tears slide down his beautiful face. He quickly wipes them away and kisses Chanyeol’s hand. “The doctor said you’re sick Chanyeol. Something’s wrong with your eyes,” he says and starts to sob. Chanyeol’s smile falters at the sight of his crying more than at the bad news he brought. “I’m going to be fine Baekhyunnie… please stop crying now…” Chanyeol says and hugs his lover who cried even harder. “I don’t want anything bad to happen to you,” Baekhyun manages to say between sobs. “Nothing bad will happen to me as long as you’re by my side Baekhyunnie,” Chanyeol hopes his words can comfort the other as much as he wants them to comfort himself.


The doctor says Chanyeol has glaucoma; a disease in which the transparent fluid inside the forward part of the eye does not drain normally and it causes an excess pressure to built up within the eye. The doctor informs them that the disease may lead, eventually, to total blindness, this news devastating Baekhyun. He can’t stop himself from crying, and he hates himself for being the weak one when he should be the one comforting Chanyeol. But instead, it is the other way around; it’s Chanyeol who is comforting him at the news.


“I’m so sorry for being weak like this Chanyeol. I should be the one who’s comforting you,” Baekhyun hiccups. Chanyeol just smiles at this and kisses him in an attempt to stop the tears and the hiccupping. “I’m just glad that you’re still here with me,” Chanyeol says, sincerity seeping through his every word. Baekhyun hugs his tightly, burying his face in Chanyeol’s neck. “I’ll always be here for you Chanyeol,” he says and Chanyeol kisses the top of his head.


Baekhyun becomes more protective of Chanyeol the following weeks. This makes Chanyeol laugh and tells Baekhyun that he doesn’t need to be treated like a baby but he won’t hear the end of it. In the end, Chanyeol will simply comply; secretly enjoying Baekhyun fawning all over him.


It isn’t that bad until Chanyeol’s vision starts to get really blurry. But Baekhyun is always by his side sometimes kissing his eyes to make the pain go away. They are happy like this, and Chanyeol never felt like he is becoming a burden to his lover. He never realizes though that Baekhyun would sometimes cry at night as he watches him sleep. He prays to all the Gods to make him feel better, to make all the pain go away because he doesn’t deserve to suffer this way. He’s an angel in this cruel world and angels shouldn’t suffer like this. Baekhyun would always kiss both of his eyes with a silent wish to make it better for his beloved.


Baekhyun’s at work the day he receives a phone call telling him that Chanyeol collapsed in their apartment building. Their landlord fortunately saw Chanyeol when he collapsed and immediately brought him to the hospital. Tears are blinding Baekhyun as he rushes out of the office.


He sees Chanyeol unconscious on the hospital bed and the doctor breaks the bad news to him. Chanyeol has to undergo an operation if he still wants to see. But they need an eye donor, and the doctors are trying their best to find a compatible one. Baekhyun spends the night crying beside Chanyeol’s bed as he watches him sleep. He brushes his light brown bangs away the same way Chanyeol always did. Another tear falls and he’s mad at himself for not being able to do anything for the man he loves.


A week passes and Baekhyun grows restless as there is no news of a possible donor, everyday he goes to see Chanyeol’s doctors in vain. Chanyeol wakes up four days after and he’s not at all worried of what might become of him after Baekhyun tells him about the current situation. Baekhyun doesn’t understand why Chanyeol can be so calm about it. Then Chanyeol says to him with serious eyes, “If fate wants me to lose my sight at tomorrow’s sunrise that brings hope in our lonely hearts, I don’t really care because the sound of your laughter does just that and so much more Baekhyunnie.”


Tears rush down Baekhyun’s eyes when he hears this. He buries himself in Chanyeol’s arms and cries until he soaks Chanyeol’s hospital gown with his tears. Chanyeol doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment. He doesn’t and Baekhyun will stop at nothing to give him back his sight which is slowly deteriorating into nothingness.


Three days after, the doctor comes in and tells the couple that a donor was found. The operation is scheduled to take place the day after tomorrow. Chanyeol grins, happy and thankful at the good news and holds Baekhyun’s hand tightly. “I’ll be able to see again Baekhyunnie, isn’t this great?” Baekhyun mutters a small yes, a small sad smile slowly forming on his face.


