On The Loose

I Think I'm Sick

Author's Note: Hello everyone (: I hope everyone has enjoyed the story so far, and the updates! I'm not sure how many chapters I intend to make for this sotry but so far I haven't even thought of an ending, so I'll keep writing until I do.. Hopefully it won't get boring! I hope I never disappoint everyone! Thank you for the support!! xx

This chapter's going to be in Seungri's POV! Enjoy! (:


I wanted to hug her. I couldn't express how relieved I felt when she woke. I had nearly forgot about how much danger we were all in. I held her hand and her hair. She had tears falling down her eyes. She looked lost and scared.

"My little sister... It's alright, everything's alright. Oppa's here" I told her. How could I let you get hurt...



"Did the crazy girl bully you today?" I asked.

"Anniyo, she doesn't dare come near when Jiyong is there" Jaeri smiled. 

"Good." I nodded firmly.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to trust this Jiyong guy with my sister. I may be an adopted son, but I had been taking care of her from the start. Our parents never had time for her, or me for that matter. Honestly I think they only cared for themselves. She was my only family, my own little world. My precious little sister. I've spent all my life with her, growing up with her, caring for her, protecting her. I was both her parents and her brother. No way was I trusting just any cool boy with her just because she was fond of him and he was fod of her too. 

"You're not jealous, are you, Oppa?" I heard her tease, poking my face.

"Yah!" I snapped, swatting her hand from my face. "I dont' need to be. I'm your brother!!" I said, chinning up and crossingmy arms authoratively.

"Of course you are! You always will be!" she giggled, tackling me with a hug.



She looked at me meekly, her tears had stopped falling. I knew what she was going to do next, but I wished she didn't have to think about Jiyong for just one minute. As if she knew where he was, she turned to face him on the other side of her bed. He was readily looking at her. I felt her squeeze my hand subconciously as her eyes widened.

"Jiyong-ah" she croaked.

"Jaeri..." he breathed.

With that, I let go of her hand and began pacing my the windows. Perhaps I needed to accept that she's growing up. I was like a father holding on to his precious daughter, not wanting to admit that she had found someone who she had fallen head over heels in love with. I needed to let my little sister go and stop holding her back. But in my heart all I wanted to do was protect my little flower of a sister.

Perhaps I was being overprotective.

But how could I not be?



She was fighting back her tears, her lips trembling as she gnawed into it to stop herself from crying. Trying to be a fighter, as always.

Aish, Jaeri and her pride.

"Yah! Are you okay? You should be more careful!" I said, as I sat her on the last step of the staircase.

All she could manage was nod. Her eyes were red and so was the little bump on the right of her forehead which she had hit on the handlebars by the stairs.

"Aigoo, why did you run down the staircase! You're so reckless" I said.

She looked at me in response, clearly the pain she felt had frozen her. Well, she slipped down the stairs while running down. In socks. How could she not expect to slip and fall?

"Aigoo aigoo" I cooed as she burst into tears when she couldn't hold it in anymore. "It's okay, Oppa will make it all better!" I reassured her as I rubbed the bump gently with my thumb. "Shhhh, it's okay now.." I cooed again as she settled down. 



She was about 12 years old then, and now she was 19. I was so busy watching her grow up that I haven't fully digested the fact that I've hit my ageline when I was 18 two years ago. Jiyong had probably hit his ageline recently too. This sorta scared me. The fact that demons would stop aging when they were in their late teens to early 20s. It would be odd to know that Jaeri will continue to age while I stay in the same 18 year old body. 

I looked out the window, it was dark, and no one was around, which meant the guards had left us alone for now. Until the King and Queen realised we've escaped and decide to send another few of their ugly thugs to come get us. Which they would, since Jiyong has evidently escaped..

I then looked at the two of them through their reflection in the window. They were talking, Jiyong holding her hand, looking right into her eyes. He looked like he wanted to keep her forever. I'm sure he knew he couldn't do that. Even I had to force myself to accept that even I was unable to do that. She was a mortal, we can't keep her forever. She looked as young as ever, but that would change in a few more years. 

Because mortals die.

They were exchanging little whispers which I didn't really need to listen in to. Right then, Jaeri hugged Jiyong tightly. In response, he her hair gently, like he was afraid to touch her. But as he clung onto him with her tight embrace, he hugged her back, with one hand still at the back of her head. 

"I'll never leave you like this again" I heard him say. 

"You better not" I mumbled under my breath. 



"what happened to you!?" I reprimanded Jaeri the moment she walked into the kitchen to fetch some ice. She swatted my hand as I tried to hold her chin to get a closer look at her bleeding lip.

