
I Think I'm Sick

Author's Note: Hello there! I'm back with a quick update! I hope I haven't been away for too long. This chapter will be in Jaeri's POV! Enjoy!! xx


I didn't have time to react. A scream of terror had escaped my lips. 

They were everywhere.

Please don't take them away from me. 

Please don't take them.

Jiyong forced me behind him, I noticed his hair evolve from his usual blonde to a flaming red, like blood had seeped through the strands. He held me protectively behind him. I heard him growl fiercely at the demon stading before us, its bloody red eyes digging into me. I could only tremble in fear.

"Touch her again and it'll be the last thing you ever do." Jiyong snarled, his voice had changed slightly, it was coarser, scarier, demonic.

Before the guard could strike at Jiyong, Seungri had pounced onto it and finished it off with one swift swipe, decapitating him. Seungri looked furious. I could see those fine line tattoos on his face, his sharp fangs bared, his purple eyes that glowered. I screamed in utter fright as more of the demon guards smashed their way into the ward  through the windows.

"Give us the gem." One of them said.

"Gem?" We asked in unison. 

"If you surrender the gem now we will let he both of you be." He said, pointing right at me.

Are you joking? 

"I think there must me some mistake. We don't have the gem" Seungri snarled.

"And it's obvious its us you want but obviously we're not going." Jiyong growled, still holding me behind him.

"On the contrary, the king and queen don't see the need for your capture." the guard replied "We just want the girl" 

What on earth did they need ME for!?

"She's a mortal for crying out loud!" Seungri snapped. 

"Why me?" I managed to stammer.

"You are the very key to the King and Queen's infinite power." he answered, cocking his head to the side. 

What was this? Have I become such a highly demanded prisoner because I was associated with all the demon princes? You've got to be kidding me. I looked at Seungri with begging eyes. I didn't know what to do. What could I do? Jiyong's hands seemed to be burning, he wasn't gripping tightly, but his hands were getting even more warm by the second. 

"Give us the girl" the guard persisted.

"Never." Jiyong snarled. Letting go of my wrists, he leaped right at the guard, thrashing the others in his path. I've never imagined he was so distructive when he was angry. There was fire all over the place. I felt Seungri grab my hand immediately as he sliced through every demon that came near us.

"RUN!" Jiyong bellowed, lashing flames at the guards.

Oppa, don't leave me again.

"We can't leave you!" I begged.

"Go to the park! I'll meet you there in a few minutes!" Jiyong ordered. Not even turning to face me. "GO! NOW!" He ordered, clearly in a state of panic. 

Seungri dragged me out the window and at that moment, I felt like we had taken flight into the night. He held me close to him, bridal style as he landed gently on the roof of a neighbouring building. An explosion of flames blasted from my ward. Jiyong Oppa must've thought it would be the best way to get rid of all the demons. He landed swiftly on the roof next to us a few seconds later. Wordlessly, we were on the move again. 



"Did you think we'd let you off?" I heard her voice from behind me. A slap greeted me the moment I turned around to face her. 

I didn't know if I should have kept my ground or pounced at her to claw her eyes out. I was so humilated by Uee I could purge at how patheticly desperate she was. I pushed past her and headed out of the toilets to the corridor. I regretted walking briskly instead of sprinting off when she grabbed my arm, her nails dug into my skin.

"Hands off!" I snapped and wringed my arm free, earning scratches from her heavily manicured claws.

"Stay away from Jiyong!!!" She shrieked, her voice echoing through the corridor.

"What makes you think I'd stay away from her?" I heard Jiyong's voice come from one of the corners.

"Oppa..." Uee said, her faced crumpled into a pout. "How could you like hanging out with a girl like her?!" She stomped her foot.

"Why not?" Jiyong shrugged, putting a arm around me and steering me away. "Let's get you home before Seungri wonders where you are." He smiled kindly at me. "I'll buy you your favourite ice cream and snacks!" he said, loud enough for Uee to hear, I turned my head slightly and from the corner of my eye, I saw her jaw drop with utter disbelief.

"Thank you" I said, when we walked past the school gates.

"Of course!" He grinned, still keeping his arm over my shoulder. "Every girl needs her knight to save her!" His attention went to my arm which was partially stinging from Uee's grip. "I'm sorry she hurt you." he apologised.

"Ahh it's not your fault." I replied, blushing slightly. Who wouldn't fancy such a lovely boy like you, Jiyong? 



I felt the wind in my hair stop. I could feel Seungri's breath, stable and cold like the air around us. I breathed out heavily, resulting in mist coming out from my mouth. Seungri put me down gently and I realised we were in a forest. 

