I Miss You!

SS501 One Shots

“He’s late again! I came here as fast as I could after an event and he’s still late!” he grumbled to himself, staring at the entrance door to the practice room with his hand crossed across his chest. Tired of waiting, he looked around the room. Hyung Jun was on his laptop practicing his game techniques, Kyu Jong playing the PSP and Yong Saeng was listening to his iPod. ‘I better check on my mall rather than sitting around here waiting like a fool.’ He took his bag and took out his small 12’' laptop.


Ever since he started his shopping mall project again, he bought the lightweight and small screen laptop so that he could maintain and update his mall anywhere and anytime. ‘Hmm…not bad. The fans really came into the site to check out the merchandise and give support. Waa…so many have registered and order too. Good…very good…I have to make sure they keep on coming and buying. Aaa…why is the loading so slow and some of the pictures does not display? I have to check on this later with the webmaster.’  (This is the current screenshot.  During this fiction written, the page has a different layout)


Suddenly the entrance door opened with strong forced and banged on the wall, making a loud noise that startled all of them inside the room. The bang was not the only thing that surprised all of them when it was followed by a yell, “WHERE IS HE? WHERE IS PARK JUNG MIN??”


Jung Min frowned when he heard the commotion coming from the person who was actually supposed to be yelled at for his tardiness. ‘He’s already late and he comes barging in like this??’ he complaint disapprovingly inside his head. “I’m here,” he responded lazily.


The person at the door looked at him sternly and walked inside the room towards him. He could see the alertness of his other group members and their dancers. All of them stood up and gathered. Yong Saeng even walked towards the man that was heading for him to stop him from doing anything regretful later on. He himself stood up, waiting readily for whatever was going to happen. Jung Min has no idea what made the man so flared up but he won’t let him have his way without a fight. The man stopped as they stood in front one another within half a meter apart, glaringly into each other’s face. The others gathered around them nervously.


“Why did you put that handbag inside your mall?” asked Kim Hyun Joong sternly, his expression was dead serious.


Oh, this is about nuna’s handbag…but what’s wrong with that?’ he argued silently.


“Ya! You’ve told us that it was okay to give out hints about the two of you. So why are you being angry with me? When Yong Saeng hyung did it, you didn’t even say anything!” he retorted back, raged by the accusation.


Yong Saeng blinked his eyes, surprised by the mentioning of his name, “Keep me out of this! When did I give out hints about them?”


“During the concert at Bangkok…you were so happy and grinning about the t-shirt. Even hurriedly making way to him to show it. In the Internet, they confirmed that there was something going on between Hyun Joong hyung and nuna from your reaction. So, why was that okay with you and when I do it, he got so worked up?” Jung Min argued back, looking from Yong Saeng and back to Hyun Joong. This time around, he was really upset with his hyung.


Kim Hyun Joong blinked his eyes several time before continuing on, “When did I say this has something to do about hints? This is about that handbag! I gave that handbag to nuna as a present! Why are you selling them online? Now she had the idea that I bought them from you to show support for your mall,” explained Hyun Joong, with his voice cooling down and his expression turned to his normal look when he was unsatisfied with something.


Huh?’ Jung Min was stunned by his answer. Even the others sighed in relieved with it and smile pasted on them as they were leaving the two of them to sort things out.


“How’d I know that is nuna’s gift? You piled them all together with the other accessories you helped me out for the mall. Aisshhh….”


“Next time, ask me first. Now I have to find her a new gift that is not in your mall!”


He looked at his hyung disbelievingly. He knew about his 4Dness after knowing him for so long but even so, it’s still hard to figure him out. Now that the handbag issue had been solved, he suddenly had an idea, “Since we’re talking about the mall, guys, come here. I want all of you to leave a message for me in the mall,” he called up to the others.


“Do I have to? I want 25% from your earnings if I put down my message,” Kim Hyung Jun stated his condition, peering from behind Kyu Jong, his shield from Jung Min as they gathered around him.


Jung Min held up his hand, “Ya! Aisshh…this kid!” Rolling his eyes at Hyung Jun, he sat back down on the floor in front of his laptop. “I’m opening up a thread now. Put your message in there…and you better write them properly!”