"Nothing, I bit it hard." she said. I'm not stupid, you can't bite it like that..

"Liar" I snapped. "Who hit you? Oppa will kill him" I said, cracking my knuckles.

"SHE" jaeri emphasised "is just a loser" she ended off.

"That girl again" why am I not surprised. "Let me guess, Jiyong wasn't at school today?" I said, icing her lip.

"Anniyo, she attacked me in the girls bathroom" she mumbled, not looking at me.

"Aish, what a brat." I snarled. "Why didn't you fight back?" 

"She would have said I attacked her first" came her stagnant answer.

"Aigoo, you make me worry all the time" I said, taking the bag of ice away to check on her cut.

"Komawo Oppa" she smiled and gave me a quick hug before scurrying up the staircase.



I thought I heard a scream. Whipping my head towards the source of the scream, I realised it came from Jaeri, who was looking right at a red eyed demon guard. Jiyong had put himself in between them, holding her behind him, his fangs bared, eyes flaming red, his blonde-boy facade gone. A menacing snarl ripped from him. 

"Touch her again and it'll be the last thing you ever do." He snarled, fangs still bared. Jaeri had cowered behind him, trembling. 

I felt my insides boil, I growled before I pounced onto the guard, showing him no mercy and beheadding him with one swift movement before I landing lightly on my feet. I heard Jaeri scream in horror. Glass breaking. Another scream from Jaeri, only this time she was beyond terrified.

We were surrounded.

"Give us the gem." One of them said, he pointed at us.

"Gem?" All three of us asked in confusion.

"If you surrender the gem now we will let he both of you be." He said. Both? I looked at where he was pointing, I then realised it wasn't towards all three of us. It was towards Jaeri. 

This made no sense.

"I think there must me some mistake" I demanded. "We don't have the gem" 

"And it's obvious its us you want but obviously we're not going." Jiyong growled.

"On the contrary, the king and queen don't see the need for your capture." he said arrogantly. God I wanted to kill him. "We just want the girl" 

"She's a mortal for crying out loud!" I snapped. 

"Why me?" Jaeri's meek voice sounded from behind Jiyong.

"You are the very key to the King and Queen's infinite power." he said in that annoying voice. 

Jaeri looked at me helpessly from behind Jiyong, who had not let his guard down, though confusion was playing its way into his expression.

"Give us the girl" the guard warned. 

"Never." Jiyong snarled and leaped right at him, thrashing every guard in his path. I grabbed hold of Jaeri's hand immediately and sliced through every demon that came near. 

"RUN!" Jiyong bellowed.

"We can't leave you!" Jaeri pleaded from behind me.

"Go to the park! I'll meet you there in a few minutes!" Jiyong ordered as he sliced right through the guards cleanly with blades of flame. 

He was absolutely raging at this point that he was off the nutter, but I hadn't any ideas myself.

"GO! NOW!" He ordered. 

I held Jaeri close to me as I leaped out of the window, into the night sky. Just as I landed on a nearby roof, a massive blast of flames had errupted from the ward. Jiyong had set the ward on fire. 

That crazy bastard.

In a split second he had joined me on the roof. Without a word we sped off to the park, Jaeri clinging onto me for dear life as we jumped from rooftop to rooftop. I had a bad feeling about this, but it looks like I didn't have a choice. 

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Chapter 21: I agree the story was such a heartbreaker but still I love it!
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Chapter 20: OMG...this was too sad...great story!! My heart hurts now :(
iamasushiaddict #3
Chapter 20: Please let her be reincarnated!!! Pleaaaaseee. My heart just kept aching so much while reading the ending. Pleaaase a sequel :(((
shinsookyo #4
Chapter 20: Omo that's pretty cool!!
I'm really glad u make sequel of this story .
In final chapt, I had my tears flowing down.
So touched.
Great authornim <3
Chapter 20: omg i just caught up and i must say...LOVED IT!! ^^ pleeease do a sequel!! u just gotta!! OTL
Kchongers #7
Chapter 20: Omg! :( that was beautiful but it can't just end like that! Please continue!
Chapter 20: Aigoo...its over..
Authornim, i want a sequel. Jebal!! I want Jae ri to b alive^_^
<3 ds story a lot:)
Uo story nvr faild to reach my expctation.. Its an amazing, wonderful n beautiful story:)

Chapter 20: ahh...i'd finished reading this tonight,,,starting from chap. 1...and all i can say is...this story is daebak....!! i'm crying while reading through each chapter till the last one.....Jae ri,, you'll always be in the their heart.... :')