"We should be safe here" Jiyong said.

"Your hiding place?" Seungri said sharply, Jiyong nodded in a mere response.

"Come on." Jiyong said as he held me hand in his. Seungri followed behind, his hands on my shoulders.

Their touches were warm, warmer than you can imagine, like they had a soaring fever. Then again it was odd to see that I was the only one who had mist coming from my mouth as I breathed. Did they even need to breathe?

"Where?" I asked.

"In here." Jiyong said, stopping in front of a huge tree. 

"In?" I said meekly. The tree was massive, but it seemed impossible.

"Get on my back." Jiyong said, kneeling down in front of me. I climbed on and held tightly to him.

"You sure this will keep us safe?" Seungri asked.

"Long enough" came Jiyong's reply before I felt myself bolt up into the air again and felt JIyong land as soon as we had left the ground. 

Opening my eyes, I realised we were almost at the very top of the huge tree on one of the branches. Jiyong put me down gently and held my hand as I began to feel my hands break into cold sweat.



"Oppa I can't" I mumbled.

"Wae?" Jiyong asked, trying to pry my hands from my face.

My hands were getting more and more sweaty by the minute. I felt myself tremble as he looked at me.

"I... I'm terrified of heights" I said, as my legs turned to jello.

"Let's not go up then" he said, putting his arm over my shoulder. "What a shame, I always wanted  to bring someone to the Seoul tower with me" I heard him mumble to himself.



"You still don't like heights.." Jiyong smiled gently. "Even after 4 years you're still the same as before" he said as he took my hand and lead me to a small opening that was just big enough for one person to crawl into. "Follow me" He instructed curtly as he crawled right into it and disappeared.

I looked at Seungri, then at the opening in the tree. 

"Don't worry, Oppa's right behind you." Seungri reassured me with a warm hand on my shoulder, giving me an encouraging nod.

I took a deep breathe and crawled into the hole, only to find myself tipping off the edge. I wanted to scream, but before I could open my mouth, I landed right into a set of warm arms. 

"Brave girl" I heard Jiyong's voice, I could tell he was smiling. It hollow in the tree was dark, but I could roughtly see his faint silouhette. 

"Nice trick" Seungri said a few seconds later as he landed soundlessly.

"Trick?" I asked.

"It's all in the mind" Seungri answered quickly. 

I wanted to say something again but my thoughts were interrupted by a sudden glow of light that quickly grew in volume, illuminating the place I had supposedly landed on. I whirled around curiously, it was bigger than I thought. I looked up and saw nothing but darkness. It must be quite a long way up. The mud walls around me seemed too soft to hold the weight of anything. I placed a hand on the closest wall, it felt damp and cold, but strangely comforting. I then noticed there were passageways from where we stood, the tunnels running in really deep. 

"Where are we?" I asked. Looking at Jiyong, who had been the apparent source of light the whole time, 3 balls of flame were dancing calmly in the middle of his open palm.

"This is where I came to hide." Jiyong said, avoiding my eyes. He tossed the balls of flame in different direction. Each landing neatly in a torch hanging above the entrance of each passageway.

"Hide?" I asked.

Jiyong began walking down one of them, and Seungri nodded for me to follow him when I turned to him with a questioning look.

"4 years ago.. They had came to take me home." Jiyong began. "I had been preparing for it, 3 years in advance..." 



"Jiyong ah..." I sighed, looking at his empty seat.

"It's probably your fault Jiyong Oppa left the school!" I heard Uee snarl from behind me. I didn't have the energy to deal with her anymore. 

Jiyong had left school for almost 2 years. Prom night was coming, we'd be graduating soon. I wondered if he knew about it. I wondered if he'd come withe me if I asked. He was talking to me less and less that it was excruciating. In the first year when he left it was still bearable, since he saw me every 2 days or so to walk me home from school or hang out. But now he barely calls me or waits for me by the gate. Everytime I asked him where he was, he'd just fall silent and say that he was really caught up with everything and had stuff going on. But something in me knew that he wasn't telling the truth.

I was so angry with him. I hated him for abandoning me. I hated that he didn't love me.



"Was this why you started seeing me less and less?" I asked, immediately regretting feeling so angry with him back then.

"Yeah." Jiyong said as he flopped another ball of light into the lamp at the end of the passageway we had walked along.

A small ball of flame was produced at his finger tip, and he planted it on a few random areas on the vines that had twisted together to create a solid wall. The first dot of fire glowed blue and produced a blue thin line of fire, joining to the next dot Jiyong had planted on the wall, making that glow blue as well. 