The day of the operation, Baekhyun gives Chanyeol a kiss on the lips and on their intertwined hands. “I’ll always be here for you Chanyeol…” he whispers against Chanyeol’s ear before the nurses push his bed inside the operating room. The operation doesn’t last long and the doctors called it a success. They just have to wait and see in a week the results of the operation will be known.


Chanyeol’s parents are there the whole week to take care of Chanyeol. He wakes up a day after the operation and he badly wants to hear Baekhyun’s voice but he is disappointed not to hear it. He is happy though, that his parents are there to support him, but it’s different without Baekhyun around. Day after day, he’ll ask where Baekhyun might be, and the answer is always the same. He’s at work, he missed a lot of days so he has to work overtime.


The day when the bandages will be removed from Chanyeol’s eyes finally arrives. It’s the revelation day, when they will know if the operation was truly successful or not, when they will know if all the efforts were in vain or not. Chanyeol asks where Baekhyun is but the answer didn’t change. He’s at the office and Chanyeol doubts it, he wants to argue, tell them how worried he is about his lover’s whereabouts but the doctor comes in at that precise moment. He breathes out the breath he didn’t know he was holding in as he hears the doctor tell him to relax and in a few minutes the bandages will be gone.


It is painstakingly hard to remain still as he feels the bandages slowly being removed. He takes short gasps for air, nervous of what could happen after the doctor finish taking it off. Will he be able to see again? Will he be able to see Baekhyun’s smile again? Finally, light comes through as the bandages start to thin around his eye area. He feels the bandages finally come off and he’s afraid to open his eyes. He feels his hands shake and he suddenly feels warm hands take a hold of his, slowly he opens his eyes to see the world.


He feels like he is born again. His heart filled with happiness that no words could ever convey this feeling. His parents are there beside him, smiling at him, though his mom is also crying for joy. His sister’s crying too and hiccupping, their father trying his best to placate both women. He smiles back at them and looks to his right, wanting to see Baekhyun. The warm hand though belongs to the doctor and his smile slips a little as he mutters a small thanks to the doctor. The doctor leaves them after a few minutes and his family starts to worry all over him.


“Where’s Baekhyun?” he asked. He misses him. He wants to see him. He needs to see his Baekhyunnie desperately.


He sees his mother’s face fall at the simple question. His sister starts avoiding his eyes. He turns to face his father and he repeats the same question, with force this time. Something’s definitely wrong and he wants to know.


“I think you should read this first son, before we tell you where he is,” His father tells him seriously and hands him a white envelope.


It was addressed to him in Baekhyun’s elegant loopy handwriting. He rips the envelope open and unfolds a clean sheet; he sees more of Baekhyun’s loopy handwriting splattered across the page as he reads it.




I’m sure by the time you’re reading this; it will be a week since you’ve last heard of me. I’m also sure the operation’s a success otherwise you wouldn’t be able to read this. I just want one thing to be clear Chanyeol. I love you. And that’s the reason why I did this for you. You mean more than anything in this world to me. You’re more than just my lover. You’re my friend, my angel, my protector. You ARE my life Chanyeol. And I’d die if they took you away from me.

I gave you my eyes for you to see, for you to enjoy more things that this sometimes cruel and cold world could offer. I don’t deserve my eyes Chanyeol. Because all I can see are the faults and pain this world has. But you Chanyeol, you see everything that is beautiful.

You see beauty in our everyday lives. You see beauty in everybody’s eyes and smiles. But most of all, you saw the beauty in me that you took out and changed me. I owe you everything Chanyeol. And this is all I can really do in order to repay you.

The world doesn’t need a person like me. It wouldn’t make much of a difference if I became blind. You on the other hand will tip the balance if you became blind. Your eyes let you see things that truly make you happy and smile. And if your smile fades away when you can’t see anymore, it’ll be the end of me and also of the people who depend on your smile to give them courage. That’s how much you mean to us Chanyeol. And I humbly give you my eyes with no regrets just so you can see and smile for us once more.

I may not be able to see that wonderful smile that I love so much, but the memories will be enough. Those smiles that kept me warm more than any fire in this world, I truly will miss them so much. But hearing your happy voice will be enough for me Chanyeol.

