One more date

KyuWook - First Times

The next morning, my mom woke me up in the morning before she left.


“Wookie, we won’t come back for the night, so make sure to lock the door before going to bed, okay?”


Half-asleep like I was, I could only groan as a reply. She left my room, closed my door and let me go back to sleep… but it lasted a few minutes only, before my alarm clock started ringing. I jumped in fear before snoozing it, sitting on my bed - wincing a bit in pain while I was at it - and sighing. 8 in the morning. This time, I was sure I would be ready when Kyu would arrive.


I sighed again, tired, and went to take a shower. I fell asleep in it and woke up only when the water started getting cold. Squealing in surprise, I woke up and hurried taking my shower. I still came out of the shower completely frozen, but at least I wouldn’t catch cold because of that. I sighed in relief when I saw it was only 9. Kyu would be there at 11. I had time to choose my clothes.


And I was glad I woke up so early. It took me a good hour to choose what I wanted to wear for the day, and another hour to finish preparing myself. I then looked at myself in the mirror and nodded, satisfied. I had ended up choosing simple clothes: a plain blue tee shirt and jeans, with a hoodie with cat ears on top and little wings on the back - I had actually taken the wings on another hoodie and sewed them myself on the cat hoodie.


I was feeling like I was starving to death when Kyu arrived, but at least this time I was ready. I smiled brightly when I saw him. “Kyu!”


I hugged him tight and he laughed softly before hugging me back and kissing me passionately. His throat emitted a soft purr in my ear and he brushed a hand in my hair, making me moan lightly because it felt so good. His deep voice made me shiver: “Hi, love.”




“You okay, love?”


I slowly moved back and looked into his eyes. He looked so worried… I smiled softly and snuggled in his arms. “I’m okay, Kyu. But hey, since when do you call me ‘love’? I just noticed this…”


“Since I really love you, so I call you love, of course. Does it hurt?”


He was back to talking about by , wasn’t he? “Just a bit when I’m up, a bit more if I have to sit, and when I’m just lying down I don’t feel anything.”




I tilted my head to the side. “Good?”


He smiled and kissed me softly. “Yeah, good. We’re going somewhere you’ll be able to just lie down and relax.”


“Huh? What kind of place is that?”


“Not telling. Let’s go!”


We went into his car. I tried asking and asking, but he wouldn’t tell me. I sighed and pouted for the rest of the pretty long journey, until he parked in the lot of a beautiful building. I opened wide eyes. I knew this place for seeing it on TV. “This…!”


He smiled. “Welcome to Le Finlandais. My parents came to this spa a while ago and they were amazed, so I thought I could bring you here too.”


I couldn’t utter a word. That. Was. Impossible. There was NO way my boyfriend was bringing me into a very expensive looking SPA. I was dreaming. There was no way this was real.


“It’s real, Wookie,” Kyu laughed softly, just like he was able to read my thoughts. “It’s real, and I’m ending this day of relaxation by a night at the hotel. Of course, I’ll be paying everything. And I’m really hoping this is your first time in a spa, since I want to take all of these first times. So. Does this sound like a nice idea for a date for you?”


I was so amazed that I couldn’t say anything. Kyu kissed me softly before making me get out of the car and pulling me inside. The entire atmosphere was so relaxing. But when I saw the pools and the Jacuzzis, I pouted. “Kyu, I didn’t bring my swimsuit.”


“I brought one for you.”


“And my pajama? And my toothbrush?”


“I have these, but… not sure if you’ll use the pajama.”


I blushed and smiled softly before holding Kyu’s hand tightly. Of course my boyfriend would think about all of this. He was always so thoughtful. My boyfriend definitely was the best boyfriend in the entire world.


Kyu had chosen everything on purpose. He knew my still hurt from the night before, so he had chosen this place to make me forget about it. We could just lie down and let people massage us, or we could go in the hot water and let our bodies relax. At the end of the day, I was feeling so calm and relaxed that my didn’t even hurt at all anymore. I felt so good, but I was blushing softly when I remembered how handsome the guy who had massaged me was. Of course my boyfriend was way more handsome, but that guy was not bad either.


I shook my head softly and laughed at myself for having such thoughts. Especially since I knew too well what would happen during the night.


I knew I wouldn’t really sleep that night. Especially not with Kyu choosing a place where he was sure my parents wouldn’t disturb us.






Oooooh you know what's going to happen :3

But I won't post this chapter tonight xD Maybe tomorrow, if I have 10 comments (yeah, asking for more because I didn't write much recently and I want to have back-up chapters xD)

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Chapter 37: I feel like I was just tickled to death by fluff and
cuteness and I've never felt better! XD
ryena87 #2
Chapter 38: Kyu just ing rich, handsome and and and.. Akh lost my words again to explain this story. Its always great fic as usual ^o^/ love love love you and your fics :) #throwingconfetti
ismary666 #3
Chapter 38: Jajajajjajaja, I didn´t realize the previous chap was the end, ajajjajajaa, I´m in the moon, ejjejjee, well, now all R´s first times belong K, this should always be, I say :)
And, yes, another time, we thank you for this lovely, sweet and tender story.
I still have a lot for read :) I´m happy
ismary666 #4
Chapter 37: So romantic, jejejeje, the diamond ring, the wine, the violinist, the roses, all of romantic things, even K knows R´s size of clothes and fingers :)
ismary666 #5
Chapter 36: Such divine thing, two Juliets, at the same two, ex and new, K´s boyfriends, ejjejejeje, it´s sounds like a family, jajajajajjaa, then, I remembered GoonT where SM crying, ohhh!!!! god that´s intensity

"Let me walk you to the door", there´s no place in the entire world where we´ll found a boyfriend like this ^____^
ismary666 #6
Chapter 35: Take care?
take cara of baby K?
it´s some kind of warning? I feel scared :|
ismary666 #7
Chapter 34: Poor little W, the thought of losing his lovely K torments him cruelly :)
ismary666 #8
Chapter 33: It couldn´t be more romantic, Romeo and Juliet, ejjejejeje, not enough romantic, R wants flowers from K :)
ismary666 #9
Chapter 32: ok, I love W thoughts "...his... that" ajjajajajjaja
ismary666 #10
Chapter 31: Chap with honey, sweet, sugar, syrope, ajjajajjajaa, I ran out of adjectives ^__^
and I agree with R "My boyfriend definitely was the best boyfriend in the entire world "