It was a password..

"I've been coming here every night. I had to keep away from you and everyone else." He admitted, as the dots joined. "I wanted to keep you safe.."

"Smart showing up on her birthday then" Seungri said.

"I know, that was a huge mistake. I wasn't careful enough." Jiyong sulked. 

I watched as the line of fire completed the circuit and go off immediately, leaving a black burnt trail on the vine wall. In a split second, the vines retreated curtly and it revealed a chamber.

"I'm going to explore.. " Seungri said airly as he wandered right into the chamber.

It had the same vine walls, but they went up so high, it almost looked like there wasn't any ceiling. Inside it was a huge sofa, a chair, a table, a huge wardrobe, a huge mirror and a few pictures over a beside table. I immediately recognised myself in one of the pictures.. In the biggest frame.



"Smile!!!" Jiyong grinned widely as he snapped the photo, his arms were around me, our cheeks were touching. Could he feel mine burn like crazy?

"Ahh!! I wasn't ready!" I pouted as he clicked the buttons to reveal the picture.

"Anni! You look lovely!" He smiled.

"It's just the make up.." I said, blushing as the wind blew into my hair and played with the hem of my dress.

"No, Jaeri will always be a princess! Even if it's not prom night." he complimented. 

Jiyong ah... How I wished you were mine..

"Thank you, Oppa.." I said, breaking the short silence. "I never imagined that I'd actually go to prom night." I smiled.

"Well, I know you'd want to go. But it is weird going for a school event when I've left for almost 2 years.." he admitted. "But I'm glad I decided to come" he said, turning to me with his lovely smile.

"Wae?" I asked, trying not to show that I was practically melting.

"I have another special event with you!" he grinned, putting his arm around me playfully.

"I'm just so happy to see you, Jiyong-ah. You were the only joy I had in this school and I'm so thankful that my last memory of it was spent with you." I thought to myself. How I wished I could say it to his face.

"Thank you for everything" I managed to say, leaning my head on his shoulder.



"You kept that.." I said, picking the photo up.

"It's my favourite memory of us." Jiyong said, walking over to me. I looked over my shoulder and realised Seungri had disappeared from sight, only to realise that he had levitated to the top of the chamber. "I wanted to tell you so many things that night" he said, smiling at the photo.

"Like what?" I asked.

"I wanted to tell you that I loved you. But I couldn't because I was hiding my true self from you." he said, seeming ashamed of himself. "I wans't sure if you could love someone.. No. Something like this" he said, looking himself up and down.

"As long as you're still the same caring Jiyong I know.. I will always love you" I said. 

"I should have told you from the start.." Jiyong sighed, turning away from me slightly.

"What matters is that we'll get through this together." I said.

"You're always so brave." Jiyong smiled.

"I was born and raised a warrior" I replied, watching Seungri decend from the top.

"You should get some sleep, you must be exhausted" Jiyong said as he noticed Seungri behind him.

"What about you two?" I asked.

"We don't sleep.." Seungri said. "We don't need it." He explained. 

I nodded as Jiyong proceeded to arrange the pillows on the sofa, sitting at one end. Seungri proceeded to claim his seat on the arm chair. I lay down on the soft cushions of the sofa and felt a blanket drape over me before a warm arm wrapped itself around me shoulder. I didn't need to guess who it was. I knew I was finally safe and warm in Jiyong's arms.

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Chapter 21: I agree the story was such a heartbreaker but still I love it!
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Chapter 20: OMG...this was too sad...great story!! My heart hurts now :(
iamasushiaddict #3
Chapter 20: Please let her be reincarnated!!! Pleaaaaseee. My heart just kept aching so much while reading the ending. Pleaaase a sequel :(((
shinsookyo #4
Chapter 20: Omo that's pretty cool!!
I'm really glad u make sequel of this story .
In final chapt, I had my tears flowing down.
So touched.
Great authornim <3
Chapter 20: omg i just caught up and i must say...LOVED IT!! ^^ pleeease do a sequel!! u just gotta!! OTL
Kchongers #7
Chapter 20: Omg! :( that was beautiful but it can't just end like that! Please continue!
Chapter 20: Aigoo...its over..
Authornim, i want a sequel. Jebal!! I want Jae ri to b alive^_^
<3 ds story a lot:)
Uo story nvr faild to reach my expctation.. Its an amazing, wonderful n beautiful story:)

Chapter 20: ahh...i'd finished reading this tonight,,,starting from chap. 1...and all i can say is...this story is daebak....!! i'm crying while reading through each chapter till the last one.....Jae ri,, you'll always be in the their heart.... :')