I love you Chanyeol… I’ll always love you…

If becoming blind is a small price to pay just to make you happy, I don’t mind becoming one at all.


Your Baekhyun…


“Where is he?” Chanyeol asks, tears rushing down his pale and slightly thinned face. “I want to see him!” he shouts out and he sees his mother crying alongside him. “He’s in the next room. He said he couldn’t bear to be to far away from you,” his father answers. And before they could even stop him, he rushed out of his room toward Baekhyun’s.


He sees the doctor and the nurses file out from the room, the doctor simply gives his a grim smile before letting him pass. It is a strange sight to see Baekhyun lying down on the bed, softly breathing like he was actually in peace. And he bites back the choked off cry that threatens to escape.


“Chanyeol?” Baekhyun asks and looks at the direction of a sudden noise. Chanyeol can’t hold it back anymore and he cries, holding Baekhyun tightly before muttering ‘pabo’ over and over. “I’m going to be okay Chanyeol, I have you beside me. You’re my guardian angel, I have nothing to fear,” Baekhyun whispers. “You didn’t have to do this!” Chanyeol argues as he feels Baekhyun his hair.


“I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. Because of you, I now know what it is like to love, to feel loved. Because of you I know what the word sacrifice means and why my parents did what they did, even though it cost them their life. Because of you, I became a person who knows how to love and to sacrifice everything for the one they love. I came to understand a lot of things because of you Chanyeol, and I’m really grateful to have you in my life. I’d give you my life if you wanted me to,” Baekhyun answers and kisses Chanyeol’s lips, somehow knowing exactly where they were. Chanyeol just kisses him back, tears slightly drying up, staining his face. The kiss swift and tastes of tears, but sweet in every possible way.


“I’ll always protect you. I’m always going to be here for you…” Chanyeol whispers, eyes closed, foreheads touching, lips inches apart, their hands intertwined in a silent vow to never let go of each other. “And I don’t want you to give me your life because if you did that, I’d give it up too just to be with you,” Chanyeol added, lips seeking out his once again. Their kiss holds many promises that Baekhyun looks forward to, in this life guided only by Chanyeol’s angelic voice and laughter.


“You’re my happiness Chanyeol, I’d sacrifice anything for you…”








A/N: I've tried really hard to edit this but I can't.

I can't mess with it anymore not because I think it's awesome,

but because I think it'll change all the emotions and stuff.

My heart, sadly, isn't with this fic anymore since I started writing a new one.

Hope you enjoyed it though! :)

Love and kisses and cookies!


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Chapter 2: I knew it I knew it I knew it!! Ugh.. /ugly sobbing
Chapter 2: now I'm a crying mess ㅠ.ㅠ
this Chanyeol is the exact opposite of Chanyeol from E4SE (mentally killing Chanyeol E4SE in my mind)

hope they find their happy ending till their last breath (till in heaven maybe ^^)
yehet_pcy #3
Chapter 2: happily receives your love and kisses and cookies
i love how baek developed in this fic, from an orphaned kid who knew and understood nothing of sacrifices and kindness and doing things for other people to actually making one of he biggest possible sacrifices there is. what kind of love did he feel for chanyeol and how much of it was there that he was willing to give up a part of himself so that chanyeol can get back a part of his that he lost? this was legit so meaningful and heartwarming and it feels like baek understood something he never would have if he hadnt met and fallen in love with chanyeol
in the end im not worried for baek after all because he has yeol who will be his eyes, yeol who will take care of him religiously and love him forever, his angel. really.... aish im soooooo
thanks for writing and sharing this!!!!
Chapter 2: wow author-nim i'm crying bc of your beautiful writing sobs srsly both of them don't deserve to see the tainted world
Melynwang #5
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: I can't believe I just found this, it's beautiful :'(
byunbebek #6
Chapter 2: i dont expect the ending like this......its so saaad for my poor kokoro....
HisPandaGirl #7
Chapter 2: Holy crap! I just browse through all those old fics that I saved in my desktop and I found thiss oh gosh- I just- this is so good; I think I'll donate my eyes to Baek T.T