After that

KyuWook - First Times

The next morning, I opened my eyes and smiled when I saw Kyu next to me. He was still asleep, a baby look on his face, soft purrs coming from his throat. I snuggled some more into his arms and closed my eyes again. It was still early. Anyways, I was a person who liked sleeping. Especially sleeping in his lover’s arms.


I woke up a few hours later because of the sudden cold. I opened my eyes and pouted when I noticed how Kyu wasn’t in the bed with me. A bit worried - I couldn’t hear anything coming from the bathroom, meaning he was not there, and he was not in the same room as me either -, I sat on the bed, wincing a bit in pain because of my . At least the mattress was extra comfortable so it was not THAT bad, but it still hurt a bit, reminding me of the night before. I blushed softly.


It really had happened… We had made love. Kyu had taken me. I hugged myself on the bed before letting myself fall on my back, blushing and squealing like a young teenage girl in love. Actually, I was everything I just said, except that I wasn’t a girl…


I jumped in surprise when I suddenly heard the door opening, and I hurried to hide under the covers since I was still completely . When Kyu entered the room and closed the door behind him, I sighed in relief.


“You scared me…” I pouted.


He laughed softly and approached me before climbing on the bed and kissing me. “I’m sorry I did. Did you sleep well?”


I snuggled in his arms and purred. “Yup ~ Did you?”


He smiled and pressed a kiss on my forehead. “Sure I did. How’s your behind?”


I chuckled. “Fine. It hurts a bit, but not too much.”


He nodded. “Good. I would’ve hated myself for hurting you too much.”


“Don’t hate yourself, Kyu.”


“I won’t hate myself as long as I’m not hurting you too much.”


I closed my eyes and kissed him. “I know you won’t. So, never hate yourself.”


He nodded and hugged me tighter. “I promise.”


After that, we spent the day just relaxing before leaving the spa and the hotel, and going back home. In the car, we talked a lot, and when he parked in front of my house I sighed. “Do I really have to go?...”


He chuckled. “Quick, when your parents are not back yet…”


I nodded. “Okay, okay. Thanks for everything, Kyu. I love you.”


“I love you too. Now go, before your parents arrive.”


I nodded again, kissed him and got out of the car before walking to my house. I waved goodbye to Kyu before he left and went through the door, still looking at Kyu leaving. This is why I jumped in surprise when a little body suddenly jumped on me and hugged me tight.


“Wookiiiiiiiie ~~ Tell me everything!”


I sighed in relief when I recognized the voice. “Ame! What are you doing here?!”


“Waiting for you so you’ll tell me everything, of course ~”


“How did you enter?! How did you even come here, actually?”


“Ama, of course. Why are you asking?”


I rolled my eyes. “Sure. Of course. Should’ve thought about it.”


“Anyways, she said she didn’t have much screen time recently.”




“Dunno, that’s what she told me to tell you.”


She pouted and let go of me. “Soooooo. What happened with Kui Xian? Tell me everything!”


I blushed softly. “Well… we went to Le Finlandais… and… and…”




“We… did… it…”




“Not so loud!”


“What? You’re finally a big boy, cousin! Congrats!”


I sighed and shook my head softly, blushing because I could totally remember the night before. “Yeah… thanks…”


“Sooooo, what was it like? I mean, was it good?”


“Why would I tell you?!”


“Because! C’mon, you just had the hottest and most popular guy at school in your pants. I want to know.”


“Okay, okay! Yes, it was good, it was very good! Now just… stop asking, you’re embarrassing me…”


She laughed softly before hugging me. “I was just kidding, you could’ve not told me!”


“So mean!”


“I’m Ama’s friend!”


I laughed with her and we went to my room. We sat on my bed and we started talking, just like back in the good old days.


“Hey, Ame, how is it going with your boyfriend?”


She blushed softly. “It’s going… well. Very well, I’d say.”


“Anything new happening?”


She blushed some more and I frowned. “Don’t tell me you…”


“NO!” she said in a hurry. “No, we didn’t do anything like this… but the other day, we went on a date, and… and he actually bought me flowers!”


I smiled. “Flowers? So romantic!”


“Right?! I just love him! He’s so cute and romantic…”


“I wish Kyu would buy me flowers too…”


She laughed softly. “But you’re a guy. Do guys like flowers too?”


“I do like flowers… can’t I?”


“Of course you can! It’s just weird, but then, I shouldn’t think about you as a guy like any other guy. You’re different and that’s what makes Kui Xian love you.”


I nodded, happy that she would actually understand me and accept the fact that I was not a “normal” guy. We talked for a while after that, just telling us secrets that I could never tell here, and talking about a lot of other things too.


And when my parents came back, Ame smiled to me before leaving, going through the window. I sighed when I saw her climb down the tree and pouted when I thought that everybody was starting to know how to do that thanks to Ama. I shrugged and took my cellphone when it started vibrating. I knew who was texting me, and I bit my lip a bit when I read the new message I had.


‘Wookie, don’t forget, THE day is in two weeks :3 Tomorrow at lunch time to have to join the other theatre students. I love you, Juliet :3 Good night and have sweet dreams! Let me be in your dreams, okay? :3’


I sighed a bit, amused, and laughed softly before replying.


‘Of course you’ll be in my dreams. You’re always in it. I love you, my Romeo. Yeongwonhi saranghae.’





Hi guys! Hope you enjoy this chapter, and I'm telling you, school just started (finally) after that horrible long strike, so I won't be able to write as much as before >.< Sorry ^^'

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Chapter 37: I feel like I was just tickled to death by fluff and
cuteness and I've never felt better! XD
ryena87 #2
Chapter 38: Kyu just ing rich, handsome and and and.. Akh lost my words again to explain this story. Its always great fic as usual ^o^/ love love love you and your fics :) #throwingconfetti
ismary666 #3
Chapter 38: Jajajajjajaja, I didn´t realize the previous chap was the end, ajajjajajaa, I´m in the moon, ejjejjee, well, now all R´s first times belong K, this should always be, I say :)
And, yes, another time, we thank you for this lovely, sweet and tender story.
I still have a lot for read :) I´m happy
ismary666 #4
Chapter 37: So romantic, jejejeje, the diamond ring, the wine, the violinist, the roses, all of romantic things, even K knows R´s size of clothes and fingers :)
ismary666 #5
Chapter 36: Such divine thing, two Juliets, at the same two, ex and new, K´s boyfriends, ejjejejeje, it´s sounds like a family, jajajajajjaa, then, I remembered GoonT where SM crying, ohhh!!!! god that´s intensity

"Let me walk you to the door", there´s no place in the entire world where we´ll found a boyfriend like this ^____^
ismary666 #6
Chapter 35: Take care?
take cara of baby K?
it´s some kind of warning? I feel scared :|
ismary666 #7
Chapter 34: Poor little W, the thought of losing his lovely K torments him cruelly :)
ismary666 #8
Chapter 33: It couldn´t be more romantic, Romeo and Juliet, ejjejejeje, not enough romantic, R wants flowers from K :)
ismary666 #9
Chapter 32: ok, I love W thoughts "...his... that" ajjajajajjaja
ismary666 #10
Chapter 31: Chap with honey, sweet, sugar, syrope, ajjajajjajaa, I ran out of adjectives ^__^
and I agree with R "My boyfriend definitely was the best boyfriend in the entire world "