Finishing the dance rehearsal for their encore concert at around 5 in the evening, they made their way back to their schedules or personal activities. As for him, he had to be on the set of Human Theater. Saying goodbyes and thank you, he headed towards the parking lot where his manager was supposed to meet him. Along the way he caught the glimpse of their dongsaeng, KARA. He went over to greet them and ask them what they think of his mall since they are his target customer group.


“Annyeonghaseoyo…got back from an event?”

“Aaa…Jung Min oppa…annyeonghaseoyo,” greeted the leader of the group, Park Gyuri, followed by more greetings from the rest of the members. They gave him a slight bow of respect as his hoobae.


“Have you gone to my virtual shopping mall? What do you think about it?” he bluntly asked, eyeing at their reactions.

To his dismay, the girls seemed to have not seen it yet as they looked at one another and Nicole, one of the members, scratched her head and bowing apologetically, “Oppa, well…we are very busy with the comeback and…we…didn’t visit the site yet.”


Though a little bit disappointed by the confession, he still gave them his warm smile. “Oh, it’s okay…but later you have to go in and look at it. There’s a lot of cute and fashionable clothing that you can buy. There are accessories too. Tell me what you think after you have visited the mall. Oppa have to go now. I have a shooting. Watch my show too. It’s very entertaining and educational. The lead hero is very good at acting,” he said, grinning as he made his way out of the building. Behind him he heard murmurs of ‘Yes oppa, we will oppa, good luck for the shoot’.


The drive to the set was longer that he expected due to the heavy traffic but luckily they set out earlier than the scheduled time so he wasn’t worried of being late. As he was reading a fashion magazine to keep up with his knowledge on the woman’s fashion for his On Style Magazine Show and the mall, he felt the vibration on his left leg where he had pocketed his phone in his pants. Taking it out, he looked at the incoming text message.


//You are so full of yourself today! Visited your mall…not bad but can still improve.//


“Huh? Not bad? Can still improve? Why, this girl…” he grumbled to himself as he texted the reply to the message.


//It’s beautiful as it is. Tell me, what you think of the merchandise?//


//Nice but I can give you better pointers.//


“Aisshh…this kid” he continued grumbling, dissatisfied with the message.


//Then, you should help me out when I asked you to before.//


//:) Sorry…busy. I’ll surely help next time. We can go shopping together. It’s been so long.//


He smiled as he read the message, ‘So, you missed me…


//We’ll try to sneak out like last time. ^^ Listening to your new single. Really upbeat and nice. You look great. Now we are equal.//


//Hahaha…I will always be more beautiful than you. I have to go. Later…Miss you.//


“Miss you too,” he said softly while looking at the CD he has in his hand, KARA ‘Lupin’.   






Idea / Source:

When Jung Min launch Royal Avenue, all the members of SS501 left a message on a specific thread Jung Min made.  The time between each messages was so close it seems that they were actually there together when they write down the messages.  And as for pairing jung Min and Gyuri, after I watch Intimate Note where KARA was the guest, SS501 was invited there as well and both Jung Min and Gyuri character was so much alike.  They both think they are the best and think highyly of themself.  Hahaha...Oh, one more thing.  I got the idea for JoongBo because of one of the Joonboers found that similar handbag og Hwang Bo Hye Jung on sale at Royal Avenue.  The bag is no longer there though.

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Chapter 29: do u have any updates for this story?
Forever5501 #2
Chapter 29: The exact reaction i wished from Junnie...., hahahaaa
Forever5501 #3
Chapter 3: Cool stories dear
lanternofhair #4
i miss them1
Chocolatemushrooms #5
Great stories! Update soon please :)
Love your story!
Update soon! xD
i love you. just that! hahahahahaha!!!!!!! such a cute stories!
AWEEEEEE.....<br />
<br />
I'm spazzing right now at this part! kekekeke! hAppy marriage to both of ya! ^^
dayna-san #9
amo a Kim Hyun Joong uhm el es dulce en cualquier historia