
Do Re Mi

SO OH MY GAAA GUYS I'VE BEEN ON HIATUS FOR 4 MONTHS!! But it was worth it ;P i scored 255/300 YEA BABY. So as promised, i'm going to continue this fic kekekekeke



"Class dismissed" the teacher said as she waved her hand. Dongho was the last one to leave the class. He has some questions. Innocently, Dongho approached his teacher and asked, "Mrs Kim, about that vocal man just now..where was his centre located?". Mrs Kim stared at her student, amused. "Ah Mr Dongho, I see that you have a liking in learning vocals?" she asked. Dongho nodded his head. Well yea pff who cares bout those stupid vocals i just wanna meet that guy. "Its next to Starbucks i think..." Mrs Kim said. Dongho thought for a moment..."Ah i see, thank you!" he replied as innocently as possible. "I know what you're up to..." Mrs Kim said as she gave Dongho a sly smile. "AHAHAHAHHAHHA Cher, you're such a joker" Dongho laughed uncomfortably.


Dongho knew that if he attended these courses he would get in big trouble. In contrast, he doesn't have any money himself. Dongho brew a plan in his head on how to let his sister agree on letting him join the class. Once he reached home, he ran to his noona, Sekyung and gave her a big hug. "Sekyunggie noona!!" Dongho pouted. "Need more money?" Sekyung said. "No! Why would you think that?" Dongho asked shyly. Sekyung took a sip of her coffee and looked at the younger oh-really-you-don't-say?. "Noona... can I join vocal classes?" Dongho asked as cutely as he could master. "Oh my, I never new you were interested in vocals!" Sekyung said. "Yea! I just became interested today~! PLEASE NOONA!! ITS ONLY NEXT TO STARBUCKS!! PLEASE PREAZZE!!" Dongho pouted cutely. "Well you results are improving...." "THANK YOU NOONA OMO SARANGHAEYO!!!" Dongho wailed as he gave the older a bear hug. "We'll we better register first.." Sekyung said as she put on her jacket.


"This is the class your talking about?" Sekyung asked as she surveyed the small office. "Don't worry, I didn't expect this either." Dongho said. The office was more beautiful than he thought it was~ "The pay must be expensive.." Sekyung said. Dongho nodded, still in awe.

"How may I help you?" a gentle voice asked. Sekyung and Dongho turned around, to face a lady in her early 20s. She has brown curly hair and was really pretty. "Eunwoo?" Sekyung asked in disbelievement. "OMO IS THAT YOU KYUNG-AH?" the lady replied. A smile etched on her face. "Its been so long!" they both chorused as they hugged. Without realising, Sekyung and Eunwoo began to chat. Hah. Girls. Dongho cleared his throat. "Oh right.. Dongho, this is my old friend, Eunwoo. Eunwoo, this is my baby brother Dongho. He is interested in joining the vocal classes here~" Sekyung replies as he patted Dongho's head.  "Oh yea! Sure! Wow Dongho, you were smaller when I last saw you!" Eunwoo said as she pinched Dongho's cheeks. "Woman, I don't even know you." Dongho said as he rolled his eyes. "Hahaha ok~ You may have forgotten~ AH! You want to join the vocal classes,  yes? Right this way!" Sekyung apologised as she guided Dongho to one of the rooms. They stopped at a red door. On the door engraved in Korean were 'Vocal Room'. Soft plays of the piano could be heard. Dongho smiled at the sweet melody. Sekyung knocked the door. "Come in~" a voice replied. Dongho's eyes widened. Soohyun? True enough, Soohyun was playing the piano. Dongho gasped at the handsome man before him. He pictured prince charming sitting by the piano, playing a romantic song for his princess. "Ah, everyone, meet Soohyun, my brother. Soohyun oppa, meet Dongho, my good friend's little brother... and your new student!" Sekyung said as he pulled Soohyun closer. Dongho blushed at the handsome man. He was more gorgeous up close. "A-a-an-annyeong ha-se-se-yo! N-nan Dongho ei-eiyo." Dongho stammerd, blushing more deeply this time. "Ah, aren't you the one who i met in that school just now? I din't thought you would join..."Soohyun said as he bent down to take a closer look at the younger's face. Dongho was taken aback by the sudden action and jumped in suprise. The older look at him questioningly... "Haha you're cute~" Soohyun said as he gave Dongho a smile. That made Dongho blushed even harder. "Well then.. I guess I'll leave you and your teacher alone!" Eunwoo said as she dragged Sekyung out of the room. "Noona jokuemenyo!" Dongho called out. As he turned around, Soohyun was already sitting by the piano.


"Well, what are you waiting for?" He asked as he beckoned Dongho to sit next to him. Dongho took a deep breath as he stepped closer towards the man.



I'll upload later today imma update the rest of my fics mian lol xD


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Chapter 2: wooww
I can imagine soohyun oppa when playing piano, he is so COOOOLLL!! TnT
Chapter 2: "Woman, I don't even know you," Dongho said as he rolled his eyes.

Haha Dongho sure is blunt :)

Update soon ^_^
Chapter 2: Ommo!! Finally!!! *__*
Update the next chapter soon , please! ^^
Oviihc #4
I wanna read it :D!
Looking forward chap 1 :3!
Sounds interesting ^___^
sxiang #6