Video Chatting

Coming Home

"Hi babe!" Hoya said though the phone. "Hi Hoya. Hi MinHo."you said back waving at him and your baby son.

You were video chatting with your husband and son thought the phone. You are at the airport on your way back home from your business  trip.

"MinHo say hi to mommy" Hoya told your son to say hi to you. "Hi mommy" MinHo said to you. "Omo he can talk more now!" you said surprised that he can talk more now. You've been gone for a week and he can talk so much more then he was able to say before you left for your trip.

"Yeah he has been talking a lot more these past few days. He been asking for you too" Hoya told to you. "Really?!" "Yeah like 'daddy where's mommy?' and other stuff like that."  "Omo I'm so glad that he can talk more. Can't wait to come home and see you."

"Mommy mommy" MinHo said trying to reach for you. "Yes MinHo what is it?" you ask your son back. "Mommy.... I lobe (love) you." MinHo said to you. "Ahhhh!!!! So cute. Who taught you how to say that?" you asked trying to hold in your happiness.

"I did. I taught him to say that" Hoya said happily knowing you might reward him for teaching your son something like that.
Hahaha! " Do you think just because you taught him to say that to me that I will reward you for it. Now he's gonna go to girls and say 'I love you' when he doesn't mean it and break their hearts. I don't our son to turn into a player like you" you said to Hoya. "Ok" was the only thing he said back cause he knew you were right.

Flight 9195 to Seoul please board now. Flight 9195 to Seoul please board now. The lady said over the load speaker.

"Oh honey that's my flight. I have to go now. See you in few hours." you said waving bye to Hoya and MinHo.

"Bye babe. See you in a few hours. We'll be here at home waiting for you. ok" Hoya said in a little cute kids voice. "MinHo say bye to mommy" Hoya told your son to say bye to you. "Mommy" was all MinHo said while waving to you. "Bye sweetie" waving goodbye to the both of them.
"Ok bye Mi Kyang" Hoya said to you. "Bye Hoya" you said back and ended the call.

You got in line and boarded the plane.





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HaiImEJ #1
Chapter 1: awwwwww~~~ i like this, but its too short.. anyway, nice work author-nim! keep it up! :3 hwaiting!
Awwww!!! Hoya Daddy!!!! No more HoAegi xD